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Unfortunately I start school again on Jan 21st and have to take 4 harder classes Advanced chem/calculus/ biology/ sociology and don't think I will be able to study well and raid at the same time.

I wanted to warn you well ahead of time so you may find a replacement for me.

I will still be playing here and there but don't want to worry about having to be there for raids if I have studying to do.

I enjoyed raiding with you all and hope to stay around in the guild if you all don't decide to throw me away. :wub:

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A little while back, I also stepped away for a bit due to school. I understand how tough it can be. We wish you all the luck and definitely look forward to hanging out with you in game when you are available. We will obviously keep you in the guild, but probably demote Mantra to "Glitterstim thinks you suck" rank just on principle.

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