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MoP beta glyphs


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Glyph of Camouflage - Your Camouflage ability now provides stealth even while moving, but your movement speed while Camouflage is active is reduced by 50%.


combine that with:

Glyph of Aimed Shot - If used while your Camouflage is active, your Aimed Shot ability also reduces the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.


and this:

Glyph of Steady Shot - Your Steady Shot now reduces the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 sec if used on a target within 8 yards.

man.. people will hate hunters in arena again!

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Scatter is so short that with 70% slow he catches right back up, even if I slow him. Trap is nice but on CD, same as Disengage. Everytime I trap, he can cloak my mark then stealth and stun me through flare by sapping me till flare wears off then going in for the stunlock. Not to mention shadowstep and sprint both on low CD's.

Either way, it's more about organized PVP than anything. In 1v1, they're pretty evenly matched, but you're forgetting the point that recup is OP and a good rogue will toy with you and whittle you down slowly.

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ya no one likes the 70% slow that is auto applied with no resource usage or GCD usage but i thought i read somewhere(i dont read on it much so could be wrong) that in MOP 70% slow for rogues was gonna be more of a cooldown they had to use and normal slow was getting nerfed for rogues,

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Yeah, their normal slow is going to be a normal slow (50% I think) but they can use an ability (Shiv I think?) to proc it for increased effect, in this case 70%. It's really just the 70% slow. It makes no sense that I can keep a rogue slowed but he's still able to catch up to me. It'd be one thing if the rogue didn't have any other cd's, but he has shadowstep, sprint on a short CD, cloak/vanish, prep etc.

One of the reasons I hate PVPing on my hunter

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rogue has:

2x vanishes (2min cd - a duel will never last long enough for this to refresh)

blind (2min - do not trinket that)



evasion (3min)

combat readiness (1.5min - shared cd with cloak of shadows)

2x smokebomb (3 min)

kindey shot (20s)

gouge (10s)

shadowstep (24s)

shadowdance (1min)

you know kidney shot usually follows up on cheapshot - but other then that you cant really anticipate those short cd stuff all that exact. just know it can happen. since you try to keep your distance all fight, it hopefully wont be applied too much. cheap shot can only be used when he is stealthed or shadow dancing - and he will pretty much always open with that combo. disarm etc you cant really do alot about (except of course weapon chain). when disarmed - put down flare, snake trap, etc. you need to get a feeling when shadowstep is up again and when he is likely to use it... you can then learn to deterrence it and negate that effect. you can also simply spin around as soon as he steps since he will step behind you - turn around and scatter... it can happen that both happens at the same time. the only time a rogue can be dangerous to you is in stuns (shadowdance). so its basically about avoiding those. you basically need something for every shadow dance. roar of sacrifice is huge.. you also have trinket for that. if you are low on health - you must not trinket anything but stuns. when he does combat readiness, basically stop attacking him (includign pet) until it falls off - cause it will keep refreshing and other nasty stuff.

look at how a duel would go:

you start in camo, drop a flare. some people like to sit on a trap - others dont. if you stand still, you are stealthed and usually see him before he sees you. so sit in a spot, spam tab to target him asap and scatter before he cheapshots. frost trap you should drop there - no real need for freeze trap opener. now kite him around the nearby flare as much as possible. he will shadow step asap - so you can pre-roar.. and not use trinket. once it ends - disengage towards flare/frost trap zone... he will likely smokebomb, since he cant vanish very well nor shadowstep. keep distance.. you still have mc, trinket and other funny stuff at this point. on smokebomb: send pet in for attack, use flare or launch a snake trap.. unless a dot is already on him. he pretty much has to vanish... with a dot on him it wont break for a few seconds, so have distance. keep the flare inbetween you if possible. if he vanishes - deterrence. you can likely detect him soon after and take him out of stealth before he can open on you. he might try to blind after that - you probably dont want to trinket that. shadowstep will be up again - here you got MC and get distance. its a lot of ifs now.. but what does he have left? prep is the next obvious thing... if he does that, drop trap, use readiness and be ready to deterrence his step on you to kite him again... once his cd's are blown its rather easy to finish him off. dont refresh his combat readiness - half damage is big... wait until the buff is gone. oh btw- shadow step has a rather short distance - if you are able to max range kite him, he cant use it for a while. another thing - if you anticipate a shadow step - make sure to put a trap down and walk through it (or turn around of applicable) so he lands right on it upon stepping. another thing: rather do not use serpent sting until later - so you dont lose the chance to monkey stun him and trap him full duration.

hm whatelse... of course thats only one way.. you can also simply open with a ice trap and aimed crit open on him in the beginning. deterrence = flare, trap.

in the end its simply lots of execution, practice, knowing what will happen.

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i actually liked pvp on my hunter its just been a month or two since i've done it, but when i had equal gear i never really had problems with rogues 1 on 1 that being said it was before that trinket and legendary dagger quest(i know right now a rogue rapes my hunter in a stun if i dont roar it lol but thats with under 4k resil also)

but this all being said is vs a rogue... atm the most rediculous melee class out there vs any other melee classes this is gonna be pretty OP imo but i guess we shall c what all other changes are gonna really be like for other classes

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