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Posts posted by Sashalynn

  1. Sick as hell. Got my meds yesterday and for some reason last night I started puking. Haven't figured out if it's the meds or if I might have the flu or something. Teeks or I will keep you updated. I might try and log on once in awhile to see how you guys or doing or if I am feeling up to it.

  2. trial is how you spell it lol...sad when i have to correct spelling

    Not everyone is perfect. Did you stop to think he might be dyslexic.

    Grim, as a trial you are able to go to the main raid. The only thing is Raiders get priority spots over: trials, casuals, ect.

    You don't have to pay for boss kills until you become a raider rank, because you won't have guild repairs.

    Feel free to msg myself or any other officer in game if you have any other questions. Or post here.

  3. August 22 thur the 31 I'll be in Delaware visiting my grandparents. I'll have my celly if some odd reason someone needs me. I'll try and be back before the raid on the 31st but no promises. The more time I can get with my grandparents the better. I'm not sure how much longer they are going to last :*(

    I love you guys.

  4. Just because something is a bigger upgrade from someone, doesn't make it always the best choice to give it to them. We used to do Loot Council, but eventually moved away from it in the interest of saving time and less hassle. I'm sure someone can find a way to game most systems. We used to have people not pushing for a moderate upgrade and instead winging it with what they had until a BiS dropped and since they were the most disadvantaged, then it went to them.

    DKP at least reflects the time investment people have put in. For the things I most want, I'll bid large. The rest, I scale my bidding depending on how much of an improvement it is for me. If someone wants to go all in to win something, then that's their call. They'll eventually not have enough to buy something when it really matters.

    If I lose out on something that I really want, the only person I can get annoyed with is myself for not bidding enough. If they had more in the bank, then I never had a chance anyway.

    Most of us are talking about players with no dkp who need an item that is a huge upgrade vs someone with lots of dkp and it's a side grade.

    Also a ms item going to an os because again not enough dkp. I am also not saying it's always the the best choice, each situation is different. Go with which ever will benefit the guild more. Keep that in mind before you respond.

    I am not saying dkp is bad. Each loot system has it's pros/cons.

  5. To put names in here, It was Avengedd a good raider but recently a bad attendance record VS. Greatbadgirl(Greatbad's alt who is becoming more his main for G2 and maybe Cata) an Officer with perfect attendance.

    Now it was not just Avengedd vs Great there were maybe 4 or 5 other OS rolls Great just got the highest. This item was also put up for bid 3 times, first time no one wanted it, second time Avengedd wanted it but had no DKP. Third time was the final win.

    The loot is set and nothing was wrong with the way it was handled.

    But for the future we need to know; Can a member go negative for an item that they are bidding on, if the Min bid is greater then there Net DKP VS Offspec rollers. As a side note when we make the change to EPGP this issue will be null as EPGP has a different system to handle this with MS always winning.

    On a side note I've been a Loot Whore the last three weeks. For the last 3 weeks I've won a new Wand every week biding my near Max DKP, for these minor Upgrade Wands lol...

    Hun you should have left the names out of this. No one needs to know that part. Most of this is just a discussion which I'd think the officers would like to know how raiders feel. My point being is MS should pretty much always win over os and imo big upgrades should win over minor upgrades. But this is just my opinion.

    Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one :P

  6. The only thing that's not clear is whether one of them was a fresh recruit. In which case, they get a lower priority. It happens in Group 1. Some of the fresh recruits get skipped during the bidding for people who have been there longer. If it goes to OS, then they roll. It's then up to the winner as to whether to pass.

    I play Devil's Advocate for both sides.

    It's good to see pros and cons on stuff like this. Although I don't totally agree with you. Just because they are new doesn't mean it won't benefit the guild in the long run. Biggest issue I've ever had with a dkp system is loot whores.

    Example: A player bids on something that is just barely an upgrade but wants it anyway. B player bids and it's a major upgrade. A player wins.

    Which player do you thing would benefit the guild the most. Not talking new people lets just pretend this is raiders that have been around for awhile.

  7. I flasked to read Glitters post.

    Thanks for all your input guys. I like the idea of doing standby DKP, I will look into getting it implemented. We will have to put some standards on it and designate specific people to getting it before the raid however. This will prevent people who don't raid from getting any sort of DKP. Since these standbys won't be here for any boss killings, I assume it would be only for hours spent on the wait list.

    There is one way you could go. Before the raid starts choose someone to keep track of those in the que. That person will randomly do an afk check. They ask in guild for those in que to whisper them. This is a good way to keep track of those still in que and those who may have logged off or are not paying attention. It can be a big responsibility but a rewarding one. It also takes one more thing off the officers/raid leaders plate and makes things much smoother all around.

  8. I actually used to love my previous guilds when we had more raiders on than slots. We had a DKP waitlist. I'd park my toon at the instance, get on the waitlist, switch to an alt (there was a mod that let you tell which alt you were on) and do things like farm mats for the guild bank, fish up some food.... whatever. And get partial DKP just for having my toon parked. If someone had to leave early, I'd get a whisper on my alt and switch toons and run in. No summons, no waiting for someone to fly to the instance and all I'd miss were bosses I didn't need any gear from anyways. Sweet.

    Diag did that with epgp and it worked out great. It's very nice for a lot of people that could use a break from raiding due to rl issues or just burned out. While still being available if the raid needs them.

  9. IMO there is no reason an os should ever win over a ms. Most people with os will never use it. Didn't we have this issue last night in G1? Well not really an issue but it came up a few times. Personally even though I have started using os gear a lot lately, Id rather pass even if I win to someone that will need it later. Giving someone a ms item even with no dkp only benefits the raid. Making sure the ms raiders are geared will help everyone in the long run. In case of os/ms rolling against each other. If the os wins it's only right to pass to the ms. Not only is that polite it will make your peers look up to you and who knows in the future you may get passed an item that another ms person won. :)

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