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ATR Associate
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Posts posted by Saraiyu

  1. We're installing my software in Germany...which means I've been having to go into the office at 3am the past few night...which means I will have to again until the installation team comes back to the US this Friday....which means my sleep schedule is morphing in German time....fml I cant raid Im sorry :(

    Game of thrones is almost done though. So I should be able to raid sundays again soon.

    I know some people can get 3-5 hours of sleep and function well at work but I cant--my job is too brain intensive. Sorry..

  2. I'd totally be up for playing shadow. :) I'm really liking it so far.

    If possible, I'd like to take Sundays off for GoT. It won't last forever---there's only 10 episodes this season and this coming Sunday will be #2. I don't have cable at my house...and while I could pirate the episodes, I'd prefer to support the show and go watch it at my friend's house. Not to mention I don't get a lot of time to spend with them as it is. :-/

  3. Hey guys,

    Thanks for the break...my software is going into testing next week so stress at my job is winding down a bit. :)

    I can start raiding next week on Saraiyu starting next week. However, I don't think I can make it Sunday nights for a while because I'm keeping up with Game of Thrones. But, Tuesdays and Wednesdays should be fine.

    If possible though, I would like to switch to my priesty once I get her up and geared...but until then, I'll heal on Saraiyu....if that's okay.



  4. I had to stay at work until like 2 or 3 am. I don't think I'll be awake enough to raid after my 8 hours of work today. Sorry guys...

    Something for the officers to consider...I may have this situation happen again until the second software release in May. Having to go into work immediately has been happening a couple times over the past few weeks and I've had to skip out or be late before.

    In addition to feeling extremely burned out with raiding on my shaman in general, being tired because of work (and getting unexpected phone calls like this) makes me feel like it would be best if I took a break from raiding for a while...at least for a couple of weeks to make sure the release that came out last Friday goes over okay when the customers perform the installs and upgrades these few weeks.

    Sorry about this--I'm just really stressed out because of work. And, because I'm so stressed, all I want to do when I get home is rest and go to bed early. And, I get the feeling that the officers (and a few raid members) have been frustrated with my attendance. So, for the good of everyone, I think it's best if I take at least March off to recharge.

    If this is unacceptable and you're frustrated with me to the point where you want me to leave the guild, I will and I'm sorry. :( I don't want to, but I understand that my attitude and attendance has been up and has been annoying people.

  5. Hey guys,

    I stuck it out last night, but I wasn't bringing my best and by 9pm I was falling asleep at my computer. I think I should go to bed by 9 tonight. If you guys want me to heal from 7:45-9 (if you can't find anyone), I think I can handle that.

    But yeah. I apologize for the awful playing last night. I guess the combination of being sick and tired with how demoralized I felt from all the negative comments made towards the healers got to me.

  6. Hey guys,

    I'm trying to get a release done today, but ran into a set back (get customers changing their minds at the last minute!). I'm going to have to stay really late at work today...like10pm...so, by the time I get home it willl be around 10:30. :( I'll log in if I'm not too tired, but in either case I don't think I can make it to raid. sorry and good luck though!

  7. Hey guys,

    I just found out my grandpa passed away this morning, so I have to fly up to Boston to be with my folks and help them out for about a week (I'll be gone this saturday until the sunday 11/27).

    So, I need to set up travel arrangements for that. Also, my car's hood decided to start steaming/smoking on the way home from work, so I need to figure out a way to fix that as well...

    Good luck raiding--I hope you guys get H. Bal down. >< Hopefully you guys have better luck than I did today (/emo) .


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