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Posts posted by Bluetigr

  1. I need to do a makeover with the inside with carpenters blocks as well I thought I was going to be world edited and those carpenter blocks don't jive with world edit. I'll start working in finalizing it Friday or Saturday whatever my schedule is like

    Sent from my iPhone using ATR Gamers mobile app

  2. 2 minutes ago, Chuck_Mawhinn3y said:

    could be fun with seeds and food stuffs, i dont know trying to think of a way that spawn can be a little more interactive.


    I can try to fit that in, but do we have like the required plugins and stuff to make that happen?

  3. Hey guys unfortunately I don't really have the time to be on pc during the week so the new spawn should be getting started on Friday. Been workin out some ideas in my head so y'all should be pretty excited. Also this app is very well done, gj mastric

    Sent from my iPhone using ATR Gamers mobile app

  4. Tell us a little about yourself.:
    I work on cars for a living and enjoy playing video games with people.

    Why do you think ATR Gamers would be a good fit for you?:
    I already hangout with tons of people in here so I might as well join as a formality haha

    Are you over the age of 17?: Yes
    What is your timezone?: Mountain
    Battlefield 4: NotBluetigr
    Battlefield Hardline: 
    World of Warcraft: 
    Minecraft: Bluetigr
    Grand Theft Auto V: 
    League of Legends:
    Diablo 3:
    Planetside 2:
    What other games do you play?:
    CS:GO, Skyrim

    What clans, guilds, or communities are / have you been part of?:
    None really, accept a few ones my friends made but fell apart from lack of communication.

    Are you still with them? If not why did you leave?:
    No, Lack of Communication, in-activeness on their part.

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