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Posts posted by BlackMesaSouth

  1. As for the A3 community we mostly play Exile and similar mods so I can't say how good of a reflection that is. It is mostly your group versus the world because there isn't much of an incentive to work together. The game itself is a lot of fun and a nice change of pace from more fast paced games like BF. It isn't unusual to spend the better part of an hour planning and preparing for an "operation" and it makes for an interesting gaming experience.

  2. Tell us a little about yourself.:
    I am a small business owner that likes to play video games when I get some free time to unwind a bit from the day.

    Why do you think ATR Gamers would be a good fit for you?:
    ATR seems to run a number of well maintained servers and I've never seen any of the members be anything other than decent and helpful players.

    Are you over the age of 17?: Yes
    What is your timezone?: Central US
    Battlefield 4: BlackMesaSouth
    Battlefield Hardline: 
    World of Warcraft: 
    Grand Theft Auto V: BlackMesaSouth
    League of Legends:
    Diablo 3:
    Planetside 2:
    What other games do you play?:
    I play ARMA3 and Company of Heroes of 2 with a small group of friends fairly often.

    What clans, guilds, or communities are / have you been part of?:
    Edge Gamers Organization (TF2) and Phoenix Squadron (Planetside 2)

    Are you still with them? If not why did you leave?:
    I am no longer with this groups. I left Edge after the leadership changed and became very pushy about people populating servers at all hours rather than playing the game and having fun. I stopped playing with Phoenix when I stopped playing Planetside 2.

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