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Posts posted by Arylie

  1. Alright so I said before that I wouldn't be making raids. Well now I need to add something to that. As it stands right now between me lacking the interest to play, job, and just straight up being nothing to do in-game beyond raiding, I probably won't be re-subbing this Xpac.


    And I'm gonna be honest here, I haven't truly been able to log on and have fun since Wotlk. it's not that I don't like raiding, but raiding is... a fraction of the playtime in WoW (varies by guild, but casually it is) and everything outside of raiding has been very "meh" for me starting at Cata. I've been holding on to WoW since Wotlk from a sense of idk... nostalgia perhaps, a hope that I'd be able to enjoy it like I did in Wotlk, but that hasn't happened for me yet. And while Pandaria has had its bright moments, it hasn't compared to what it was, purely from a content standpoint.


    Thus, since I no longer have PVP or raiding to hold the game together, I can't justify coughing up the money to re-sub when I have other things to use that money on. So, for the remainder of this Xpac I won't be active. If the next Xpac looks compelling I'll drop back in, but for now I'm gonna save the money.


    My current Sub expires on the 30th, so I may stop in till then. But once that time comes, I'll see you guys next Xpac.


    Good luck with SoO!


    My Facebook link is on my profile page if anyone is interested in keeping in-touch with me for the time being.


    PS: You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round.


    your testing vehicles in the "dessert"? what like vanilla ice cream mounds? or chocolate mountains?


    Mentioned on my app that I would be missing the last half of August while I am testing vehicles out in the dessert.  Hopefully that doesn't step on too many toes. Can't wait to start raiding ASAP.


    Hobzz, your local interweb troll. BTW I like ice cream cake, so if you could like... bring some back from your testing? That would be awesome, kkthx!


  3.      ____               ____
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    And now I'm off to sleep.

  4. OKAY, well, as some of you may have noticed I haven't been... doing much of anything on WoW recently.


    Now the cause of this isn't that I don't want to raid nor is it that I don't like raiding with this guild, it's simply that I don't have the time available to be able to sit down and play for that amount of time on two of my work days.


    I would love to be able to, I love playing my character and I like raiding with this group, but as I said I can't sit down with you peoples for a worthwhile amount of time. Perhaps this will change. For instance I get a shift that doesn't require me waking up at 4:30 am.


    And you may say, "Well, you don't need that much sleep to wake up at 4:30." and you may well be right, but I do have IRL things that needs be taken care of prior to me passing out. :P


    This is by no means a "Goodbye", simply me having to take a hiatus from logging on and playing all night like I used to. I won't die off completely, I'll still check in from time to time, just can't sit down for said amount of time.


    When the time comes that I am able to play again I do hope I'd be welcomed back. Until that time, good luck with your WoW times.


    Such a somber post to say I can't make raids in this current time frame. Or maybe it's just me. Ahhh, what ya gonna do.



  5. Alright so I've attained some employment, and the side effect of that is I'm working early morning shifts. Not sure if/when my shifts might get changed up, but as it stands right now I won't be able to stay the FULL raid night.

    This week I'll only be able to stay until 10:00pm server to try and get some sleep before my shift starts. As I said don't know if my shifts may change, but I'll keep you informed.

    On the plus side... GETTIN PAYED, SON!

  6. Ok well... I know this is probably too little, too late at this point, but I honestly didn't even realize it was Tuesday. I've been so preoccupied I completely lost track of time.

    I'll be here tomorrow for sure now that I've realized what day it is.


  7. Right, well, I have some important IRL matters that I've been pushing off that really need to be done before weeks end.

    Really want to raid tonight but... IRL comes first.


    Kill Lei Shen tonight for me.

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