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ATR Seer
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Posts posted by Chartul

  1. No, I'm not dead.


    As many of you know, I bought a new house. As it turns out, I was so excited about a house that I never vetted internet. I has no internet yet. Seems no one supplies internet to my half of the street. The tremors have mostly subsided.....

  2. What up yo! I'd like to try integrating myself back into the raiding scene. I know that I'm behind the curve though. I'm 708 iLvl. The alt raid doesn't do heroics and the main raid is doing mythics. I don't want to drag the team down. Thoughts?

  3. Dear ATRers,


    I want to reactivate my account soon and I want to come back and defeat Garrosh on normal and maybe play around in heroic too. I see by the recent frontpage post that you guys have downed Blackfuse. Congrats! I want to be able to down Garrosh on normal before they take away the achievement. Would there be enough interest in making this a reality? Chartul is at 542 and I have run LFR several times and know the fights (or did, a few months ago).


    I would like to get in, crush SoO for a few weeks and then charge into WoD. I'm hoping that, come WoD, I will be able to dedicate at least one day / week raiding again. I've been in my new job, married, and settling into step-daddy-hood. I think I could afford at least one night to nerd out.


    Thoughts? I miss my fellow nerds.

    Oh, and I need to kill Ordos too!

  4. I've been working a lot of nights. Also, on the 20th, my game time expires. I think I'll be taking a break for some time. If you want me to craft any Haunted Steel hands or feet, I have two recipes and lots of lightning steel. Offer ends May 19th.

  5. So, for the last two weeks I've had crappy shifts on our raid nights. It turns out that I will now be working steady hours for the next few weeks. Unfortunately, those hours will be 9 PM until 6 AM. Until the first week of December, I will be MIA. Go go kill heroics! I'll be looking forward to my return.

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