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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/15 in Posts

  1. Just want to say give a big shout out to every one who was able to donate last month! You got us off to a tremendous start here raising over $1,800 in less than a month! That puts us on good solid ground this month, and should allow us to have some pretty decent prizes for both the Member event and larger Community event in the coming week(s). We'll have the financial sheets updated in the ATR Gamer Financials section in the next day or so outlining what we brought in, and where it is going! To those that didn't donate, but still found ways to help us, you are no less appreciated. Without seeders and people to help us populate servers, build our tools and moderate our forums and servers we wouldn't need donations because there would be nothing to support! Each day we grow stronger thanks to all of our members. Lets work together to make June even better! Love, HappyUnholy
    2 points
  2. Honestly, I'm astounded by what we have managed to accomplish in just a month! Let's keep it going everyone! We've got events coming and maybe some server changes for Battlefield! Then there's the upcoming update for WoW and I'm sure GTA V has a lot in store in the coming months.
    1 point
  3. If ya need the bird, we can flip ya the bird, just message one of the IT guys
    1 point
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