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ATR Veterinarian
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Posts posted by Kai

  1. my raid on EU started to just put all healers on one raid mark and all dps on the other side. bit annoying for non-priestchick healers as they have to move every barrage, but at least they know 100% it's coming their way and most of the healing is done during pound anyway. not that we're having problems farming this guy, but might make it a bit easier still.

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  2. suppose council will die soon, some stuff that might help with this:

    we'll need three groups to go inside. the third will come out while he's in execute range. it doesn't matter all that much what classes you sent in if they do it properly. it really doesn't matter what healer you send in. tank healing is actually rough at times, so ansky should probably stay outside at all times.

    the groups could be something like:

    mokou / pika / healer

    yarnicus / profchaos / healer

    bustabust / ftfk / healer

    outside it's really ONLY about add dps. the boss damage will be done by the guys going inside. and those should target adds only during the deadly throws and if mobs come close. otherwise you keep ALL cooldowns and go berserk on the boss for 40 seconds. for that reason i'd keep roqwell outside. add dps is just too important and hunters are better then any other class for that. bloodlust and ring should be used when group 1 comes out. that lines up with using the ring on the pull. 3rg group will come out during execute or shortly before that. so putting strong execute classes in there helps a lot.


    Also don't play specs to aoe inside. Play specs to kill the boss. the key to inside is to immediatly single target the first 3 imps as they run in. you can see and target them way before you can dps them. just single target the first 3 and then aoe further mobs as they come in. the first wave is just 3 of these little fuckers and the dmg buff from kililng mobs inside gets applied right away. meaning if you zerg these 3, you have a 30% dmg increase to kill the next waves with and it keeps stacking. don't wait until there's more mobs around, just kill the 3 imps and it's pretty easy. Also if you don't kill imps fast enough, they blow up. and if you kill one of the big demons inside, they always blow up, it's a green marked area that you have to move out of. on the first few pulls it might be a good idea to use dps cooldowns inside just to get a feeling for it. but once we get in the area to kill it, you really want to keep all CDs for boss dps. the 200% increased dmg buff is up for 40 seconds. that means a warlock wants to have both his dark souls and a retri pala needs 2 charges of wings for that.

    also no 'stop healing, we got 20 stacks'. once you reach 20 stacks, khadgar teleports you out. obviously the healer shouldn't waste mana at this point, but once you're at 20 stacks, it happens automatically.


    the big mob HAS to be interrupted and when he dies, he drops a pool under him that has to be soaked. if  you take too many stacks, you get mind controlled and the raid has to kill you. avoid that please! the mob should be tanked on the boss and then moved out before it dies, either to the back or the side. then melees soak the pool and once the healer comes out of the portal phase, he has to run to melee. he's got a circle around his char and anyone inside that circle loses the madness stacks that get applied from soaking the pool.


    the first heartseeker targets need to run far back, otherwise further heartseekers creep closer and closer. you can also run through an existing pool to stack them up IF you have a personal CD. helps a lot with space. the orc adds that jump in from the side can actually be targeted shortly before they jump off, before they reach the ground level. helps for dots. they can NOT be stunned but slows work just fine.


    things that will wipe us:

    - people outside shooting the boss over adds

    - missing the portal to go in

    - missing a single interrupt on the big guy. if that happens, blow multiple healing CDs or some people will die.

    - groups inside not getting 20 stacks

    - someone inside dieing to not moving out of an explosion

  3. 'you can't carry mythic' is only true when it's current content. the first few bosses in HFC right now you can very easily carry a few people. These bosses aren't tuned for a raid that's fully decked in HFC heroic gear and has valor upgrades. This stuff is meant to be done in 10 less item levels then we have right now. Plus some classes got 5-10% buffs on top of that. Carrying a bunch of people that don't min/max at this point on these bosses isn't the problem. We will kill a few more bosses. It just doesn't happen in the first hour of pulls.

    Yes, some people die more often to mechanics then others. But there's always a learning curve. We won't just kill a mythic boss every 2 hours. That's not how this guild is set up or the mind set of most players here. I don't see the problem either. We won't clear this mythic tier. Even with months to go, I'm sure we can agree that that's very unlikely to happen. Xhul, Mannoroth and Archimonde are just serious step ups in difficulty. Both playing-mechanic wise as set-up wise. Xhul and Mannoroth you're pretty much required to have 2 death knights in your raid. xhul you need 4 mages/hunters/spriests. ideally 1-2 hunters on top of that. Zakuun you need a bunch of classes with immunities. Progressing on these with a guild that clearly has a casual agenda is just not realistic.

    So how does it matter where we wipe on right now? We're raiding 6-8 hours per week. it's not like we're throwing us against some brickwall and do some encounter so often every week that we're getting sick of it. We'll kill a few mythics. Maybe 5, maybe 8. Something like that. There might be a massive nerf patch before legion that allows us to clear everything too. If you have the ambition to fully clear HFC mythic before such a patch or before Legion, I think you're just in the wrong guild.


    To me this reads like you don't want to wipe. That's fair enough, but then you're probably just bored of raiding in general. At the end of the day the only way to not wipe is to not raid or to join a guild that's already 13/13 and carries you through the instance. In any other scenario there's wiping involved. There are better/more hardcore guilds that didn't wipe on Iron Reaver. But they wiped later on. Most guilds in the top 1000 needed 100-200 pulls for gorefiend. And then several days/weeks for xhul/mannoroth/archimonde. And all these wipes are due to someone not standing in the correct spot, not pressing the correct button or not donig enough dps/hps.


    Again, this sounds like to me IF we killed iron reaver, kromogg, council and kilrogg easily, this same post would then be made on gorefiend. or on tyrant/xhul. there's always a few hours/days of wiping involved when you step into mythic content if a majority of the raid group haven't done the stuff before.

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  4. the two reasonable ways to farm valor are 5 men mythics (which drop quite good heirloom trinkets and gear up to 725 ilvl, very rare though, I guess) and probably LFR IF there are full premade groups in dungeon finder that just plow through stuff. but I assume those will be there.

  5. I guess this forum isn't used much, but well, some stuff I think can be improved. In phase 1 we are taking obscene amount of damage from the 'don't move' aura. some people are close to 1m damage taken just from that in a phase that lasts 90 seconds:


    that's insane. obviously people are gonna die when edict/tempest happens. when tempest comes up (the thing that puts exploding circles under your feet), you can get away with minimal movement. the way it works is that you take about 35k damage when the circle spawns. then said circle explodes 2 seconds later. the spell gets channeled for four seconds. one circle spawns every second.
    what you want to do is:
    1s: first circle spawns under you. do not move.
    2s: 2nd circle spawns under you. move 2 yards to the side, just out of the circle.
    3s: 3rd circle spawns on your new location. do not move. the very 1st circle explodes.
    4s: 4th circle spawns on your new location. the second circle at your initial location explodes. move back to where you stood when tempest started.

    in short:
    circle, circle, move a little, circle, circle, move back to original spot. you moved 2 yards back and forth and took almost no additional damage.

    When the circles spawn the 35k dmg  you take is A) unavoidable and B) splash damage.


    that's why you see some melees taking 12-13 hits and the range exactly 8 (if they were alive). and the mages 9 because they are BFF and hugged each other. mages ...

    taking 12-13 isn't the end of it, but if you stack more then that, you might die from the splash damage. wasn't a problem yesterday, just wanted to mention it.

    edict: that's the unfriendly purple hammer. it pulses 3 times, first it hits everyone in a radious around the target within ~40 yards, then ~20, then ~10.

    Right now we have range run to stack in the middle. and we usually have people die. we're very far spread out, lots of running = lots of damage from the 'don't run'-aura. plus running healers don't heal. let range stand much close to melees (at most 20y, ideally 10-15), there's no drawback to that. and let the edict target just run on top of melee. much safer, doesn't cost us healing/dps from running.

    phase 2, we were just way too spread out. everyone stacks on one side of the boss. if you have font, move to the other. if your font debuff is below 5s, run out, wait until it's gone, run back into the non-font camp. having people stand 20y from the boss means running, healing and edict handling is just too messy. no reason not to stack up on melees.

    healing setup:
    I know aoe healing numbers and especially resto shamans (due to their mastery increasing healing done to targets on low HP and in phase 2 the aura reduces HP) numbers look cool. but they aren't nearly as cool as you might think. the aura just soaks up the healing and dmg meters/logs can't handle that.

    offthechain's healing for phase 2:

    chain heal overheal: 0%

    for iskar:

    chain heal overheal: 60%

    Don't get me wrong, shamans are great for that fight. people are stacked, the cooldowns are awesome, the mastery IS great. but they aren't nearly as great as your damage meter tells you.

    not having a disciple priest for phase 2 is just bad. we kill the add first, that means the aura goes up quite a lot. having shaman/shaman/monk is great raid healing, but the shields actually save people from dieing. sure, the second shaman tops healing, but you're just taking raid healing from ansky and lihuai and transfer it to the second shaman. while a lot of absorbs that actually save someone from edict damage and give the raid healers the time to do their stuff.

    oh yeah, work is kinda boring this week!

  6. Playing shadow is perfectly fine for me. My other char is actually a hunter, but it's barely 685 and haven't even started with the HFC tomes for the ring. That's probably not worth the effort.

  7. Hey

    The raid group I've been playing with on this toon is falling apart, I looked at 2-day raiding guilds on an EST schedule on wowprogess and found you guys.

    The char I am applying on is my priest:


    She's a bit of a newbie, but that's only the case because our favorite game design company treats every WoW server region as their own game. I am German and I've been raiding since vanilla with two work related breaks, but on european servers. I think I've finished almost all raiding content before the next tier was released, with very few exceptions. Most of that happened on this char or on my (holy) paladin:


    I'm working since almost a year in the Carribean region, on Curacao (next to Aurba). I still play with my european guild, but I can hardly make more then 1 raid a week as they start at 2 pm my time. As I like spending way too much time in WoW, I bought everything again and started to gear up this priest shortly before WoD hit. I did a little raiding with the guild I am currently in, but more and more people are quitting and the raid team is falling apart.

    Your raiding schedule & attitude (from what I can see on your wowprogess post at least) fits perfectly for me.

    My gear is fine but a bit of a mix. My guild has only been doing normals and we never got past 8 or 9. I did most of the instance on heroic with PUGs by now and I jumped a lot between specs, disciple, holy and shadow, so it's a bit all over the place. There's especially a lot of critical strike rating on my crafted items as AS is my preferred shadow spec and I wanted a high enough crit level to be able to play that reasonably.

    Ideally I would apply as disciple, it's by far my favorite spec - but it unfortunatley doesn't stack up in raids. Next in line is shadow and a distant third is holy. My big issue with holy is that it ... stinks. I actually like the playstyle. Reminds me of my priest in Vanilla when one of the better healing methods was to just cast a low rank Renew on the emergency monitor, if anyone remembers that stuff. But at the end of the day holy is just worse than a resto druid for pretty much everything while disciple's healing is both unique and pro-active, two things I am a big fan of.

    But I am applying with the char and not the spec anyway. I'd happily play either spec if one of them fits better. My shadow gear is not outstanding, but fine. I got both heroic versions of Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia and Unblinking Gaze of Sethe plus the Iron Reaver trinket I should be wearing on armory right now, so that covers the bases. I would probably need a raid or two to get used to shadow again, it's been a while. But as I played my warlock for several years, I can't imagine that it's gonna be a big problem.

    Here's a screenshot of my UI:


    I've got some logs, but honestly there's not that much to see other then some sad wipes on normal bosses. If you guys are interested in a priest, I'd love to just join for a raid and see how it goes.



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