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Posts posted by Czenn

  1. Hi, 


    I fly out to Mexico Super early on Thursday for 7 days. 


    I just found out I'm leaving..... so I need tonight and tomorrow night to do errands, laundry, packing, take my rabbit to my parents place, etc.


    Good luck with the new heroics!





  2. Hi,


    Looks like I'll be afk this week as well, I have to work late again all week. 

    Single person with a mortgage... some days I feel like my job owns me :S


    Since Christmas is the week after... and new years the week after that...


    This post is for the rest of December and Jan 1 (out of town). 






    Merry Christmas & Happy New Years to anyone who reads this :)

  3. Sorry guys, I'm still stuck at work. 

    Mad rush to finish stuff before we close down for Christmas. 


    Looks like I won't be able to make it this week :(



    Gl in there!


    ps: Make that 2013. It's been a long day :S

  4. Hi, 


    I won't be able to make raid on Wed night. 

    GL in there! Kill Garrosh again!



    (Monday was a holiday & my Dr. Office was closed... so I had to make my appt for Wed night.  My back is messed up and I'm getting injections into my back/hip for 5 weeks :S... so even after my appointment I probably won't be online.)



  5. I've thought a lot about this and I’m really on the fence with this one.

    Commie and I transferred here from Zul’jin. A server who’s population is considerably larger than Skullcrusher. We were the 5th best 25m guild on our server and recruitment was horrible… we often had to call raids because of poor attendance and no applications. Even though the server pop was high – about 95% of our recruits were still server transfers.

    Obviously there will always be some people who don’t care about progression and some people have other reasons for being in a guild (ie: raid times, atmosphere, friends, etc). Generally though, the more bosses you kill – the more recruits you get. On a higher pop server there is way more competition and there are more guilds to choose from – so unless you’re one of the top guilds, you’re going to have trouble recruiting people. As a very casual 2 days/week 25 man guild, I personally don’t feel a server transfer will solve the recruitment problem…. It may even make it more difficult as our progression is slower than a lot of guilds.

    Even though I’m not sure it’s the best decision, I would still probably go if it came down to it. In the end I don’t really care what server I play on… I wouldn't leave Commie though – we follow each other :smile:


    Ps: Sometimes it’s also your name, reputation and history that help with recruiting – on a new server you’re just the new guys who don’t have a full roster ;)


    ***** RECRUITMENT *****


    On a somewhat separate topic… but kinda related. Recruiting is a big thing and obviously the more people who help, the better the result. It should never just be the job for one or two people. :smile: Just a few ideas from my past that may/may not be useful:

    1. Make sure the website info is up to date and easy for newbies to use/apply etc. This is our advertisement; a good site will make people want to look longer & be more likely to apply. We should post some screenshots of kills; a new one should go up every time we kill a boss. Putting up some kill videos are always good too for people to watch.

    2. Bump the post on the Horde recruitment forum. I use to do this all the time in the past (and could easily start again). Useless info: it takes less than 30 min for an un-bumped post to fall off the 1st page here lol

    3. Bump the post on the Skullcrusher forum. Not super urgent but it still should be bumped if it falls off the first page.

    4. Read the forums, if you see someone looking for a guild - add a note about our guild. Some people prefer to let guilds find them. Lazy ppl.

    5. Bump a post on the mmo forum

    6. If you do LFR and see someone un-guilded let them know your guild is recruiting. If any of you join a pug mention to people in raid or whisper.

    7. Recruit friends and family

    8. If all else fails, steal more people from D&D

    :smile: I know for sure I could put in some time and help out here in a few different ways :smile:

    Do I win a prize for the longest post?

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