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ATR Associate
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Posts posted by Aerozia

  1. Yea, so thought i'd post here once more. Looks like i'm enjoying this guild a lot. the raid leader and GM are really active, raid, and are always there to talk to anyone, ive accidentally put together mythic garrosh raids by saying in /g hey at garrosh mythic, need people.



    Some of you may remember my friend Crunknight, he came to Better Strangers(formerly Autism Speaks), he came with us on a mythic run, got his achieve and heirloom. wasnt a carry, he didnt pay, he didnt beg, and he wasnt lowest dps..,


    He now knows the fight, because his guild gave him a chance. btw he did it before Bash did. we were laughing about that the other day.




    So i heard Bash said i wasnt allowed back in ATR, LOL thats like telling a Jew he's not allowed back into Auschwitz. 



    Well guys, its been real and its been fun, but it hasnt been real fun. Since fun is illegal in Phobia's guild.

  2. so i helped Autism speaks down Garrosh. they have two other regulars who are off realmers, so im going to join them for the remainder of MoP so they get credit for the raiding they are doing.


    Hope to see you guys back in WoD.


    if for any reason anyone is curious or confused, feel free to whisper me.

  3. lights are flickering, storms raging, if power goes out, obviously i wont be here, if it stays on, i will, you can then disreguard this. just posting it in case.

  4. Okay so we have two full-time hunters atm. (myself and Tych. we seem to keep trading others out. the turnover rate for hunters seems to be pretty high.) But all hunters are welcome to post tips here that they may have discovered we play various races, specs, so no one hunter will have the answer to every question. I will list the bosses in this post with a few tips. if you have a tip to add post here and I will edit this post, add your tip and give you credit.


    I'll add more later.















    ~Take the first couple pools to the face.(when the adds are crawling back to Immerseus, and use deterrence on the last few to help mitigate damage and keep you alive. The later ones do much more damage.


    ~Survival- keep snake trap and frost trap down to snare the corrupted adds, when triggered they root enemies in place, which will help them be killed before reaching Immerseus.


    ~Beast mastery- use a Spirit beast to heal the heal adds.






    Fallen Protectors:


    ~Survival- if you have Assurance of Consequence trinket, use your black arrow on He and Sun, so you have more procs and more damage.


    ~If not in a Mark of Anguish rotation, take the  first couple calamities to the face, then use deterrence to avoid them when they hit hardest.







    ~If caught in blind hatred, use deterrence.


    ~when doing trial, disengage helps get out of big adds slam.





    Sha of Pride:


    ~Take Crouching Tiger Hidden Chimera talent. and eat the first swelling pride, then use deterrence to avoid every single swelling pride after for the rest of the fight.


    ~Use Disengage to get to your projection faster.






    ~If doing towers, make sure to put pet on passive so it actually follows you up.


    ~If you cant get out of the tower bosses slam-knockback, use deterrence or turn your back to him and disengage back onto the tower.





    Iron Juggernaut:


    ~ During siege mode, use deterrence on the third knockback to help the healers, on the second siege use deterrence at your discretion but put them both on cd at some point.


    ~Use disengage to get out of the group when you have the lazer beam on you.






    Dark Shamans:


    ~ Use deterrence ONLY for Iron prison(you never know when you will get it and you will die if you don't use deterrence to mitigate some of the damage.)


    ~Disengage if you get knocked into the air by a tornado, so you avoid getting knocked up again when you land.







    ~Keep concussive shot on the rogue if he targets you, do not root him(survival traps or pet roots)


    ~If you cant get out of shockwave, use deterrence.







    ~when knocked into the air, about halfway down disengage to avoid too much fall damage.


    ~Use deterrence to soak orbs if your RAELLY need to.


    ~Use deterrence to take a puddle when you have little or no shield.


    ~Use deterrence to help the healers make you live through blood rage stack phase, just spam them back to back.




    Spoils of Pandaria:


    ~use deterrence to soak your bombs instead of dropping them on the ground.


    ~disengage to get into matter swap faster.





    Thok the Bloodthirsty:
















    Siegecrafter Blackfuse:

















    Paragons of the Klaxxi:

















  5. ... not.

    so my mom woke up early to go to breakfast with my dad, and stumbled on the porch and fell, breaking her right arm(dominate).


    my dad is 73, overweight with bad knees(from numerous motorcycle accidents) and my mom is 72. She is normally very very active.


    with her injured arm I am left with all the chores, and with helping her using the bathroom, dressing, and cooking. I already help my dad with things, so he isn't much of a help to her.


    So I need to reserve the right to step out of the raid for a bit to help her with something if she needs it. this will prolly be for the next couple months, until she can at least go to the bathroom by herself.


    I'll try to make sure she doesn't need anything, or anything doesn't need to be done(no pile of dishes(WTB dishwashing machine) all the animals are fed, watered, and taken out for a potty break) before the raid, so I don't have to go afk too much, and i'll inform you guys if I need to switch out, and I wont do it in the middle of a pull(unless its an emergency, like she fell again)

  6. I might be late today, our freezer we ordered like three weeks ago came in, we have to go to home depot abd pick it up. My husband gets off work at the same time raid starts, so I shouldn't be more than a half hour late, an hour at most. if he can get off early I may even be on time!

  7. Hey sorry gonna be late today. im hoping by only an hour or so, my fish is drowning and I have to launch a clown from space to save him.


    but really, brother's car crapped out in ft. wayne, we gotta go get him fix it, and bring him and it back, and not really in that order. :-/

  8. I'm currently experiencing an impacted wisdom tooth, cant get into the dentist til next week! the last couple days have been hell. :-/ I'm going to attempt to be here for the raid, but I might have to sit partway through the raid or something. The pain is intense, but the main problem is the toxins. Fever, chills, (I hope I don't start hallucinating again, seems like I do everytime I get a bad fever) stomach feels terrible, might have to make a few pilgrimages to the bathroom and offer prayers to the porcelain god.


    All in all, it sucks giant donkey dick. I want to be here for the raid, and I will try, but I would like to reserve the right to ask to sit out if I feel a pilgrimage coming on, or if the knives and hammers in my swollen jaw start trying to redecorate my face.


    It should be mentioned that I cant talk, so don't expect to hear me on TS!



    Oh yea, this should extend for tomorrow, I might be better I might be worse, but I know i'll be super pissed if im not better, I want to progress with you guys.

  9. So apparently, turns out today is our 4 year wedding anniv. I thought that was Thursday. its okay, my husband didn't realize it either. but now he's informed me I wont be raiding tonight. For there will be eating, then lights off and closed doors.


    He gets home at the same time we start raiding, -_-'


    and I would like to address my not being on much the last week, I have been having constant blue screens, and recently wiped my computer and reinstalled.

    tomorrow im freaking gluing my face to my monitor, I am NOT missing anymore after tonight, >:\

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