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Posts posted by Postmodern

  1. Needs some better spacing there.. maybe like 17 paragraphs instead of 7? ;) Well, I am new, but I definitely agree on trying to recruit some more able bodied people who are willing to show up and put forth the effort, which would save us a lot of downtime that we waste waiting for those 1-4 people that we can't raid without. And being able to sit out some old timers who may be getting sick of farm content so us newbies who are chomping at the bit to come in and get a taste of the raid. I think the only thing that would stop people from doing that would be loss of DKP for not being in the raid (unless there is some kind of DKP waitlist for those who want to be in the raid but are willingly sitting out?)

    It is difficult to fill a raid come progression night, and we aren't the only ones who suffer from it, but I think if people really realize that progression for the guild and raid group as whole means better for themselves as well, since there are very many people who play this game solely for themselves (people who show up to farm dkp/loot, then don't show up to put in the four hours of wiping the next day on progression [it's nothing new to this game :P ]), also means, "hey, we downed LK, if we can do it again and again, that's going to be better for me in the long run!"

    Well, as far as 10 mans, I know I was invited to one once, but I'd definitely love to be a part of a regularly running one that goes every week and tries to go for HMs and achievements (and being able to understand the fights more clearly, though I think I've got most of them down), and I'm sure there are tons of people who would love to get in one, an alt run, or whatever.

    I am also not opposed to running alt ICC 25s/10s or TOCs to help others out if that may be the case to help gear them out so that it helps us as a guild.

    As far as attendance, I haven't been here long enough, but I thought it was just common sense/polite to let people know ahead of time if you wouldn't be in attendance.

    At least it seems like you officers have your heads in the right direction! :P

  2. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to post or not, but I thought it would be polite to let you guys know I won't be able to raid this week since I'm out of the country until Thursday and then headed to Buffalo for a job interview and to annoy chill with BurlyGuy/Jenkag, so I won't be back until Saturday night. Good luck with everything, hope you down LK!

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