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About Rebelogic

  • Birthday 11/03/1983

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    Boston, MA

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  1. Hey guys, I heard there was a Canada contingent coming this year to the Guild Party. I don't know the details, but it would be cool to head to Boston if possible and we can share a ride. Mastric and I have carpooled from Albany to Buffalo for the past 4 years. If there are enough people, we can get a van from Boston to Albany to Buffalo. I am sure that a lot of people might not know me, but I am sure that most of the guild can vouch for me. I am not a rapist or anything. I gave that up when I became a terrorist. Comment on here if you plan to drive to Buffalo along the east coast, maybe we can figure something out. You can post on here or on the facebook group.
  2. Rebelogic


    My mom is coming back from India after 6 months. I gotta pick her up from the airport in the evening. Probably won't be online at all.
  3. Rebelogic

    Daisu - 2/6

    Cool, thanks for letting us know.
  4. I am stealing all of your arrows while you are gone!
  5. A little while back, I also stepped away for a bit due to school. I understand how tough it can be. We wish you all the luck and definitely look forward to hanging out with you in game when you are available. We will obviously keep you in the guild, but probably demote Mantra to "Glitterstim thinks you suck" rank just on principle.
  6. That is just how good mantra is at hiding dead hookers, he drives hundreds of miles just to find some woods to bury them. I found it funny how Mantra gave me one of those books immediately when I gave it to Deft. The three of us think too much alike.
  7. Well, it is Friday and I am hungover from a Business Conference after-party. Perfect time for another Rebel’s Logic Post. I am going to keep this brief...haha, almost had you there. Blackouts, slutty nurse costumes, and some bitch named Sandy, yes this has been a rough raid week. A lot of people were very inconvenienced by the hurricane which was immediately followed by Halloween. People lost power and we had some of the worst RNG luck on Tuesday night. Now, I am not saying we didn’t make some silly mistakes, we did, however, it almost seemed like despite the entire world not wanting us to succeed, we still matched our progression from last week (4/6) in 2 days. It took a while but we were able to fix our recurring mistakes and at the very least have a good time laughing about them. In the week to come, we are preparing for a shift with some of our raiders. We have begun recruiting up again and have several good prospects that we are working on right now. Moot and Chartul are doing a good job coming back as full time raiders. Bigtimz and Serenity are working hard to bolster the healing core. Also, Baneraiser and Brennyth are gearing up to help the 25M. Those guys I mentioned plus more are going to keep our 25M strong as we push through the content. Now, to keep this recruiting trend growing, we need your help. Reach out to friends and other good players to see if they want to join our ranks. We offer not only a good raiding experience but also a chance to blame Rebelogic in real time, as well as a chance to get your ass grabbed by Unholyfaith in real life! At the moment, we are mainly short on ranged DPS (hunters and ele shams we have the fewest of) however, we could definitely use other really good players as well. As for melee, it would be nice to see more leather/mail wearers. Rogues, cats, enhance shams would all be good additions. Progression: Under the circumstances, we did a good job of matching our 4/6 progression from last week. I am confident that due to Sunday’s Darkmoon Faire arrival along with the other gear we have gained this week so far, Sunday will see a new progression boss being downed. We were relatively close on Elegon on Sunday and Zor’Lock didn’t seem too tough if we had more than 5 heals for the 25M. As a lot of you guys know, I am going to india from Thursday 11/8-12/1. 3 weeks without the Rebel, what will we do! Don’t worry, you can still blame me for things while I am gone. I will be giving Yacoub my info so he can try and keep me VP capped so I don’t fall too far behind on gear. I will check in from time to time on the website, but I will probably be busy most of the time with my business logistics. I would like to just give a shout out to everyone who has stuck around with us and helped in your own ways. Whether it has been making flasks, farming herbs, making feasts, making darkmoon decks, dealing with crazy weather, hurrying home after burying that hooker you murdered in the woods (Mantra), I just wanted to say thanks. Lastly, I want to give a shout out to Khelendross’s 10M group, they are doing really good and we are all proud of them, except Deftonia because she is too busy reading steamy robot sex magazines.
  8. Regarding the iron-man timer, yesterday we had about 90% of our raid in the group when we started it. I remember it being around 7:38 when it was started. Most of the remaining 10% of the raid had told us they either would not here, or would be on later than 8. As far as people who got in the group before 8PM and complained about not getting the ironman bonus after being told it went off already, I think it was no one. So, yes, it was an arbitrary decision made by the officers, but it was a founded decision balancing rewarding those who came early a little more for coming on before 8PM and knowing that most of the remaining would be on later than 8PM. Before we make any steadfast rules about the timer start time for the future, we should simply field the question to the rest of the raid to see if they can all at least get online by 7:30 on a normal day. If most of them say yes, the timer will begin at 7:30. Sazda, regarding the "downer" issue, all we ask is that you try to maintain an air of constructive criticism, that is all. If someone states something that is pure opinion but has a positive spin, at the very least people tend to be motivated a little, and tend to work a little harder. Now, if you do that with a negative opinion statement, the opposite results. Now, instead of an opinion statement, if it is a factual statement, the tonality increases or decreases the effect of the message exponentially. At the end of the day, regardless of what I or anyone else thinks about what you say, you have to ask yourself two questions 1) What is the goal of my raid criticisms? and 2) Did I achieve my goals? I assume that the goal is to improve the raid somehow whenever you share your opinions. Knowing that, I don't harp on you much for saying things the way you do, but even you should agree that saying blanket insults doesn't really help anyone. It is simply catharsis and I get that, but please stick to the posts where you include strat suggestions and answer peoples questions to help them out. You are good at that and people respond well to it.
  9. Rebelogic

    DKP System Rules

    Hey, while talking with you yesterday Sazda, I admitted we officers are human and make mistakes. Well, I guess Snugg was the first to post that. Sazda, thanks for acknowledging our effort to listen and adapt. I also appreciate the help you give to other guildies. I just want to point out that every time the phrase "bottom line" was used in this thread, it got resulted in an additional comment. So, I will be careful not to end with that phrase.
  10. Rebelogic

    DKP System Rules

    I want to hear more about whispers to fellow raiders that include, "Grats on that piece man!" or "You deserve it!" or "Rebel, stop being dead and accept this rez!" The point is, let's spend more time appreciating when others get loot, rather than worrying about loot for yourself too much. We will all get loot at an overall average price. I always feel good when others get loot, except for Ghost, fuck that guy.
  11. Rebelogic

    DKP System Rules

    Almost any loot system we implement will even its self out in the long run. Everyone wants the same things: A) To get loot Not to pay too much for loot. If someone spends a lot on one piece of loot, their fellow raiders who need the same type of pieces will get a few more pieces over the next week for a little less DKP knowing that the first raider doesn't have much. The following week, the original raider won't have to spend much on the same upgrades because he knows that the other raiders already have the pieces. On a longer timeline, people will all get loot and basically pay the same amount overall for all their gear drops. The AH works the same kind of way. You can put anything up there for as much as you want, if someone wants to pay a gigantic amount, then all power to him. However, 99% of the time, economics itself forces the prices down depending on the rarity of the item. In this way, gear itself, almost regardless of loot rules will each control their own price in our market. Ultimately, no one should be in fear of A) Not getting loot or Overpaying for loot. With Galleon, Sha, rep gear, crafted gear, Headless horsemen, Darkmoon Faire trinkets, bonus rolls with tokens, etc. Gear outside of raid boss drops early on in the tier, shouldn't be too much of a concern. Let's focus on downing bosses and individually improving on mechanics. At the end of the day, if a piece of gear goes to any good fellow raider, it is a good thing. Except for Mantra, no gear for Mantra! Like Unholy said, we will get the new DKP Rules Draft out to you guys soon. It won't go into effect till next week.
  12. In our 10M, the tanks developed a great strategy of switching between the boss between each add phase. This made it so the tank stacks reset more often and they weren't getting trucked. Also, this made sure that our better geared tank (Hauclir in our case) stayed on the boss more often and our other tank always ended up getting the add making it easier to predict damage etc. For the 6 "walls" we had our raid spread into 2 groups on opposite sides of the room and DPS opposing walls to get em down faster. We did it in such a way that both groups ended the phase in the same spot so adds could be AOE'd by everyone before going back to the boss. Good work Sazda, I think we should have more of these "What we learned on our first time on a boss" posts.
  13. I will be online in about an hour or so. I can talk to you tonight Lyshani. We want to do whatever we can to make sure your group has a successful run. After your roster is all set, we will promote you guys to raider rank (I think I covered most people already). For any new guy you recruit, bring him in for a week or two and if you think he has earned the raider rank, we will act accordingly. Also, we might bump you to a recruiter rank or something so you can invite someone if we are not online, I will talk to Gump about the details of that. Anything else you need, we can talk about it when I am online.
  14. That sucks. Oh well, I guess the goal now turns to seeing how many people are available to do a 25M on Sundays going forward. This should be a slow process and shouldn't include forcing anyone who doesn't want to be there. It requires around 30-35 consistent raiders to maintain the third day. We got a couple people back recently, but they still have to gear and all. Maybe we can do a rotating system where people who have gotten a lot of gear automatically take a day off on Tuesdays which not only gives them a day off, but also gives other raiders a chance to get some loot as well. Again, these are just ideas I am throwing around and nothing is set in stone. Again, it would require 30-35 constant raiders to do this.
  15. I would have made more videos but work got in the way I will get on it.
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