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T11 Hardmodes - Mains

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I am interested in doing a T11 Hardmodes run on our mains on Sunday Nights. Blizz recently changed the T11 raids so that you still get VP from normal modes. I figure that with a half-decent group, we should be able to go in and somewhat easily kill the following 6 bosses:







After we get these bosses on farm, we'll move onto harder bosses but for the time being, we can annihilate the normal modes for VP as opposed to doing ZA/ZG's. Please reply to this post if you are interested. Again, this would be SUNDAY NIGHT, 7:30 server to 11.

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I thought prydain said that V&T was easy as long as you got a good rogue.

Regardless, we are going to at least get the first 5 down then go from there. With our higher level of gear from Firelands, it should not be that bad anymore, though it will no doubt still be tough. I am hoping that we can down the first 5 listed above the first Sunday then get 1 or 2 more every Sunday afterwards, though we admittedly will be pressed for time.

BTW, I wish that group 10man raided on Mondays instead of Sundays so we could do alt stuff on Sundays.

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If that's the case count me in on my mage Snugglebunny. Sounds like somehting that I would definitely be interested in especially if it's easier than doing ZA / ZG for valor pts.

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T11 Heroics are relatively easy these days...very easy to do for any raiding group who has progressed into FL more than 4/7 - I understand doing heroic T11 gear upgrades is important for progressing through FL faster (since ATR never hit heroic t11), but if there is ever a spot open in one of these runs I would like a spot - I am just a Friends and Family casual that is far more competent than your average bear and I would like my drake - I dont need gear. I just want that damn sexy drake.

EDIT: Sorry for triple post.

Edited by Zmorris
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The run last night went fairly well despite the silly wipes due to people not focusing, probably because no one cared enough about H atramedes. So we did normal and got the achievement for not getting too much sound. But we were able to get H Magmaw, H Omnitron and H Maloriak for the people that did not have it yet.

I'm continuing the run from Friday on Sunday and doing H-Nef and H-Cho'gall and then moving onto Sinestra . I will keep doing this run every friday but it will be a continuation until we down Sinestra, meaning if we don't get Dragonslayer this week, next week the only boss we are doing is Sinestra with an extended ID.

If you want to come on this run you must be well geared for the content. Post here or whisper me in-game for an invite on the calendar. Also watch sinestra video and learn

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