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Posts posted by Julietaylor

  1. due to recent attivity in my 10 man im quiting wow for a bit have fun killing stuff.. ill be back asoon as im not soo pissed at the game

  2. Ladies and Gents:


    Shamans: Our ele's are good but Im not seeing any Fire Nova usage. Is it not worth using?

    Ladies and Gents:

    If you use Fire Nova on this fight, I will stab you. It's bad. It's so bad that it's probably just a little better than Unleash Elements. (P.S. If you're using Unleash Elements, you're doing it wrong.)

    How to do some heavy lifting on HYorsahj as ele:

    1) Go respec and reglyph. You are pretty much required to have a spec with BOTH Earthquake and Totemic Focus.

    Earthquake - Naturally you only use this on the adds. I will get into more specific details as to how to best use this.

    Totemic Focus - You want this talent for one reason only: Fire Elemental. This is your freight train. Use it. This talent will bump a 2mins stick to 2:48mins. His aoe is monstrous and so is his single target. As a bonus, should he be dead, you can use Magma Totem to continue to rape the adds.


    Prime: Flame Shock, Unleashed Lightning (More than enough movement to justify it.), and Fire Elemental (The fight is long enough that you will get two full length FEs out of it.).

    Major - Elemental Mastery (You'll need this during add phases since you'll probably be tanking at least one.), Chain Lightning (There's more than enough adds to milk this glyph.), and Lightning Shield (Obviously)

    I can't post a spec from work, but basically, if anyone's able to view my secondary spec (I should be specced for HUltraxion), move the 1 point out of Improved Shields to Earthquake and fix the glyphs. Perhaps someone else could quickly do that in wowhead and post a link before I respec later on.

    Now for the how to dps:

    Standar Opener: Pre-Pot+Racial+EM > LB>FS>LvB.

    Watch your spell power and int procs. Once they're as high as they're going to be before losing power Torrent (since this tends to proc almost immediately), drop your first FE. (Ensure that your FE is tied to EE in a call. It's free dps. If you use a global to drop EE on its own, you lost dps.) EM will be up just in time for the first slime phase or shortly into it.

    I'm sure you can handle the rest of the fight until the adds.

    So you know you got Black and the adds will be spawning shortly. Drop EQ as you see the first 1-2 adds spawn. (Not when they're running it, but spawning.) Do NOT cast EQ while you have EM up. (DPS loss) Only refresh EQ if you're getting another fresh set of adds. (Ie: Double Black phase) Once EQ is down, hit EM and spam only CL. Do not cast any other spell other than CL. You can refresh FS if EM is about to fall off. Until you have 2-3 adds left, you will cast CL and only CL. Nothing else matters. If your FE is down, swap to Magma Totem. Once the adds are gone, switch back to Searing until you can get your 2nd FE out.

    If you got a double black phase, use SWG and pick an add that's closely grouped with others and CL off of that until you reach the slime. Then CL off the slime all the way back or until there's not enough adds to be worth it.

    If you got a Blue/Black phase, pre-cast EQ as your mana is being drained. Do NOT TS and then EQ. You'll cripple yourself. Once you've pre-cast EQ, TS once you're out of mana, and spam the shit out of CL. The other casters will be stuck with their thumbs up their ass. Time for you to do some heavy lifting.

    So basically, you would've cast 1 EQ per set of adds you get. You can cast another EQ if you think the adds will last the full duration, but more likely than not, they won't. The 1 point in Improved Shields won't do more damage than those few EQs you dropped.

    If you have questions, hit me up in the shoutbox or come find me on Eredar. I'm not too hard to find.

    Edit: Aside from the pull, use EM only during the few seconds after the slimes have hit the boss. You might want to double check if your racials will be up. I think they were, but I didn't pay much attention to mine.

    Edit2: Spec: http://www.wowhead.c...GobZbhb:crmszoM

    wat berms said

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