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10m Raid, take 2!

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After having had a bit of a spur of the moment ventless pre raid meeting, this is what we decided works best.

Days/Times: Wednesday, ~9:20 PM -> ~12:30 AM (depending on rug's return from tanking class) Thursday, 9:00 PM -> 12:00 AM

Those I already have on my list or anyone else interested, Please post below with your availability related to our set raid times, also, if you have a profession that might be helpful, ect, please add that as well.

Roster (At The Moment)

Heals: Lyshani [On Khelendross (Resto Shaman)], Playbyplay (Mistwalker Monk), TBD (Maurs?)

Tanks: Rugburn (Prot Pally), Evadd (Guardian Druid), backups: Taunka, Eboo

Dps (Melee): Glitterstim (Enhance Shaman)

Dps (Ranged): Aweburn (Frost Mage), Tychondris (BM Hunter), Infertil (Shadow Priest), Zauberei (Affliction Lock)

With the addition of Zaub, we now only need a holy pally, which Varibash has a forum post and is spamming trade recruiting for one, so hopefully by wednesday we can start

Lyshani, Available to raid all times, 600 alchemy with what appears to be all patterns (transmute specced), may or may not level fishing/cooking for feasts, don't count on it too much though.

Related note, lock (Acanda) has 600 inscription and a lot of glyphs and the shoulder enchants, pally (Litechampion) has 600 JC, but not many useful patterns atm, and priest (Holyshade) has like 580 enchanting but i'm not leveling him atm so he won't have any of the top level enchants

Edited by Lyshani
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I will be online in about an hour or so. I can talk to you tonight Lyshani. We want to do whatever we can to make sure your group has a successful run. After your roster is all set, we will promote you guys to raider rank (I think I covered most people already). For any new guy you recruit, bring him in for a week or two and if you think he has earned the raider rank, we will act accordingly. Also, we might bump you to a recruiter rank or something so you can invite someone if we are not online, I will talk to Gump about the details of that.

Anything else you need, we can talk about it when I am online.

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Hey, Rug here...me and Aweburn should be available, once my wednesday class ends it will be alot easier to deal with. combined we have 600 alch/inscription/ench/tailor/engi/BS/JC/mining/herbs/cooking/fishing/arch/first aid....will soon have LW and skinning too. for the mains, rugburn is BS/JC and aweburn is enchant/tailor....all other profs on alts.

we try to be self sufficient lol, if you need anything from us dont hesitate to ask...alot of guilds have their set people for crafting, but i pretty much have everything, just browse on our 1 thousands alts hehe. Always willing to tank heroics for gear.

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Days/Times: Wednesday, ~9:20 PM -> ~12:30 AM (depending on rug's return from tanking class) Thursday, 9:00 PM -> 12:00 AM


This schedule fits perfectly with mine & I should have no problems making these times. Regarding tradeskills; I have 600 Fishing & 600 cooking in the Way of the Wok and can make agility food & both 10 man / 25 man feasts. I'm stockpiling cooking mats (via farming & fishing) in order to do this. I also have 600 JC & can make all meta cuts & most of the other cuts as well. So if any of you need any gems cut get a hold of me.

As far as alts w/viable tradeskills go I'm working on leveling my mage who is an Elixir spec'd alchemist so I can have access to someone to help make flasks. After that I can work on my warlock who is my enchanter / tailor. Once i get these 2 squared away they can be made available to anyone who needs flasks made, enchants done or tailor made gear crafted.

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I apologize for being out of contact for the weekend, so I have a few things to catch up on it seems.

First of all, thank you to the officers for the support in general, I really appreciate that help, I haven't done this in awhile. Secondly, I personally have never been concerned about WoL, so I won't be running it, but if someone else would like to, or wants me to, that's all right with me, but unless someone tells me they want it done I won't be doing it. Thirdly, because of snugg's suggestion that I had fully overlooked, I'll be looking for an ele shaman or lock, and still that holy pally. Since we're now to the monday morning of when i'd like to start raiding, i'll talk to bash tomorrow about what needs to be done to start recruiting for what we need, (still pending glitter/evadd's posts).

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I second Tourin's idea... not sure if there will be many, but any 2 heal fights i believe ill be going Windwalker for them, which would also add another melee... plus if we dont have any plate dps we can gear our tank's offspecs pretty quickly so they can still pull their weight when they've gotta dps.

Ill look into WoL and getting it set up. ive never used it before either, but it can be a good tool to use to see where improvements can be made when we run into walls. I may not have it ready this week tho... crazy busy with school for a while.

Edited by playbyplay
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Hi all,

I can make most weekday evenings 9-12; every once in a while I'm on call. Most of the time, being on call means I'm still home and can play but may get suddenly interrupted for phone calls or emergencies. It's not common, but happens sometimes.

As for my bear, he's 600 chant/JC, and have 12 metas cuts but not much else for JC.

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Tourin, i wanted to bump your quote into the currently active thread,

Do you have anyone that can go off-spec DPS when you don't need 3 healers? Some of the later fights in MSV right now kind of require 2 healers due to strict enrage timers. It'd be best if it were a ranged dps, obviously.

Also, have you considered going with 11 people? You don't wanna be stuck and not being able to raid if one guy doesn't show up (Which WILL happen - stuff comes up).

i think the 11 people is something we should definitely look into...

on the topic of heals offspec as dps, im currently gearing up my WW set for dps, only need a few more upgrades so i know i wont top meters but i wont just be dead weight in someones backpack lol.

Lyshani, mind posting ppls class/spec by their names in the top post so we have an idea of what we're working with a bit easier?

and welcome to the 10 man zaub!

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While rare, if one of your healers will be going off-spec as melee, you DEFINITELY only want 1 melee max. What if it's a 1-tank, 2 heal fight? You're already at 3 melee, unless you got some SUPER weird setup like a druid tank going boomkin as dps. Either that or have your 11th. player be a melee so you can optimize if a fight is melee unfriendly.

Definitely go with 11 people. I've seen way too many good 10man groups fall apart because one guy didn't show up. Don't be that group. Although some of your guys will want to raid EVERY raid, others won't mind a day or few hours off from raiding. It's usually not too hard to find a volunteer to sit if needed.

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@Playbyplay, done

@Snugg, with the dps, yeah, I hadn't considered that at first, but now that you guys've brought it up, I agree, which is why we have Zaub now

With the running with 11, I'd love to have set backups if people can't make it or for eventualities, but considering we're having a bit of trouble getting 10, getting 11 isn't realistic right now. I'd like to get started with the 10 and then see what we need to go from there

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I'd say over all it's a fairly well balanced group, and if i bring a resto shaman over resto druid, it'll actually be even more balanced for gear slots, seeing as how glitter will never go anything other than enhancement

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did we ever find out last night if eveningbark will be running with us regularly or if that was a bit of a fluke? aka, are we still recruiting for a hpally?

on another note:

awesome night! glad we finally started to mesh pretty well and actually got a kill! im very happy with the progress, and the good/chill attitudes everyone seemed to have. hopefully we can get started closer to on time to get more actual raiding in MV instead of raiding trade for a pug lol!

for tonight: Feng seems to be a bit less challenging as far as mechanics go, albeit more unforgiving, so im hoping we get him and some shots at gara'jal tonight as well, so read up if you havent!

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guys, I don't think I can go on Thursdays... for some reason I was thinking it was going to be Tues/ wed , until last night . I won't get home til probably 11 server those nights. Maybe some dps out there can only go on thurs and not weds, otherwise I guess I'll have to be an eternal alternate for all raids.


also, why do i have a zetbit.com tag .

why does everything have to be so awful

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