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ATR Veterinarian
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Posts posted by Iammoot

  1. It looks to me like the artifact weapon is going to have the potential to be a lot of individual responsibility. Maybe completing different challenges like challenge modes and proving grounds will unlock different upgrades or aesthetics. I'm really excited to see how that develops.

  2. Either way, not everyone enjoys the same things. After all, Paragon's videos don't feature voice comms and most people I know seem to prefer those over Method's kill videos which do have voice comms. It depends on the person.

  3. My last card was a 670. It's a great card but it's just dying. If I turn the graphics up high enough on wow, the screen starts flashing and my card's output dies every now and then. Sometimes, when it comes back on, the textures for abilities and buffs will be missing/very wrong.

    My computer also occasionally ran in to a problem with wow where sometimes, for no apparent reason, the computer would start grinding to a halt every couple of seconds for a few seconds. This included audio and rendering--it would just stop working for a few seconds. This problem wouldn't go away without restarting my computer.

    At this point, I'll have replaced my mobo, CPU and gpu. I've almost built myself a new computer. It's cost me well over $500 and I'm hoping that this last replacement will resolve the issue. I didn't need the upgrade because the 670 is an absolute beast but, again, I think it's just dying so it was necessary to replace it. Running GTA on low settings made the gpu temp spike up above 85-90C, which caused the computer to start grinding like I described before too.

    I was initially convinced that it was just an overheating issue but it seems more dire than that now. Either way, it *should* be fixed now. I've heard the 970 runs very cool and very efficiently. Reviews state that the fans don't kick on until around 50C for power efficiency. Either way, I'm looking at a huge upgrade here. Fingers crossed, I won't have to deal with any of these problems again for another 3+ years.

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  4. I just picked up a 970. I had to do some research to make sure it would fit in my case and be compatible with my PSU, mobo, and case but it seems like it should be ok. It should come in some time next week, ready in time for GTA Thursdays!!!

    As an aside, I got an email from rock star saying that prison break is giving double money through to this Sunday. You guys should jump on that if you're looking to make some money. I wish I could join you but there's some problem with my current card that just makes it overheat to ludicrous levels. I suspect I blew a capacitor or something and that the rest of the card goes in to panic mode whenever the load I put on it is particularly demanding. I've seen my gpu temp spike to 90 degrees C before my computer starts freezing. Oh well.

    I've noticed some serious problems with my card while running on just fair settings in wow so hopefully this upgrade will fix everything. I'd like to say that fixing my computer has been fun but it's really been annoying to run in to problem after problem. Here's hoping that this next change will be the last one and that I'll be able to join you guys in heist hijinx again soon.

  5. And they're all terrible and you should feel terrible for picking them.

    Side note, I think my graphics card is dying which is why it's starting to run so hot and have so many problems. I'm going to look into replacing it sometime soon so I can jump back into GTAing it up sometime soon. Probably next month once I'm back home and don't have to worry about transporting all of my gear again for a while.

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  6. I clearly don't belong on this list.


    Regardless of whether or not someone changes their name across platforms, it would be a good idea to at least post everybody's username to establish some sort of familiarity simply because of the large amount of new blood that both groups are being introduced to.

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