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[General Discussion] So I gotta ask


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Q u o t e:

Blues and Greens, how do you guys manage to put up with the massive numbers of complaints, insults and what not for over so many years on the forums?

It's nothing short of amazing if you ask me.

We like people. We like helping people. We like our company and those we work with. When we feel a bit "burnt out" we take little breaks and work on other things (though that's not too often we feel the need.) And, we also see a lot of positive discussions and feedback as well both on the forums and when we get to meet with people in person (such as at BlizzCon) that counteracts any more negative issues.

As I have repeated many times too, it's important to remember that even people that post angrily or who are upset about things are doing so because they are passionate about what we are doing. It's when they stop posting, that there is probably a much larger issue because their apathy has won. That's not saying that we like seeing negative or angry posts, we'd much rather try to get people to be constructive about what they are telling us by getting them to tell us the "why" of their dislike or disagreement for what we're doing.

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