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Green Fire ilvl

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When I first tried it, I was very disappointed because you had to cheese the fight so much with LOSing your pit lord to avoid the felpuppy dispel (Unless you have ridiculous gear to burn through them) and abusing the demonic gateway portal debuff. Now that I've finished it however, I am very happy with the overall feel of the fight. Once you just accept that you gotta do those things, it comes down to a very tight mechanics check and you have to manage a LOT of things at once. Towards the end, I even had to manually swap my pit lord to the doom lord to keep aggro on them as I would overtake my PL's threat with AOEing the imps.

In the end, you have to manage a LOT of things at once and it was really fun. Now that I've done it at 482 ilvl, I'm definitely sure that it can be done at a lower ilvl. Mastric and Vile, you guys really gotta try it. In the end, it WAS a lot of fun and my heart was pounding at the end. I can't remember my heart pounding this much in WoW since progression raiding back in BC.

If you guys are struggling on it at all, I'd love to give you guys some pointers.

@Vile: The motivation is that it's a lot of fun and it's still something that I see rarely, and only then do I see really good locks have it. Definitely worth doing imo. Also, the green fire changes like everything fire/demon wise. New Demon Form? Check. Green Fire icons? Check. Hell, even your burning rush flames become green. It's very cool :).

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i was 484, but jumped up by several 493 tyrannical pieces, throwing off hit / stats 'cause it's a PvP char, it's definitely do-able in lower level gear as long as you can manage the mechanics quickly, only thing that was difficult for me was i just didn't hit hard enough to massacre the fel puppies, made that phase take a couple tries

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