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Posts posted by jesseh

  1. So, I was offered a trial with Stacked,will be back if it doesn't work out or BFA. Foods in the fridge (or guild bank).


     joking aside, this has been a difficult choice to make. we all know how great ATR is how we're close and like a family i'll still be around if things work out. i'll still have alts and what not in the guild, still be running m+'s with people and be on TS then. and a decent chunk of you have my realID or are on FB so.  I love like 5 of you, and like a good chunk of the rest. Good luck with stuff. 

    oh if you want my RealID its Jesseh#11935

  2. well @Lyntha, i'm no healer so i take what she says as a healer and my personal experiences, as well as people in the community or forums to form an opinion, it seems a lot of people are confused about how to run it and theres a lot of posts asking for WA strings for it, but i also hear that you need the artifact to really make good use of the spec, and as close as we are i realise were not in legion yet... so as much as i cringe at the thought of having a disc priest currently in my party i'll keep in mind its not legion.. but currently in pre patch they feel weak 

  3. i tend to share her opinion on this, though most of it was through timewalking i feel like its over all weaker then most other healers. it feels rather noticeable when there's one in the group, it might be because people don't understand how to use it or if its over all weaker, but i find it noticeable 

  4. 20 hours ago, Roqwell said:

    Looking by the number though, they are both shit

    blizzard is trying to ballance everything right now though i wouldnt judge whats doing the most dps as something to play until it hits live, and as much as you carry us some days i think you should put your enjoyment ahead of that, and we can try to pick up some of the slack.

  5. On 29/07/2016 at 0:23 PM, Lyntha said:

    You guys are crazy, all three hunter specs are really fun to play.  I like the complexity of Survival.  Definitely seems like there will be a high skill cap there.  Hunter will also be the only class in the game that can switch from ranged dps to melee dps with only changing a weapon.

    have you played super dumb down bm? and MM feels clunky with marked shot, and i like survival but it just kinda takes the less interesting parts of other classes like lacerate or harpoon. 

  6. i feel like the sensuous on here is in favour of the day change but i dont think were a majority of the raiders i dont think many of those not involved in the conversation would have a major issue with it though. but there should be a different post about it to and more of an announcement about it before, maybe at the guild party or online just after when the do the pre patch and people come back for events 

  7. @Phobia form what i've heard alot of legion tanking feels like dps with threat, i also hear from people i've watched on youtube that druid and pally are really good and war and dk are kinda boring.. but thats others opinion idk how much you've looked into it. 

    as for the idea of moving raid nights i'm in favour of it, it works better for my scheduled.

    as for things to play we seem to have a lot of hunters. which was something interesting but thats fine.. Ele sham looks cool to me but i haven't really healed in a raid environment and dont want that to come up. frost dk also looks interesting but that seems to be the other class we have ample of. so i'll figure something out. outlaw rogue feels extremely  RNG based now with roll the bones being the major buff and Slice and Dice seeming like a mediocre talent now, and from what i've seen they fubared sub and ass too so i'm probably going to avoid the class. 

    i'll figure out something interesting to play hopefully soon as more information comes out 

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