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Posts posted by FrakinCylons

  1. No problem. Just trying to help. Obviously you would write support to add x number of BF3 slots then add a server like normal to your dedicated. For BFBC2, just act like your placing a normal server order again to go on your dedicated and it will tell you your server doesn't have the required files or something like that but will also provide you a link to add the required server files. Like two minutes and your done. That also goes for games like Crysys 3. We had all kinds of free crap up in the past simply because it was free :)


    Put that crap in my first message that I was from a different clan as full disclosure so you didn't think I was trying to feed you full of crap. We compete with no one and help anyone. So I have no hidden agenda, just offering to help. 

  2. I am the founder of a different clan but have played with you guys before on your Silk Road server. Not sure if this depends on who you have your dedicated server with, so take this with a grain of salt. When we were much larger before I disbanded everyone and started us over, we had a full dedicated machine with NFO and not only can BF3 be on your dedicated BFBC2 is free as in you don't pay for player slots.

    Just my $.02 and hope that helps the powers that be here at ATR :)

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