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[General Discussion] We level too quickly anymore...


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People can level as fast or as slow as they like. There are many factors that come into play when looking at the rate of leveling such as the amount of time people are playing or what activities they are taking part in. That said, the idea of leveling to 80 (and soon) 85 can be very daunting to some people. We want to make the process as painless and fun as possible. The same could be said for getting people who wish to have alts a means to do so.

There are ways people can slow down their pace if they like (if they want to smell the peacebloom more) by turning off experience too, if they really want to.

We just don't want people to be so daunted by the level cap that they feel completely excluded. There are plenty of other things they'll want to do (hopefully) at those upper levels anyway. It sounds like if they are all playing together, that they are sure to find those things out together too.

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