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Now to the Beach

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I will likely still be able to raid but I still want to inform the guild that I'll be going on another vacation.


Not this week, but the following week on the 14th and 15th I'll be at the Outer Banks. It's the same house we got last year where I raided anyway so the internet should still be fine enough for raiding again. Just a note that I'll be out of my regular place of internet for that week so it's possible things could be iffy but I'll still probably show up.


Unless the folks plan something and make me go.


Also Imcute is coming with me.

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I was never made aware when or where the guild party is held or information regarding that event. People talk about it all the time... but never really when or where it is.


Also wasn't my idea for all the vacations so close together. The beach is annually and the cruise was a special occasion on account of the dying grandfather bit. I'll still be able to raid on those days. :P

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The guild party is invite only because Gump and Jess have the right to deny people who they can tell are going to be disrespectful or do stuff that they shouldn't.  You're fine I'm sure so if you are interested in going, let Gump and Jess know.  As mastric said, we put everything up on facebook.  PM one of us with your facebook info and we'll add you.


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I don't book faces.


I failed a Winter Break assignment in highschool cause the teacher wanted us to read a book and post opinions to her wall on Facebook. I refused to make a profile just for an assignment and she didn't compromise.


Also didn't like her and thought the book was asinine to begin with.. but yeah I don't have a Facebook and don't plan to.

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Well, we've looked into what the bus tickets would cost to go and for the both of us to go it would be about $272. We're also broke as fuck college kids so... as is we probably can't go. If you guys were serious about the kickstarter-money-send-us thing it makes it more likely we could go since money is really the only thing keeping us from going at this point.


We'd have to go by bus since my car died permanently last month and Cute won't be getting a car for another few months. It's round trip. We wouldn't need the full cost since we can pay for a bit but currently we don't have enough for that much.

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about an hour more then Nerta & Gromn, depending where in kentucky you are. You've got to drive by Ghost, Happy, or Lyntha on your way too :P


Unholy is in Ohio, Ghost in WV, I'm in Pittsburgh PA.  Every year Moot flies to my house then we carpool up because it's much cheaper than him flying to Buffalo.  Moot isn't going this year due to scheduling conflicts so you guys are more than welcome to fly/bus up to Pittsburgh and carpool with me if it's cheaper or more convenient.


My house is pretty much always open to friends and guildies and I have a guest room equipped with multiple beds for that very purpose.



Regarding funding:  We have in the past crowdsourced some funds to get certain people to the party.  I think we've helped Moot and Bash in the past.  I think that Unholy set everything up for us in the past, so PM him.  Once he has a donation fund set up, the rest of us can donate a little bit each to help you guys out.

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it would be 185-212$ instead of 276 if we bussed to Pittsburgh and hitched a ride with you the rest of the way so that might be a good option. me and Roqwell have been talking and weighing our options. we will definitely let you know as soon as we do what we decide on, and thanks for the help. I think Roq already PM'd unholy but i don't remember. All I know for sure is we have to buy bus tickets a week in advance so we still have plenty of time to figure everything out.


Also: if we carpool what day should we arrive in Pittsburgh and what day would we be getting back in Pittsburgh after the party? depending on the days it could bring the price all the way down to 185 which is significantly cheaper. 

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Whenever you guys want.  You guys are welcome to stay at my house for as long as you need to.  I would suggest busing up the day before (8/6/15) then heading back the next Monday (8/10/15) or Tuesday (8/11/15) depending on whether you guys want to do anything in Pittsburgh.  I live right on the subway line so getting into downtown and oakland (Where all the cool artsy shit is) is pretty easy.

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