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August 17th during raid.


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Just moved back into my college dorm, term is starting Wednesday. Normally college shouldn't conflict with my raid attendence but Tuesday it a slight exception.


I can be there at the start of the raid and for the end of it, but at about 9 PM I have to leave for a manditory dorm meeting.


Just talking about stupid things like if we want to allow boys to visit us and who our "cheerful resident advisor" is... They're going to try to make it quick.. I hope I'll only be gone a half hour.. would much rather raid with you guys.. but I'll just have to be off for that short period.


If college conflicts with my fun life anymore I'll post about it.

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The net here at my college should be fine for raiding.


It's never given me a problem with WoW in the past (unless they schedule a blackout for some stupid reason) and I always keep my gaming laptop hooked up with the ethernet cable. Only possibility is that my other laptop (that I use for TeamSpeak) would lose internet since it's trapped on the dorm specific net, which is a bit unreliable at times.

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