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Hiatus from ATR


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so i helped Autism speaks down Garrosh. they have two other regulars who are off realmers, so im going to join them for the remainder of MoP so they get credit for the raiding they are doing.


Hope to see you guys back in WoD.


if for any reason anyone is curious or confused, feel free to whisper me.

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Yea, so thought i'd post here once more. Looks like i'm enjoying this guild a lot. the raid leader and GM are really active, raid, and are always there to talk to anyone, ive accidentally put together mythic garrosh raids by saying in /g hey at garrosh mythic, need people.



Some of you may remember my friend Crunknight, he came to Better Strangers(formerly Autism Speaks), he came with us on a mythic run, got his achieve and heirloom. wasnt a carry, he didnt pay, he didnt beg, and he wasnt lowest dps..,


He now knows the fight, because his guild gave him a chance. btw he did it before Bash did. we were laughing about that the other day.




So i heard Bash said i wasnt allowed back in ATR, LOL thats like telling a Jew he's not allowed back into Auschwitz. 



Well guys, its been real and its been fun, but it hasnt been real fun. Since fun is illegal in Phobia's guild.

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