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Siegecrafter improvement

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I think Lyntha's strat is sound. Now it's about smoothing out any edges, and tightening up on a personal level.  A few things I know I can improve on;

1) Respec- Vortex/ Mass Entanglement- This should greatly assist with management of the crawler adds while I'm tanking.

2) Respec- Nature's Vigil- This extra damage will assist with bursting down the first Shredder. Most attempts I had the shredder anyway, but this should lock me bursting him down.

3) CD's- Sorry healers, it's a trust thing at this point. I need to be a bit more conservative with my CD's and rely on you guys to do your thing. I found a pretty decent list of what most druids are using for cds on Electromagnetic Charges. Utilize oinly barksin first 5, cloak the 6th, and SI the 7th.


If you guys see any other spot I can improve on. Please throw your input here, I will take it as criticism to improve.

I also urge anyone to self evaluate as well and throw it on this post. This will greatly assist any other's subbing in. (If they read it)


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3) CD's- Sorry healers, it's a trust thing at this point. I need to be a bit more conservative with my CD's and rely on you guys to do your thing. I found a pretty decent list of what most druids are using for cds on Electromagnetic Charges. Utilize oinly barksin first 5, cloak the 6th, and SI the 7th.


It's really rough when both healers get focused at the same time that the tanks are getting hit with Electromagnetic Charge.  You're not a bad player for proactively popping damage reduction CD's (Rather, the opposite) but in this case, you really have to save them for the EC hits.

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One thing I didn't mention in the strat that I should point out, in which I was shaky on these attempts, is that the boss should be placed on top of where the crawler mines are dropping.  Because of the boss' large hit box pinpoint placement is difficult.  As long as he is decently close, to where every cleave will undoubtedly hit most of them, the crawler mines will affect the ranged group's placement significantly less.


EDIT: Sometimes there are two spots where crawler mines land.  In this case, just keep the boss either where he is tanked at the start or go closer to where the ranged group was standing at the start of the fight.

Edited by Luminatus
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That's what I thought. I'm prepped and Ready to down this guy.


do we have a general strat for klaxxi that we want to use? I mean, it's only a matter of time before Siege goes down!


I'm sure that FTFK does.  He'll take over for us there.


I am also researching alternative strategies for siegecrafter.

Edited by Lyntha
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