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Posts posted by Edgeworth

  1. So I've been falling behind in school a bit for a bunch of reasons, and instead of rushing my next assignment in one day, I think I'll take the night away from raiding and do it in advance. And by advance, I mean it's due tomorrow and I don't want to rush it in one day.


    If I finish early [or at least make really good progress] I'll jump on later tonight. We finally got a caretaker so I have less time spent looking after the grandpa, hopefully once I get caught up on school things will be good again. I have another few papers due in the next couple of weeks but I'm not expecting to miss other raids, will make posts though if I have to.



    The image below is how I have been with school recently..


  2. Regarding the guild members, I think there's an important distinction between people who put in a lot of effort into character, and those who don't. For maximum effort, running lfr/normal on optional time to get Abro stones/Ele runes, keeping a stockpile of flasks and pots [and even augment runes], research boss fights, are enchanted and gemmed, minmax as much as possible and know their class/spec extremely well. I think that there is a certain level of tolerance for bs/silliness/etc in two categories: performance on bosses, and attitude. I think that every raider fits somewhere between these two categories, with a mix of traits from both. Usually, the players who put in more effort are among the first perspective.


    Perspective One: Players who perform well but have attitudes that annoy others are seen as preferable to 'dead weight' or underperforming players who dont put effort into their character, and just show up to get carried. As long as we're killing bosses, shit talking/joke insults at a reasonable level can be seen as acceptable. Likeable people who die repeatedly to mechanics are 'holding us back', and wasting our time, leads to annoyance.


    Perspective Two: Toxic attitudes ruin the experience of the raid, even if they are performing well. RL and other stuff can be seen as factors that are forgiving for player performance, and loyalty to guild is seen as more important. Casual atmosphere lets players relax and enjoy the game, not taking it too seriously to ruin the fun. Not expecting top-tier performance, since the guild focus is not set to 'maximum progression' but to keeping the raiding community together.


    Most players have some mix of the two, even the officers themselves. The raid atmosphere and rules are an amalgamation of the two, leading to some confusion in how we raiders are expected to act. The rules are enforced, then they are guidelines, then they are revised again, then the cycle repeats.





    Regarding performance of players...I'd like to think I perform decently well, there are some fights where my computer takes a dump [CPUGorger] and I personally think I underperform for my gear level. Now, there are a few who are in new territory the past few weeks regarding their spec or class [Jesseh trying out Assassination as an example], and are underperforming right now, if the logs are accurate. Yeah, it kinda sucks for people consistently ranking but we're not exactly a tryhard guild. We're a two-night guild that is relatively flexible. We're not really requiring people do 90%+ percentile dps, and while a few of us consistently rank like that, not everyone does, or at least not on every fight.


    TBH, I feel like the new 'strict rules' are kinda killing the fun atmosphere in the raid. I know I am not the only one feeling that way. I can understand the rationale behind them, but...it's like a life-jacket that's supposed to keep people afloat, only to find it covered in diarrhea. The guild has lost a few raiders since the Xpac launched partially because we're too casual, and partially because we have had a shitty environment. There is a perceived lack of flexibility from the officers [which is somewhat true] and I can understand people leaving to try new guilds out.


    To anyone who dared read this abomination of a post, if anything needs clarity, let me know.


    The following is an accurate portrayal of my feelings towards you guys.


  3. I'm all for normal mode first. I think getting into heroic first might net us some big ilvl upgrades but we'll be seeing a lot less of them due to time spent clearing, learning and the tuning being tougher.


    Normal first means of course more boss kills, more people getting 2 piece set bonuses [good lord I want that] and we'll get a basic feel for the fight. Watching videos, which not everyone does, only gives us a basic idea and only helps usprepare us for it so much. I think we should go shitstomp normal first and then in week 2 probably switch to heroic until we feel like we hit a wall, then make a decision to keep on normal or switch to heroic.


    I do however understand that our first heroic BRF will probably be easier than our first heroic Highmaul. We really underestimated the tuning in week one and got lol pwnt, and we based that off of our SoO experiences.


    I guess we'll just have to wait and see, and listen to the other guilds' experiences with it. If it's true that tuning wise, it's pretty easy on heroic, we might have a decent shot of making good progression, but remember: we're casual and don't care about MUH POROGRESSHUN. Fun>All

  4. Canada Winter + Public Transit + Retarded Drivers = I hope I make it home alive and in time for raid

    Class over @6, takes 1 hour or more to get home depending on traffic and transit RNG.


    'Expecting' to be home @7:15 or 7:20ish but if the Traffic RNGesus be evil I may or may not be late to some degree



  5. Can i bid minor upgrade on an item that is an upgrade but does not have the stats i want, and would prefer another item but dont want to see it get sharded?

    What this man said

    If I see some mastery/versatility trash I don't wanna spend 100% on it when I'd be replacing it as soon as I see literally any other stat combo

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