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Posts posted by Sefi

  1. Reason why you choose agi aka main stat if it is close on sim craft is because secondary skills vary with each new piece of gear and with procs but with agi it normally keeps the same dps increase

  2. Well since i have only been to 2 deathwings in this guild do to sickness and my pc exploding I have yet to been able to get it and i do not know the state of everyone else's trinkets. But i used this thread (http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1033285-BiS-Trinket-lists.) as a basis and have a long list of trinkets i SIM for my lock every time i get a new piece of gear. LFR WoU(have it) is not better than normal insignia from my tests personally and simcraft. The reason it sims nicely with demo is that when it procs in the beginning your doom guard also gets that haste if you cast it after you get the buff which adds a couple extra doom bolts. But i digress this has become more of a lock discussion because of us then a heroic Ultrax discussion.

  3. Not that i do not want it but after 35 sims of it and every other trinket WoU is a 170-300 dps increase which in that case i would never take it over another dps that needs it. Until it is either going to a off-spec or someone that only comes once in a while.

  4. Locks can soak as destro only if we get some help aka priest shield or salv from pally with that said destro is the worst spec for this fight so I would say no go for them unless you NEED them badly in which we would need help cds

  5. Here is a quick thing I saw from last night(watched the stream while you guys raided) I think during the ice phase we should have the range switch a little before it dies and go on to the next crystal because the melee have some down time while running around this way dots and melee can finish it off while the range is pounding another

  6. Well after raid last night at 4 am my dog knocked a glass of water over and some went into my comp threw the open fan. And boom there goes black screen. So after taking it apart and letting it dry I'm driving to NJ aka family home to one fix it or at least install wow on my laptop. I won't be there till 5ish so if all goes well ill be on but I I'm not you will know why.

  7. Ive been a warlock since vanillia I had my time overpowered I can take being weak for a year. When I played FFXI i was a dragoon which was such a bad class but i made people bring me anyway. I feel like it helps the raid "Hey that lock is kicking your ass L2Play" boom raid dps goes up hahahaha

  8. As a warlock i feel fine with our dps. Just because we are not great with spine and haghag means nothing the raid has been nerfed 10% so the only thing that could hold back a raid at this point is sub par players. I play lock cause i like lock not cause we are number one on the meters and hell if i get high on the meters i feel better about myself at the end of the night.

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