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The Stone guard - 10 men avec House Tepes


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THAT actually looks like a strategy... not like whatever we did.... unfortunately we will likely never have that level of concentration (look at that stacking during the whole fight!!!) :-(


here is the recording of our whole raid night in comparison^^ (it hurts)

Edited by Sazda
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Did they enrage? I'm pretty sure that our DPS was better.

@Sazda: We had a strategy but tanks kept dying or blowing up our raid. Our biggest cause of wipes was the tanks not executing the swapping correctly, which is admittedly very confusing at times. As the night went on, we got better and better attempts because they got used to the swapping. The only reason that the raid grouped up was because that raid group had both a resto shammy and a tree druid, which have placed ground-effect AOE's. Our raid had none, so we were able to spread out more and each individual member was asked to move less.

I think that our strategy for the 25-man is going to be to group up in 2 or 3 ranged piles (Probably 3) so that each group has to move less when a puddle or mine spawns. We will then 4 tank it (Yes, that's not a typo) because it will make the tank swaps absurdly easy and I think we have 4 geared tanks right now.

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i know very well what happened and why we wiped - tank swapping was not the only problem... guildies watching the stream kept saying that there are soooo many guys staying in the void zones way to often. I understand the stacking strategy makes sense for aoe healers... but healing is not the only reason to stack up. If everyone in a group follows one guy (the one marked star in the video), you can do what necro mentioned: not care about the chains at all within the ranged group. Chains were a big killer for us as well. And even if that means that everyone sometimes gets a tick of the void zone as opposed to only a few people, it is faaaaar more beneficial to take that extra healing, but avoid all the other problems that come up with not stacking.

Also: I am really not a fan of the 4 tank idea... it takes a dps away from us (and we already do not have good dps) and it is absolutely not needed. Figuring out a tank rotation with taunts etc really cannot be that difficult.

Edited by Sazda
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I'm talking about a 25man strat now. Grouping up will cause us to trivialize chains but it will cause puddles and mines to cause us to move non-stop. Don't forget that 10man has 3 dogs, 25m has 4. That 4th. would cause mines to spawn as well. In the 10man vid where they only had to move for puddles, they were moving constantly. In a 25man with mines too, the movement would be non-stop and kill our DPS.

4 Tanking is a possibility if our tanks can't execute tank swaps correctly. I am far too busy pumping out heals on a new class to make the calls on when to switch and if our pattern of tanks messing up the rotation continues into next week, we'll have no choice. Losing one DPS (Out of 15) won't be that big of a hit in 25man but would trivialize the tanking aspect.

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hahaha its funny cuz u guys missing the most important point why we're stacking, when we're stacked, fire chain no longer does dommage, so it is a joke to heal trough. Btw we killed him yesterday night and i got 2 upgrades :D, we're at 20% on the 2nd boss so far. I think we'll have no prob to kill him this monday. 2nd is ezier

AH one more thing, we didnt have cobalt guardian so its much ezier to stack since there's no cobalt mine to deal with!

Edited by duckmarker
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We're doing 3 tanks. 4 Tanks in a normal fight with 4 adds would reduce tank spike damage and still keep DPS high (A tank at this point in time should do a ton of DPS), but the mechanics of this fight prohibit this. The rend flesh that the dogs put out cause most of the damage and it's not stackable. So you're talking about worrying about 3 rends instead of 4. Also, the rotations will happen faster with less dps downtime.

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