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Posts posted by Karabii

  1. I saw Pika post that addon for Oregorger that I hate so I thought I'd post a strat I came up with for P2 that makes it worthless and should make P2 really easy since raid will stay together mostly. Haven't had a chance to try it but very similar strats out there. I made nice picture for you.


    The key to this is to start the fight on the far right hallway (Where 9 and 10 are), that way he always starts P2 at position #1 and will go either up or down. Ranged start on the bottom corner of the rock formation. Make sure you are right up against the wall. When Retched Blackrock goes out, go all the way right to the other wall. There will be enough room to not be in the puddle. Then go up, zig zag, repeat. Tank taking Acid Torrent be on the top corner with other tank on the side not in front of boss.




    1. Ranged and melee split damage. The goal is to have these two down before he even starts to roll.

    Go in order after that and he should follow the pattern we want. The only issue we may run into is killing crate #3 too fast if he rolls up to start...otherwise he should follow the two sets of paths we want. (New Note: if we kill #3 too fast its fine. Keep going and make sure to kill Crate #10 and he will still have 100% energy) . Also make sure not to kill 7 and 8 too fast but I can explain why that is in raid (basically want him to roll up to 5 first).

    Once all crates are down (10 can be ignored if needed since it is technically crate 11 and is redundant protection) stand under where crate #3 was and let boss finish path. He will not run through us since his path is based on where ore is. once he rolls back up to crate #1 and finishes P2, move back over to the far right hallway and repeat.


    Similar Strat: 


  2. Going to unexpected dinner with a friend I haven't seen in months. Sorry to pull a Varkul. I am not avoiding raiding for the record. These are the first two raids I've missed. GL.

    May just be kinda late idk yet.

  3. Something came up at work and I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it tonight. I should still be good for tomorrow though.

    I just got home. Disassembling a BMW battery didn't take as long as I thought so I'll be on tonight


    P.S. lets all start putting names in absence topics...this is ridiculous


    Watch that video of Sparkuggz and keep in mind that his ilvl is about 553 and he destroys what I've seen any demo lock do and it makes me feel bad. This is why people have such high expectations for locks, because their min/max capabilities are insane.


    Cancelling at 700 fury is probably because you want to wait for procs, lust, aoe, etc. to use Meta but you also don't want to cap it. So when close to capping you bring it back down to 700 and then exit, waiting for good things to happen. I don't chaos bolt unless I have procs or I'm close to capping.

  5. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11674517557


    Most reliable one I found. I don't know Demo locks well, but this guy is in Peachy Keen and I would trust his input based on my impressions of the guild. Notice that he is currently Destro...weird.


    There ya go Mastric. Hope there's some sweet tricks in there for ya!

    Edit: Actually this one looks pretty too. Haven't actually read through it.



  6. First post best post, don't ever hate on DK povs.


    Wasn't hating, but Unit Frames confused me for a second. I would never do it myself but it was interesting. Do the lines on the bosses health signal for when you can use certain abilities at low health?

  7. Here is Vykina's guide to Fire Mage which I used as a reference throughout the expac. Vykina isn't as good as Blatty imo, but he's more willing to help people out and put guides out there.




    P.S. Still looking for an Arcane Mage Guide.

    @ Varlash





  8. He has a Demo Guide, but it's a little dated, while he notes Imp Spawn should no longer be used at the top, it's still listed in the rotation at the bottom. Seems it was written for pre 5.4.


    Procs is one thing I don't track that i could use to max DPS.


    Yeah they tend to not update the guides as soon as they decide it doesn't help them min/max.


    I can introduce you to weakauras. I hated it at first until I realized how much I could customize it. I had a 2 hr long conversation with my GM about it and learned a lot. Be warned, I'm a bit obsessed and I'll sound excited when we reach a problem and need to solve it. Weakauras is very cool.

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