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5.1 mistweaver


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Just wanted to make a small list of some of my ideas on the changes... but a full list is easily found on MMO-champ

list of nerfs summarized:

25% reductions on RM, CW, CB

RM spreads twice instead of thrice (HUGE nerf to uplift in 25m)

...i forget the rest, if theres more...

buffs tho-

50% extra haste from gear in serpent stance

RM ticks every 2 seconds instead of 3 (relevant cause it spreads faster, and changes haste cap)

only need 1 stack of TP for full 30% arpen debuff

Crit gives a chance to gen an extra mana tea stack

Soothing mist / Crackling jade lightening mana costs reduced, and chi gen increased from 25-35%

my thoughts as a 10m MW

the changes to RM mean no more blindly blanketing 8-9 consistent ppls with RM for uplifts, so TFT is now much more useful and should be thought out for phases like F&V etc etc...

ticks faster so new haste caps of 150 and 3148(?) according to Elitist jerks... 150 is insanely low to achieve so imo its best to get that 11th tick at the second haste cap then reforging to crit for throughput as well as regen from extra mana tea stacks.

The nerf to chi burst is to keep it balanced with the uplift nerf for 25m. i believe its RM on 8 or more then uplift wins, but anything under that Chi burst wins... almost irrelevant for 10m healing tho, due to the fact that 8 ppl are RARELY stacked up tightly, even when supposed to...

Nerf to chi wave kinda doesnt make sense as it was mostly a tank heal in 10m with pretty good throughput, so idk if that was in attempts to push tank healing specifically into a soothing mists rotation or just to tone down the lvl30 talent heals... shouldnt matter much in 25s, as chi burst is still the winner when anyone is clumped. bummer for tank heals in 10m on 2 heal fights tho...

change to TP is mostly a quality of life bonus for fistweaving, and also gives no excuse for not being up for the entirety of Xuen, if talented, for bonus to eminence heals...

Ascension change- 15% more mana plus a free chi slot and 15% more regen for WW/BrM... changes the amount of mana regen from mana tea for more MP5... imo, still not worth the clutch burst provided by chi brew, or the entire stack of mana tea generated from using Chi brew... overall regen will depend on fight length and how often Chi brew is on CD.

Change to haste combined with buffs to soothing mists (increased chi gen chance, and decreased mana cost) makes it a comparable chi generator, and with enough haste, on par with Jab... mostly a buff to ranged mistweaving and a definite increase to tank heals. still not as consistent chi gen as jab, but definitely in the right direction for improving our complete lack of ability to tank heal. Also, this is one of the few of our heals directly effected by haste, so its still not worth it to stack haste above any of the previously mentioned caps unless your job is straight tank heals, which, if so, kick your raid leader for assigning you that!

theres quite a bit more feedback etc i could give, but my class is almost out so im out of time.

if you want a more professional opinion on the changes, Affinity from Blood Legion posted a really good recap vid where he goes over all the changes so ill post it here below.

EJ- MW discussion

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It's gonna be rough, but I actually look forward to actually using soothing mists again. It's such a cool and unique spell and it sucks that it was useless for so long. I don't know if the changes will make it worth casting but I'm looking forward to it. The only change that I absolutely hate is nerfing Chi Wave. It's a small nerf but it was our best tank heal for a class that's TERRIBLE at tank healing. They need to give us something better.

BTW, I'll be using ascension. Other than on fights with VERY predictable huge bursts like Vorlok, I pretty much never pop Chi Brew on CD. The extra chi slot will be nice and the extra MP5 from Manatee will be excellent. That coupled with the Manatee changes with Crit means that I'm gonna go Haste to new haste breakpoint then stack crit. My regen should go up a lot. Maybe now I'll be able to actually DPS heal without going oom in 2 minutes.

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WTB you moar spirit if you're ooming that fast!

LOL @ "manatee"

and i agree about ascension... that extra chi slot will be nice w/o chi brew so you can pile it up, pop TFT then uplift x2 for quick burst combined with RM refresh/spread.

somewhere i read that Chibrew on CD is slightly more mp5 that ascension will be, simply from the free stack of tea... so yeah, if you dont use it on CD then its gonna be ascension all the way... kinda stoked to try everything out tomorrow...

all that said, good luck with 25m HoF, with all the heavy healing requirements and bursts, its gonna be tough with the huge reduction in throughput if you have more than 1-2 monks healing...

ohyeah, forgot a key nerf... 10% mana cost increase on everything... to kinda counter-balance the crit change to mana tea... so maybe with those two, combined with ascension, mana will feel roughly equivalent to how it does now...

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Like, what all costs mana? Surging Mist, Glyphed Uplift, RM, SCK, is there even anything else? No point in nerfing SCK, it's already meh and glyphed uplift is already insanely expensive. Healing surge is AWFUL and nobody uses it unless it means the difference between wiping or not. So really, it's a nerf to RM cost, which just got nerfed big time separately.

Not too happy, no reason to up cost of our other healing spells.

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from the patch notes:

"All healing spells which cost mana have had their mana cost increased by 10%."

so apparently this doesnt include jab? and WTF surging wasnt already outrageous as it was?

i think it was so the crit change isnt completely OP, because tbh, i never ran low on mana unless i was just dpsing to dick around/push certain phases faster... if anything, a blanket 10% more is stupid because it makes the expensive heals exponentially more expensive than cheaper ones... 16,000(?) mana for SCK would go to 17,600, (1,600 more), whereas expel harm 7,500 mana goes up to 8,250 (750 more)... so our out of reach, expensive heals hit us even harder, yet the cheap, common heals, are insignificantly higher (when balanced out with crit-manatee change)...

maybe they trying to make our 2pc worth getting? lol

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The problem with the Manatee change is that I already use a bunch of GCD's on it. On a fight like Garalon where I do a jab-jab-uplift rotation, I use it almost on CD. On some fights, with enough crit, I WILL use it on CD. That's a ton of wasted GCD's. Sigh.

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true... but at least its instant and MW's have 1 sec default GCDs... but its a weird feeling being a healer and mostly gcd capped while raid healing... if you find a fight where you can rotate heals around in 25 man, you could unglyph it and channel the shit outta it to get big chunks of mana back periodically... but imo thats worse than keeping it on cd unless theres literally no damage going out for a while

instead of proccing extra stacks, crit should be a chance for the regen tick to crit... as to eliminate the INCREASED spamming of manatee on CD... they are an endangered species after all...

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Unfortunately, Unholyfaith wasn't there to WOL and I forgot to, but I remember being tops on most if not all fights in MSV except for Elegon (Disc priest owns that fight).

The nerfs hurt but they weren't as bad as I thought as long as you adapt and cast more soothing mist. You really build up Chi hella fast with soothing mist now. It only went from 25 to 35 but that small change makes chi generation MUCH smoother.

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yeah, once i got the hang of stuffs i was topping the lfr's... except i lost to an uber geared disc priest on one of the fights in HoF... now it's definitely more difficult to keep up high hps... mostly due to the RM nerf... im also getting the hang of a new UI setup... i downloaded vuhdo and weak auras, switching over from healbot, and i imported Affinity's mistweaver weak auras... the nicest part is a RM tracker that shows a number for how many targets have RM, and a countdown for the duration of the one thats closest to expiring... works great for maximizing TFT usage...

but yeah, Soothing now feels somewhat better, still had a few channels of not a single proc, but sometimes it would do like 3-4 in a row... and i switched over to ascension talent... the extra chi slot feels so much better to me... still gonna use chi brew on fights where big burst is necessary... but its nice having that 5th open slot, especially when using more soothings, so you dont waste chi gen

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  • The mana costs of Jab, Spinning Crane Kick, Soothing Mist, Crackling Jade Lightning, and Renewing Mists have been increased by 30%.
  • Soothing Mist and Crackling Jade Lightning now have a 30% chance to generate Chi when they deal damage (was 35%).

sad freaking face!

anyone else feel like this is more of a knee-jerk than an effort of fine tuning? but they did fix RM jumping to pets, so thats nice... but still... someone at blizz needs to figure out WTF they're doing with this spec and stick to it... starting to feel a bit like a ragdoll here. first they were gonna fix our mastery, then reverted it, then upped mana costs but made crit a regen stat, then upped mana costs further after nerfing throughput significantly, buffed single target thru soothing chi gen buf, then cut the buff back down in half and increased mana cost 30%. one RM will now be 19,500 mana... apparently they only want us to stack the shit outta spirit even more, and crit, drop fistweaving along with mana tea glyph... all without giving us any sort of actual raid utility CD other than revival (which is at least way nicer in 10m than you see in 25m)...

well, now i can at least mention that i am relieved instead of sad, that i'm offspeccing for 4/6 in MV and who knows how many fights in HoF... if only i actually liked windwalker...
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I was screwing around in LFR the other night and totally gemmed int/crit to cut back on some of my spirit and I topped the charts on all the msv fights im finding that i use RM on CD the just rotate my soothing mists between people that are low with the extra crits it really shows now im still debating if i should use enveloping mists more or continue to spend my chi on chi blast. I do find though it still crits for 90-100k even with the nerf

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Was that before the additional hot fix nerf that upped the mana costs by 30% and lowered SM chi gen back to 30%? Probably gonna hafta get more spirit now... Unless crit is strong enough as a regen stat? I'll hafta research it more. The increase to jab, if it went live, will royally screw fistweaving, which was decently maintainable after original nerfs, cause it will up it to 12,000 mana? Gonna be hard for consistent jabjab, uplift/chi burst spam. I guess that's intended for situational use now, and soothing as our main source of chi, but the reasoni rolled MW was for the melee aspect of healing lol. /sigh... Gonna hafta test it out some time in more depth this week between finals and before raiding.

jab nerf didnt go live, so thats good at least...

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