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Challenge Mode Score #1


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As some of you may know, our challenge mode group recently had a blazingly fast run of Scarlet Halls, making server first time and beating the existing server first time by about 45 seconds. This is also top 25 in the US. Not only is it fast for that instance, it's fast overall - we placed first on server on challenge mode score across all challenge modes according to Wowprogress.


Our casual approach to raids means that we will never be able to get server first heroic kills, but this is a guild with some awesome people who are very talented. When it comes to 5-man challenge modes, gear doesn't really matter, nor does gear farm or anything else. It's all skill and coordination, which our guild has plenty of. I encourage everyone who is interested in doing challenge modes to start up your own run and try it out! They are a ton of fun! Now go out and make us proud :biggrin:

Edit: Something else that I am VERY proud of: If you look at the top 30 (30!!) CM runs on our server, they are all cross-guild EXCEPT for our two runs. We are literally the only group who made a time in the top 30 on the server who did it with all guildies. We didn't need to look outside of our guild to min/max or stack a comp. We have enough good players in our own guild.

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