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BAWLS & Gaming

BAWLS didn’t find gamers, the gaming community found BAWLS. After the bumpy bottle launched, many gamers and techies quickly discovered how great of a late-night fuel BAWLS was. This led to fans introducing it by the case at LAN Parties – spawning the BAWLS LAN party. BAWLS caught on to the trend and started supporting as many LAN Parties as possible from basement gatherings to small local events. The blue bottled fuel soon became a must have if you were gearing up for a LAN Party. 


BAWLS sponsored events also included early Cyberathlete Professional League tournaments around the country. QuakeCon, which started as a small local event, was sponsored early on by BAWLS. Now it’s one of the largest BYOC (bring your own computer) LAN party in the country and BAWLS is still the official drink today!

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