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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Hutch

  1. Hi guys i wont be on this week to raid I have been really really sick and missed the last week of work and im trying to go into work tonight to put some hours in i should be back to my normal schedule next week but its not a def thing i shall keep you all posted as i know more good luck and have fun :P

  2. I was screwing around in LFR the other night and totally gemmed int/crit to cut back on some of my spirit and I topped the charts on all the msv fights im finding that i use RM on CD the just rotate my soothing mists between people that are low with the extra crits it really shows now im still debating if i should use enveloping mists more or continue to spend my chi on chi blast. I do find though it still crits for 90-100k even with the nerf

  3. I have decided to take a little break from wow my account runs out on 12-8 so i might be on during that time all depends what my work and school sched are like if i am not ill keep in touch i promise you that :D you guys have fun with the new content i might check out swtor for a little the beta was pretty cool hopefully ill see a few of you guys over there

    catch you all later


  4. Hi guys i texted rebel but wanted to post it here just in case he forgets my hard drive shit the bed so i can log on for more then a few mins before my comp crashes so i probally wont be on tues and weds unless my new hard drive makes it in before then ill try and keep you all posted on when i can make it back good luck with hardmodes and i shall be back soon

  5. Ok No Prob Just Trying To Do My Part To Help Out Also I might be a tad late on Monday i have my final tattoo appointment to go to after work hoping to be done early though

    I shall post pics when its done for anyone who dosent know its a tattoo of rebel dressed up as a genie coming out of a lamp :D

  6. I wont be able to make raid on thurs also if you guys need a holy pally i could start bringing mine gs a little low but in a couple of runs i could be geared out its a thought cause i know you dont want to lose my uber dk dps lol anyways ill see u guys on tonight

  7. Just found out on starting on august 10th to sometime in September work has me going to Watertown to train new hires. unfortunately i cannot raid during this time just wanted to give you guys a heads up and ill explain more in detail to rebel on Tuesday before the raid.

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