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Posts posted by Likesitruff

  1. we do use the 1 button heal for some aoe but we cannot just use the holy radiance doesnt go well if we just use that heal i put it on 3 diffrent people to max the AoE potential. but than also u use light of dawn every 3 casts and than also i still feel we have biggest tank heals we cant just hit that one button or tanks die we need to take into fact when to use WOG and divine light along with all our CD's onto tanks most pallys forget bout them but they are a huge thing to keep in mind

  2. Hello, this is a Holy Paladin raiding guide for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Patch 4.2.

    First of all, this is by no means a know all and end all Bible of Holy Paladin information. This is information I have gathered and used during my expierience raiding as a Holy Paladin in Cataclysm.

    The main changes for Holy Paladins in 4.2 are:

    Mastery Buff

    Reduced CD on Holy Radiance

    Holy Light heals for 100% on your Beacon target

    Table of Contents

    1. Stats

    1.1 Stat Priorities

    1.2 Reforging

    1.3 Gems

    1.4 Enchants

    1.5 Consumables

    1.6 Professions

    2. Talents and Glyphs

    2.1 Talents

    2.2 Glyphs

    2.2.1 Prime Glyphs

    2.2.2 Major Glyphs

    2.2.3 Minor Glyphs

    3. Spells

    3.1 Healing Spells

    3.2 Procs

    3.3 Cooldowns

    3.4 Utilities

    3.5 Auras

    3.6 Mana Regen Abilities

    4. Holy DPS Rotation

    5. Boss Specific Tips & Tricks

    5.1 Shannox

    5.2 Lord Rhyolith

    5.3 Beth'tilac

    5.4 Alysrazor

    5.5 Baleroc

    5.6 Majordomo Staghelm

    5.7 Ragnaros

    1. STATS

    1.1 Stat Priorities

    The priority of stats for Holy Paladins (listed in order of importance) is:







    Intellect is by far the most useful stat for a Holy Paladin. It increases our spell power, mana and crit chance. Intellect increases the mana we gain from spirit as well as the mana we gain from spells that are based on our total mana such as Replenishment, Divine Plea and Arcane Torrent.

    With 5% Plate Spec, 5% Kings, and 10% Spellpower buff, 100 Int will provide (assuming all regen abilities used on cooldown):

    * 1653.75 Maximum Mana.

    * 121.275 Spell Power.

    * ~0.17% Spell Crit.

    * ~8.27 Mp5 from Replenishment.

    * ~8.27 Mp5 from Divine Plea.

    * ~4.13 Mp5 from [Glyph of Divine Plea].

    * ~1.38 Mp5 from [Glyph of Divinity] (plus ~0.59 Mp5 [Glyph of Lay on Hands]).

    * ~4.13 Mp5 from Arcane Torrent racial.

    * Additional Mp5 from Spirit based Regen.


    Spirit is used for mana regen and hit rating through enlightened judgments. Any increases to Intellect will also increase the mana returned by your spirit.


    Haste is a strong throughput stat for a Holy Paladin. The reduction on cast times as well as on global cooldowns allows us to cast alot more heals during the duration of a boss fight. Haste also scales well with Holy Radiance making us more effective at aoe healing the raid while being able to continually use single target heals.

    Fully raid buffed, the GCD cap is 3489 haste rating, or ~27.24% haste from gear.

    Critical Strike

    Crit is a very unuseful stat for a holy paladin. You should never be relying on a crit to keep somone in your raid alive. Always assume that you are not gonig to crit in order to play it safe.

    The only benefit a Paladin gains from crit is to gain stacks from the Conviction talent. But even with a small amount of crit, Conviction will be at 3 stacks most of the time.

    Crit has become slightly better in 4.2 now that it increases the value of the heal to 200% instead of 150%. It still suffers from the same problems as before but a lucky crit is alot more inclined to save somone from dying now.


    Mastery causes a Holy Paladins direct healing spells to place an absorb shield on the target.

    As of 4.2 our mastery shields now stack and last for 15sec which makes it a much mroe poweful stat for Holy Paladins. It still falls short of haste for the majority of fights but there are some situations where it provides better single target throughput.

    I would recomend reforging your gear to haste at Baleroc if your healing buff is so high you are overhealing alot.

    1.2 Reforging

    When you are reforging you should prioritize your secondary stats in the order of how they are mentioned in part 1.1 of this guide: Spirit > Haste > Crit > Mastery.

    The ideal piece of gear you want would have the following stats:





    However, you won't find these exact stats on every piece of gear so here is a look at what other stat combinations you should have on your gear and how you should reforge them:




    Crit ---> Spirit




    Mastery ---> Haste




    Crit ---> Haste




    Mastery ---> Spirit

    1.3 Gems

    When you are geming your gear you should prioritize your stats in the order of how they are mentioned in part 1.1 of this guide: Intellect > Spirit > Haste > Crit > Stamina > Mastery.

    The best meta gem for a Holy Paladin is Ember Shadowspirit Diamond. This meta requires 2 yellow gems. The only 3 gems you should be using are:

    40 Intellect

    20 Intellect + 20 Spirit

    20 Intellect + 20 haste x2 for meta gem requirments

    The only time to gem away from pure intellect gems is for an intellect socket bonus. You should not gem haste or spirit for a haste or spirit socket bonus, unless you are using a yellow gem for the meta requirements.

    1.4 Enchants

    Here is a list of the best enchants for a Holy Paladin:

    Helm: 60 Intellect + 35 Crit available through Guardians of Hyjal reputation

    Shoulders: 50 Intellect + 25 haste available through Therazane reputation

    Cloak: 50 Intellect

    Chest: 20 Stats or 15 Stats if you can't afford it

    Bracers: 50 Intellect or 50 Spirit if you can't afford it

    Gloves: 50 Haste

    Legs: 95 Intellect + 55 Spirit

    Boots: 50 Haste if you have run speed talents. 35 mastery + minor run speed if you don't

    Shield: 40 Intellect

    Weapon: Heartsong *

    * There is some discussion on whether Power Torrent or Heartsong is a better weapon enchant for Holy Paladins. Here is my opinion on the matter.

    Basically, Hearstong provides more regen than Power Torrent, and as a healer you want all your randomly timed procs to be regen. Spell power/Crit/Haste/Mastery procs that cannot be properlly aligned to when your raid needs extra healing will be wasted most of the time and you cannot plan your healing around them. Sure, these types of random procs will help you on the healing meters a small bit, but they are not good for planning to keep people alive.

    There will probablly be some mathemagicians who claim that if you time your Divine Pleas and Arcane Torrents around Power Torrent procs it will result in alot of regen. But you don't want procs to decide when you use Divine Plea, you should be using it when there isn't much healing to be done.

    1.5 Consumables

    Here is a list of all consumables a Holy Paladin should have:

    Flask of the Draconic Mind

    This is the main flask/elixir you will be using in raids. The only time you shouldn't use this is if your raid decides to try using resistance elixirs on a new boss to mitigate damage.

    Flask of Steelskin

    Could be useful during progression on a boss you havent seen before. You never know.

    Prismatic Elixir

    Helps to mitigate magical damage. This elixir can be very useful during progression if you are having trouble with raid damage.

    Ghost Elixir

    The best choice of battle elixir. Should be used if your raid decides they want to use Prismatic Elixirs.

    Mythical Mana Potion

    This is the potion that you will use on most bosses.

    Mythical Healing Potion

    You don't need mana if you are dead.

    Volcanic Potion

    If you are going to be doing some dps as Holy on some bosses, this is a useful potion. You can use one before the pull to increase your dps at the start of a fight and still be able to use a mana potion later.

    Potion of Concentration

    This is the best choice for regen but it stops you from healing for 10 seconds. This should only be used when you know your raid will be fine if you don't' heal. Use on top of Divine Plea.

    Swiftness Potion

    This is an extremely useful potion. Every raider should always have these and have them keybound. These can save you from wiping if used properly.

    90 Intellect food

    The only food you should use.

    1.6 Professions

    The 2 best professions:


    Increases your Intellect by 80 when using a flask. With the proper guild level and cauldrons, this will give your flasks a 4 hour duration. Increases the amount of resistance you gain from prismatic elixirs if your raid decides to use them. Provides an excellent starting trinket.


    Increases your Intellect by 81 when using the proper gems.

    Other acceptible professions:





    Each provides 80 Intellect.

    2. Talents and Glyphs

    2.1 Talents

    There are many different talent trees that you should be switching between on various bosses during progress. Here is a list of some of the different specs and their usefulness:

    This is an all round good spec. Has all the talents to increase your healing and utility abilities. This spec is the most usefull as of 4.2. You can switch a talent point between Sacred Cleansing and Blessed Life where you see fit.

    This spec has become alot less viable since WoG can be alot more usefull than LoD on some Fights. The run speed won't an issue on the majority of Firelands bosses.

    This spec is great during progress if you are on a boss that has points in the fight where little healing is required and you are struggling to meet the DPS requirements. I used this spec during Chimaeron and Valiona progress. Check part 4 of this guide to see how to use this spec.

    2.2 Glyphs

    2.2.1 Prime Glyphs

    Glyph of Seal of Insight

    A mandatory glyph.

    Glyph of Word of Glory

    Can be useful on alot of bosses if you are assigned to heal the tank.

    Glyph of Divine Favor

    Turns Divine Favor into your own personal bloodlust. Very useful for boss phases that require alot of healing.

    Glyph of Holy Shock

    Great for Increasing your number of Infusion of Light procs. Personally I don't like relying on RNG for healing so I don't prefer this glyph. Can be useful with a dps increasing spec.

    Glyph of Exorcism

    Should be used with a dps increasing spec.

    2.2.2 Major Glyphs

    Glyph of Divine Protection

    The best major glyph you can use during progress in my opinion. Almost all the dmg you take in raids will be magical, so Divine Protection becomes your own personal sheild wall on a 40 second cooldown.

    Glyph of Light of Dawn

    A great glyph for almost every 25man heroic boss.

    Glyph of Divine Plea

    The best choice for regen.

    Glyph of Divinty

    If you are having mana troubles, use Divine Plea more and use Glyph of Divine Plea instead of this glyph. You should only use this glyph on top of the plea glyph if you are having crazy bad mana problems. However, you should not use Lay on Hands for regen but for healing a raid member who is at >5%hp.

    Glyph of Lay on Hands

    There isn't alot of fights where you will be able to properlly utilize this glyph. Can be useful if you know tanks are gonna spike low during the the 1st few minutes of a 10 minute boss fight aswell as the last few minutes. I used this during Cho'gall progress.

    Glyph of Cleansing

    Can return alot of mana if you know you are going to be doing alot of dispelling during a boss fight. Make sure you discuss with other healers who will be doing the dispelling so this glyph does not get wasted.

    Glyph of Holy Wrath

    Very useful for stunning the Sons of Flame on the Ragnaros encounter. every paladin should have this glyphed in order to make that phase alot more stable

    Glyph of Salvation

    I haven't seen a boss fight yet that warrants the use of either of these glyphs as Holy, but it's nice to keep them in the back of your mind for future bosses.

    2.2.3 Minor Glyphs

    Glyph of Insight

    Good for when you realize your forgot to buff Seal of Insight before a fight.

    Glyph of Blessing of King

    Glyph of Blessing of Might

    Good for when you need to rebuff combat resed players.

    3.1 Healing Spells

    Holy Light

    Generally you will spam this on the tank if the tank is always above 60% and there is minimal raid damage and Holy Shock is on cooldown. Useful for procing Day Break. With the change to beacon it very mana efficient to use this as your main heal and use Divine Light abit mroe sparingly.

    Holy Shock

    Unless anyone in your raid is in immdiate danger of dying you should be using this as close to cooldown as possible to maximize the amount of Holy Power you gain.

    Divine Light

    The best spell for healing per minute. During heroic raid content this will be the spell that you use the most. Usefull for Tower of Radiance procs. The only time it is acceptable to do any over healing with this spell is if Holy Shock is just on cooldown and there is heavy raid damage. In that case it can be benefical to use it on your beacon target in order to max out Holy Power for a Light of Dawn.

    Flash of Light

    The best spell for healing per second. It is very mana intensive so use it sparingly. Generally saved for "oh **** hes on 5% hp!" situations, but you can find uses for this spell outside that.

    Word of Glory

    Less HPS than Light of Dawn but still useful if a single target is taking heavy damage and there isn't much raid damage. If you are raiding 10man or doing 5man heroics you will most likely use this more often than Light of Dawn.

    Light of Dawn

    This is the only healing spell in the game that requires you to be facing the target you wish to heal, so be aware of the raids position as well as your own when using this spell. You will want to facing the bulk of your raid when using this during AOE raid damage. Does a large amount of healing to your beacon target so this can double as an emergency single target heal if your beacon is on the tank.

    Holy Radiance

    A powerful AOE heal. Heals all targets around you (diminishing after 6 targets). You should be standing in the middle of the bulk of your raid during aoe damage when using this spell.

    Beacon of Light

    After the nerf, Beacon only heals for 50% of your direct healing spells. You can no longer place this on a tank then never worry about that tank again. It still allows you to do most of your healing to targets other than your Beacon target, but be aware that you will also have to swap onto your Beacon target if they are diping.

    Generally when you are healing the Beacon target it should only be when your Divine Light or Flash of Light will be doing 0 overhealing so that you can maximize Holy Power procs from Tower of Radiance. Remember that your Light of Dawn will result in alot of healing on this target.

    Protector of the Innocent

    This spell changes the way that you should prioritize your heals. If yourself and 2 other players take the same ammount of damage, you should heal the other 2 players before you heal yourself since you will be healed by this spell. This spell is pretty close to being a passive lightwell, especially when combined with constant Divine Protection usage. Because of this you should not be in a hurry to click any lightwells so you can save the charges for classes that need the healing more.

    3.2 Procs

    Day Break

    This is a very useful proc and should be used asap when it's up to avoid the proc being wasted or running out. 2 back to back Holy Shock is alot of mana efficent healing as well as a great source of Holy Power.

    Infusion of Light

    When this spell is procced, you don't need to do as much healing as you normally would in certain situations. You can just wait for Holy Shock cool down's and wait for somone to take enough damage to warrant a Divine Light. For example if you are healing the Ignacious tank in P1 Ascendant Council, you can just save this proc for Flame Torrent and use Holy Shock and Holy Power spells to do the rest of your healing.


    Almost never procs in raids. but you should still be aware of it. It could save you mana from a Divine Light.


    Most of the time this spell will be fully stacked. However, It will either be up or it won't. Don't change your game in order to keep this rolling.


    Generally this won't change your game. If you have specced into this talent for DPSing it will just increase your DPS a bit since you will be spamming Exorcism most of the time anyway.

    3.3 Cooldowns

    Hand of Protection

    A great spell to use on a noob warlock or moonkin when they pull aggro. It will prevent them from dying so they can DPS whore some more. Can also be used to reset any physical debuffs on a player (e.g. Malevolent Strikes at Halfus).

    If you are using this spell on an in-expierienced tank or meele DPS, be sure to cancel it with Hand of Freedom so they can continue to tank/DPS. If you are going to be using it on a guild member constantly, ask them to make a macro to cancel it so that you aren't wasting any global cooldowns.

    Hand of Sacrifice

    I can't say I fully understand this spell. Sometimes it lasts 1 hit, sometimes it lasts it's full duration. This isn't really a cd that your raid should be basing an entire strategy around, but most of the time it is usefull. You should be using this as often as possible whether it be on a tank who is going to be taking alot of damage or a raid member.

    Be weary that this damage can kill you, so if you are doing to be taking any magical damage while it is up you should also have Divine Protection up aswell.

    Keep in my mind that certain stuns in the game break when you take damage and it can be benefical to put this up before one of those stuns.

    Divine Shield

    This is easily our most over powered spell. A good player with this spell will almost be immune to dying. Generally this should be saved for a time when you are on low health and you know you are going to take some damage that will kill you. However, it can also be used to remove any unwanted debuffs (e.g. explosive cinders at Nefarian) or allow you to bypass any abilites that require you to avoid them (e.g. Squall Line at Al'akir).

    Divine Protection

    When glyphed, this spell is a shield wall on a 40 second cooldown. You should use this whenever you know you are going to take damage. Generally it's better to use this spell to avoid being at low health rather than waiting untill you are at low health.

    Divine Favor

    It functions as a personal Bloodlust. Use this when you know you raid or a tank will be taking damage for a long time or you need some immediate burst healing.

    Avenging Wrath

    A great spells for when your raid or tank is taking so much damage that spamming your bigest heal wont be close to over-healing. Generally it is best used on top of Guardian of the Ancient Kings and Holy Radiance.

    A common misconception is that this should be used on top of Divine Plea to counter the healing reduction, this however is not true. If you are using Divine Plea in situations where you can't afford a healing penalty you are doing it wrong.

    Aura Mastery

    This spell should be used along with Resistance Aura most of the time when there is raid wide Fire, Frost or Shadow Damage. Alot of the time it doesn't function properlly with Concentration Aura in PvE situations so be sure to test if it is working properlly.

    Guardian of Ancient Kings

    An extremely powerful cooldown when used at the right time. It can do upwards of 600k healing. Best used when your raid is clumped up and everyone in your raid is on low health. However, it can also be used when your tank is taking damage that can seem un-healable.

    Lay on Hands

    In my opinion, this is the best spell a paladin has. I can't count the amount of wipes this spell has saved. Most of the time you will be using this when a tank spikes down to >5% and is continuing to take damage.

    This spell can also be used in tense raid healing situation that feel like balancing spining plates (e.g. Ascendant Council P3) when 1 raid member spikes much lower than the rest.

    In my opinion, this spell should never be used solely to benefit from the 10% mana that the glyph rewards.

    3.4 Utilities


    You should assign dispelling among your healers before you pull a boss. This spell will trigger it's mana cost even if there is nothing to dispell, so having multple healers trying to dispell the same debuff will be a drain on your healers mana as well as global cooldowns. Make sure you know what you are dispelling before your dispell it.

    Hand of Freedom

    A very useful and unique spell. Not only can it remove movement impairing effects, but it can also make you immune to damage that certain movement impairing effects cause (e.g. Ice patches at Al'Akir P1)

    Hand of Salvation

    A great spell for allowing your DPS to achieve it's potential.

    Typically, you shouldn't just look at your threat meter and use this on the highest dps. There are alot of classes with abilites that reset their threat so be sure to use this on classes that don't have threat dumps such as Warriors, Moonkins etc etc. Usually it's best to wait untill a player in your raid says they need salv but you should also know the proper time to use it without having to be asked (Tunnell Vision Warriors).

    Speed of Light

    This is my favorite change to Holy Paladins in Cataclysm. The burst in speed is useful for so many situations. Don't be afraid to waste all the healing done by Holy Radiance in order to utilize the speed if you feel it's necessary.


    A standard meele range interupt with a 10 second cooldown. Generally players will have a set rotation for interupts and it's not a good idea to interfere with that, but remember that you can be a back up interupt if something goes wrong.

    Holy Wrath

    Good for stunning multiple undead or demon mobs. Can be useful for stunning the adds at Nefarian if your kiting tank dies near the end of the fight. It can also be glyphed to stun the adds at the nature platform at Conclave of Wind.

    Turn Evil

    A standard fear usable on undead or demon mobs. If you ever decide to use this, make sure that the mob you are fearing won't pull any out of combat mobs and make sure you aren't disrupting any DPS or tanking.

    Hammer of Justice

    This spell hasn't changed much over the years and will still continue to be useful in almost every raiding tier. Can be used to stun any run away adds when you are not assigned to stun anything specific.

    Hand of Reckoning

    A standard taunt spell. Can be useful in situations where you need to spread out multple small adds. It's also a good idea to use this if your tank dies when a boss is on very low health. You can get aggro from the boss and use your speed boost to run away so your DPS can finish the boss off.

    Righteous Defense

    A unique taunt that requires you to target the player who has aggro on the mob you want to taunt.

    Can be used in the same way as Hand of Reckoning.

    Righteous Fury

    This spell can be useful in certain situations. Sometimes healers will get aggro and there is nothing that can be done about it, so it is a good idea to have the mobs go onto the plate wearing healer rather than any clothies. Also making any mobs drawn by healing aggro less random in who they attack can be benefitial at times.


    This ability is part of a Holy Paladins DPS rotation which I will explain in part 4 of this guide.

    3.5 Auras

    Devotion Aura

    Usually you will gain this buff from a protection paladin or a shamans stoneclaw totem. If you don't have either of these you should consider using this aura.

    Retribution Aura

    Generally you won't be using this to often. The only time I use this aura is when running 5mans to make the runs go slightly faster.

    Concentration Aura

    A very important raid buff. If your shamans aren't using the totem that provides the same buff you should prioritize using this aura.

    Resistance Aura

    This will most likely be the aura you will be using in raids. If you have multiple paladins in raids your Holy Paladins should use this aura so they dont waste a GCD when it's time to use Aura Mastery.

    Crusader Aura

    Not entirely useless in raids. At Valithria Dreamwalker it increased flight speed. It's a good idea to test this on bosses where you can fly.

    3.6 Mana Regen Abilities

    Divine Plea

    Restores 18% of a Paladins total mana when glyphed. This should be used as often as possible during a fight to help sustaine Divine Light usage. It's best to identify ceratin points in individual fights where you know that no one will die if you are doing less healing for 9 seconds. If the priests in your raid will be able to identify these times as well so you will be able to use this ability on top of Hymn of Hope for extra mana.

    Do not use cooldowns such as Avenging Wrath or Divine Favor to counter act the healing penalty or they will be wasted. It's best to have a macro that cancels this buff in case some burst damage happenns while it's up.

    Seal of Insight

    Has a chance to restore roughly 937 mana on each meele hit. You should always have auto attack on when fighting a boss due to Judement trigering it. Try to stand close to meele range if possible to sneak in some auto attacks between spells or during instant casts.


    Restores 10% base mana when the mana cost of Judgment is subtracted. Should be used as often as possible to maximize the mana gains. This ability does trigger a global cooldown so be weary of spamming it to much. Sometimes all the global cooldowns you spent on Judgement will result in less healing done to gain mana you would have been fine without.

    If you are in a situation where you dont' need mana you still need to use Judgement in order to keep Judgements of the Pure rolling.

    4. Holy Paladin DPS Rotation

    Being able to DPS as Holy can be important for alot of bosses. I haven't seen any Holy Paladin DPS guides anywhere (altought I haven't looked very hard) so I will post the rotation I have been using here. This is something I tested alot during the Cataclysm Beta and the rotation I used during progress in the 1st tier of Cataclysm. You will need the DPS spec mentioned in part 2.1 of this guide to be able to use this rotation without runing out of mana and to maximize it's DPS.

    The priority list for spells is:

    Keeping Judgement of the Pure up

    Having Inquisition up

    Holy Shock

    Holy Wrath


    You can skip Hammer of Wrath, Crusader Strike and Consecration.

    The rotation will start like this (X = the number of Exorcisms used untill Holy Shock is off cooldown):

    Judgement (only use this when Judgement of the Pure is about to fade)


    Holy Shock - X Exorcisms - Holy Shock - X Exorcisms - Holy Shock




    X Exorcisms - Holy Shock - X Exorcisms - Holy Shock - X Exorcisms - Holy Shock

    When Holy Wrath is off cooldown replace any Exorcisms with it, but don't replace Holy Shock or Inquisition.

    Remember that you can use Divine Favor and Avenging Wrath as DPS cooldowns as well.

    5. Boss Specifc Tips & Tricks

    All of these tips are for 25man Heroic bosses.

    I won't be adding any versions specifically for 10man or Normal modes but alot of the information will also translate to them.


    Who to Beacon

    The tank which you are not assinged to healing.

    When to use Divine Plea

    After your tank has reset his stacks of the bleed debuff.

    When to use Aura Mastery

    When he throws his spear.

    When to use Holy Raidance

    If you are in a good position after the spear aoe damage. It is usually better to not use it so you can save mana for healing the tanks. Most of the time the damage will get healed by passive aoe healing.

    When to use Cooldowns

    Hand of Protection:

    Use this if a cloth wearer is targeted by Rageface. It is not possible to reset the debuff on the tank with this spell

    Hand of Sacrifice:

    Use this on a tank if he has a problem reseting his stacks and they go to high..

    Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath:

    Use in these in conjunction with Holy Light spam when both tanks are tanking at the same time.

    Divine Shield:

    Use this if you are targeted by Rageface or if YOu accidentially stand on an Immolation trap..

    Guardian of Ancient Kings:

    Use this If your tank has high stacks of the debuff or stands on an Immolation Trap.

    How to Optimize Healing

    Make sure you are in range of both the tanks so that your Beacon is always healing the second tank. When tank stacks are low you can use Holy Light as your main cast. Don't be afraid to overheal with Holy Light since it is not a mana drain and it adds to our mastery shields.


    Who to Beacon

    The tank who is tanking the Spark.

    When to use Divine Plea

    When there is no Sark up and the stacks of Eruption on the raid are low.

    When to use Aura Mastery

    Before Concussive Stomp when the raid has high stacks of Eruption.

    Before Concussive Stomp anytime the boss is below 25%

    When to use Holy Raidance

    After Concussive Stomp.

    When to use Cooldowns

    Divine Shield:

    Use this if you accidentially take a Maga Flow jsut before Concussive Stomp.

    Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath:

    When the raid has High stacks of Eruption for a Concussive Stomp

    Guardian of Ancient Kings:

    When the boss is below 25% hp.

    How to Optimize Healing

    Make sure you are standing in the bulk of your raid to maximize your Holy Radiance healing. Always be in range of the tank taht is tanking the Sparks as they will take the most single target damage in the fight. Try to conserve most of your mana for the last phase so you can pop all your cd's and keep the raid alive for as long as possible.


    Who to Beacon

    Beth'tilacs tank if you are on the web.

    The drone tank if you are downstairs

    When to use Divine Plea

    When Beth'tilac is casting Smouldering Devastation if you were on the web.

    When the drone is dead if you downstairs

    When to use Aura Mastery

    If Beth'tilac is doing her fire aoe in p1.

    Before 1 of the aoe bursts in the last phase

    When to use Holy Raidance

    During the last phase after any of the aoe.

    When to use Cooldowns

    Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath:

    During the last phase

    Guardian of Ancient Kings:

    During the last phase

    How to Optimize Healing

    It is best to make sure you have the debuff "Fiery Web Silk" on your raid frames to see who is standing on the web. That way you won't try to cast a heal on a player who isn't in your line of sight.

    If you can stabalize the healing on the web with a few big heals you should be able to start casting Holy Lights on the dps and let beacon heal the tank. Every once and a while you will need to cast Divine Light on the tank though.


    Who to Beacon

    The tank you are not healing

    When to use Divine Plea

    During Firestorm if the Hatchlings are dead.

    When to use Aura Mastery

    During the massive aoe after the burn phase

    When to use Holy Raidance

    During the massive aoe after the burn phase

    When to use Cooldowns

    Hand of Sacrifce:

    Use this on a tank if the Hatchling becomse hungry and they are not close to a lava worm.

    Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath:

    Use these if you think the Hatchling your tank is tanking is going to Tantrum.

    Guardian of Ancient Kings:

    During the massive aoe after the burn phase

    How to Optimize Healing

    Make sure you pick up a feather at the start of the fight so you are able to cast while moving. It wil aloow you to easily dodge all the fire while keeping the tank up. Use a macro to cancel you cast since moving wont stop it. Remember that you regen to full in the burn phase so you can easily spend all your mana in p1.


    Who to Beacon

    The main tank

    When to use Divine Plea

    When you are healing the tank with alot of stacks of Vital Flame

    When to use Aura Mastery

    During Inferno Blade

    When the crystal soakers have high stacks of Torment

    When to use Cooldowns

    Hand of Sacrifice:

    Use this on a crystal soaker. If you use this on a tank when you do not have Divine Shield up you will die.

    Divine Shield:

    If you feel you need to use Hand of Sacrifice on the tank you need to use Divine Shield before. Remember that Hand of Sacrifice lasts longer than Divine Shield so be sure to cancel it with Hand of Freedom. I would not recomend using Sac here though as its almost not worth all the gcd's.

    Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath:

    During the shadow or fire blades.

    Guardian of Ancient Kings:

    During the shadow or fire blades..

    How to Optimize Healing

    They key to the fight is maximizing the stacks of Vital Spark you get when healing Torment. You can use Word of Glory here on with only 1 Holy power on players with low stacks of torment. for example if you have Day Break proced you can do this:

    1hpWoG -> Shock -> 1hpWoG -> Shock - 1hpWog -> Divine Light.

    I've found that to be the best rotation to use on players as soon as they start tanking


    Who to Beacon

    The tank

    When to use Divine Plea

    During Cat phase

    When to use Aura Mastery

    If your raid is taking a Flame Scythe

    When to use Holy Raidance

    After Flame Scythe

    When to use Cooldowns

    Blessing of Protection:

    Use this before the boss casts Searing Seeds and the player you cast it on will nto get a debuff

    Divine Shield:

    Use this when you are packing up for searing seeds and you won't get a debuff.

    Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath:

    After Flame Scythe.

    Guardian of Ancient Kings:

    After Flame Scythe.

    When to DPS

    You can dps during the cat phase if your raid has attonement speced disc preists to keep the tank up.

    How to Optimize Healing

    Make sure you time your holy radiance properlly with Flame Scythe. If you are no soaking any of the Burning Orbs be sure to position yourself so that you are in range of alot of the saokers.


    Who to Beacon

    1 of the Tanks

    When to use Divine Plea

    During phase transitions

    When to use Aura Mastery

    Before a Magam Trap is erupted

    When the Seeds are about to explode

    When your raid is moving between Breadths of Frost

    When to use Holy Raidance

    If your raid is stacked for the seeds explosion.

    Can also be used for the speed boost to avoid engulfing flames.

    When to use Cooldowns

    Hand of Sacrifice:

    Use this on a tank if he has a problem reseting his stacks and they go to high..

    Divine Favor/Avenging Wrath:

    Use Avenging Wrath after a Magma Trap or Seeds explosion.

    Use Divine Favor during the Sons of Flame phase.

    Anytime during P4 when you are positioned in a breadth of Frost.

    Guardian of Ancient Kings:

    Use this in p4 if your raid ahs high stacks of superheated.

    How to Optimize Healing

    In p1 prioritze healing the raid up to 50-70% hp (depending on class) rather than trying to heal everyone to 100% 1 by 1. In the Sons Phase keep in mind that the same player can not be targeted by the Magma Bolts twice in a row so adjust your heals according to that. At the start of p4 it might seem like your raid is taking unhealable dmg but it will soon go down to 0. So make sure you keep prio healing the tanks and don't start panic spamming the raid.

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