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Not sure if i can raid fully tonight.


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I'm currently experiencing an impacted wisdom tooth, cant get into the dentist til next week! the last couple days have been hell. :-/ I'm going to attempt to be here for the raid, but I might have to sit partway through the raid or something. The pain is intense, but the main problem is the toxins. Fever, chills, (I hope I don't start hallucinating again, seems like I do everytime I get a bad fever) stomach feels terrible, might have to make a few pilgrimages to the bathroom and offer prayers to the porcelain god.


All in all, it sucks giant donkey dick. I want to be here for the raid, and I will try, but I would like to reserve the right to ask to sit out if I feel a pilgrimage coming on, or if the knives and hammers in my swollen jaw start trying to redecorate my face.


It should be mentioned that I cant talk, so don't expect to hear me on TS!



Oh yea, this should extend for tomorrow, I might be better I might be worse, but I know i'll be super pissed if im not better, I want to progress with you guys.

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