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  1. Several people have asked me which strategies we'd be using going into raid tonight, so I figured I'd make a post about it. I'll have strategies prepared for each bosses based on Alpha and Beta testing by Fatboss, and we'll adapt as we go if there's any differences between PTR and live. Wowhead has a guide with a link to every bosses' page, which you can find here. I'll link shorter videos of the fights on live once they release, for those that would like to watch them before heroic progression.
  2. Greetings everyone, Since prepatch has been out for a little while, most people likely had time to play around with the classes and start to figure out what they'll want to play come BFA. As such, we'll start planning out the raid roster. If you'd like to raid with us in BFA, please respond as to which role, and class if possible, you'd like to play for the first tier. Priority for roles will be given in the following order : Keep the same role > You stayed until the end of last tier but want to reroll > returning or new player. Please take a moment to read the basic raid rules for BFA, which can be found here : Below you will find the planned raid roster, which will be updated as people confirm which role they want to play. As a start, I used the roster during our last few weeks of Antorus. A "?" means this member hasn't confirmed what he'll be playing yet. Italicized are players that have mentioned interest in playing that role. Please confirm your role and class regardless of wether you're in the initial list or not. Tanks Mortelinnos - Demon hunter Lurhan - Demon hunter Healers Ansky - Paladin Lihuai - Monk Offthechain - Shaman Fotosynthsis - Druid Tacks - Disc Priest DPS Tychondris - Hunter Neøblack - Paladin Gromn - Hunter Queing - Warlock CrispKiller - Death Knight - Backup Tank Pukurin - Warlock Unholyfaith - SPriest Varibash - Warrior - Backup Tank Wilistari - Mage? Old man (Goose) - One of the 12 classes Mastric - Warlock - If baby Mastric doesn't destroy him Pìkachu - Mage FTFK- Spriest Thechariot - Warrior Pwnzirocks - Hunter Dambala - Mage Fdragon - Paladin Derision (justicemaker) - Warlock Zauberei - Warlock Dougstanhope - Warlock Tko - Warrior Chartul - Death knight - Part-time when available Rand - Mage - Part-Time when available Boredlock - Warlock - Part-time when available Psychosi - Rogue - Part-Time when available Wardpelican - Warrior - Part-time when available Smarticus - Warrior - Part-time when available.
  3. Greetings everyone, With a little less than a week to go before Uldir unlocks, it's time to make sure everyone will be ready for raiding. As of now, we have 27 full-time raiders and 5 part-time raiders planned. In case you'd like to raid but aren't on the raid roster yet, just let us know in this thread and we'll add you to the list : With that said, the only requirement we have for raid is the following : A minimum ilvl of 330 is required. This is easily reachable in a single week if you run the mythic dungeons and do your WQ. If you need help to gear up to that point, ask in guild for mythic runs happening. Given that we have over 30 people wanting to raid, entry priority will be given in the following order: People who are on the planned roster as full-time raiders. People who are on the planned roster as part-time raiders. People who would like to join but aren't on the planned roster. If you have any questions, post them below.
  4. Greetings everyone, With prepatch having hit earlier this week, it is time to start planning ahead for BFA. In this topic you'll find the few rules and guidelines we'll be maintaining for the raid group in this next expansion. Please take some time to read them if you plan on raiding with us. 1. General raid stance There isn't much change from Legion here, we're a casual guild and our main focus is to clear heroic while having a good time together. This means that we don't have a strict attendance requirement, and everyone in the guild is welcome to join the team should they want to raid. Raid times are from 7:30-11:00 PM EST on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 2. Raid officers The raid officers going in BFA are : Raid leader : Mortelinnos. Lieutenants : Wilistari, Gromn, Ansky. During raid, decisions are taken among officers. You are expected to follow directions given by them. Any raid member is welcome to give officers their input should they want to. Likewise, if you have any concern about raid, these are the people you should go to. It should be noted that the guild rank of Director is separate from raid leadership and does not grant authority in raid. 3. Raid members As mentioned in point 1, every guild member is welcome to join the raid team if they want to, and are expected to come in when they can attend. However, occasional members cannot fill a critical role (Tank or Healer), as good attendance for those are needed to keep the group reliably going. We also require raiders to be part of the guild. Exceptions can be made for trial members, who may join us for up to two (2) weeks before they decide if they want to join us permanently. 4. Alts, rerolls and role pick Our goal is to let people play what they want to, as the prime goal is always to have fun. As such, re-rolls are allowed at the start of each raid tier, or upon returning to raid if you haven't yet raided this tier. Main changing in the middle of a tier will be treated on a case by case basis, if needed for raid composition (ex: a DPS player switching to tank/healer to fill a spot left vacant). Alts are not allowed in main runs, bar extreme circumstances (ex: Both tanks are dead and alts are needed for raid to happen). As for priority for role pick, we will give priority for roles in the following order : People who stuck with us until the end of last tier will have priority on which role they want to play, with higher priority given to those that want to maintain the role they had the past tier, and then give returning players the pick. So in short: Keep the same role > You stayed until the end but want to reroll > returning or new player. That should cover all the basics. If you have any questions or feel like some precisions are needed, leave them here and we'll try to answer as soon as possible.
  5. Greetings everyone, In the light of recent attendance issues, the officers have discussed the possibility of using Tuesdays (where attendance is typically higher) for progression. If that option is picked, from now on we would be skipping to Aggramar and Argus on Tuesdays and using the rest of the night for progression. Wednesdays would be used for reclear. This could potentially alleviate some of the current issues and allow people to have lighter Wednesdays, having part of the night to relax or do other fun guild stuff. Before taking this decision, we wanted to have everyone's opinion on it. The question is pretty simple : do you want try to do progression on Tuesday or Wednesday, or do you not want to do progression at all.
  6. Hello everyone! I hope everyone is ready and hyped up for the new tier! Fresh content means happy people, happy people means more fun in raid, so it looks like we're going to have a blast!* Since this is the first time I'm leading the team in a new raid tier, I figured I'd give a bit more information about what to expect than simply inserting links to videos of each of the boss fights. Speaking of which, Fatboss has very detailed videos from the PTR on his youtube channel if you ran out of Game of Thrones season to watch. In case your time is more limited because of all the AP you're grinding (or simply because you're not much into watching boss fights for a few hours), I'll cover every boss when we get to them. With that said, here's a little rundown of what to expect for this next tier. Raid atmosphere This is something that's been said and said again, but it's something that matters a lot to me as it is a big part of what makes ATR so awesome. Getting epic gear and parses for bragging rights is great and all, but above all else we raid to have fun together. This means that anyone who wants to join us is welcome to do so, and that we will not be sitting people for the sake of progression. So really nothing different than it was in Tomb of Sargeras, but it's still the one thing I wanted to mention in my tier opening speech. The following sections will be actual information about how the beginning of the tier will be handled, so if that's what you were looking for in this thread, you may skip the paragraph you just read (Hint : it's not actually possible to do now unless you have power over the spacetime continuum). Loots and purples For this tier we decided to go with the same EPGP approach we had when we started Tomb of Sargeras, namely a reset of your GP paired with a 90% EP decay. The goal is to give a little bonus to those who have been consistently raiding with us through this expansion, and should amount to approximately 1 (one) piece of gear. We have also decided to reduce the minimum EP amount required to bid to 2000 for the first week, to ensure everyone who's been with us in Tomb can start bidding on the very first boss. If you need a reminder of how much EP is awarded during raid, it comes from 3 sources : 100 EP for being there when raid starts at 7:30 (On time bonus). 50 EP awarded every 15 minutes during raid. 200 EP bonus for a first time boss kill (the same dragon on Normal and Heroic is considered 2 different bosses). Progression and boss order We will be starting on Normal keep clearing it until we get far enough that gear and legendary upgrade quest items (from the bosses we wont have killedon Heroic yet) from normal become pointless. The current plan for boss order is listed below. I prioritized tier bosses over non-tier when there was a pick to make. Garothi Worldbreaker Antoran High Command Eonar Felhounds of Sargeras Portal keeper Hasabel Imonar the Soulhunter Kin'garoth Coven of Shivarra Varimathras Aggramar Argus That's all I can think of! If you have any questions or comment leave them below so we can do the whole forum thing. Have a good day! *To those who noticed what I did there, yes, I am indeed getting down with the lingo. Edit : Here's a link to the current planned roster. I will try to keep it up to date if there are any changes to it.
  7. Hello team! I think the questions speak for themselves. If you have questions leave them below!
  8. Hey all. This is gonna serve as massive text post for the sake of listing the times I will NOT be available till the new year. Oct 5th 2016 - Oct 11th 2016 Oct 19th 2016 - Oct 26th 2016 Nov 2nd 2016 - Nov 8th 2016 Nov 16th 2016 - Nov 23rd 2016 Nov 30th 2016 - Dec 6th 2016 Dec 14th 2016 - Dec 20th 2016 Dec 28th 2016 - Jan 4th 2017 And that's that. If there are any amendments that need to be made I will add them as edits to the original post to prevent this page from getting too long.
  9. Mythosaur


    So with MoP coming out I have been reading alot about Monks, and I beleieve I am going to give it a shot as my new main. I was wondering what everyone else thought of the class and do you think that they have a place as tanks, i wont be tanking dont worry. However their dps and healing looks to be really promising as a new raid fixture. Please discuss.
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