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DKP Information


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About the DKP System:

We are using a silent bid DKP system using an in-game DKP addon. The normal members will NOT need to run any addons. Only gear upgrades will be distributed via DKP. Most other gear (Patterns, Legendaries) will be distributed via Loot Council. All BOE’s that are main spec upgrades will be offered for DKP bidding. If nobody bids on the item, they will be put in the gbank for a period of a few days before they are sold for the benefit of the guild's gold stores. Anybody can purchase a main spec BOE item from the guild bank for minimum DKP. It should go without saying that you can only bid on a BOE item if it’s a main spec upgrade and you’re going to use it immediately. Anybody caught selling a BOE item obtained via DKP bidding will be immediately expelled from the guild.

Points are earned for raid attendance. All members are awarded 5 DKP per hour and all members are awarded 10 DKP at the end of the raid if they were there for 90% of the raid night. Members who are wait-listed will still earn DKP as if they are in the raid but this DKP will be cancelled if you are not able to be contacted to come back into the raid. No members will be able to see anybody’s DKP other than their own. You should be bidding on how much YOU think an item is worth. The officers may award extra DKP on the first kill of a boss if it was a particularly challenging boss (To award everyone who showed up and wiped with us to get the boss down).

All main spec items cost 10 DKP minimum. All off spec items cost 10 DKP minimum.

Only eligible off spec bidders are able to bid on off spec items. Off spec means that you are bidding on items for a different ROLE with a different TYPE of gear needed. Examples would be a main spec Paladin Tank whose offspec is Ret or a main spec Restoration Shaman Healer whose off spec is Enhancement. An item with slightly better itemization is still going to cost you the normal amount of DKP and is not counted as an offspec item. The officers will decide who is eligible to vote on off spec items and a list of eligible off spec bidders will be maintained on our forums. Every character will only be able to have one off spec. The general rule of thumb is that a player must be able to play the off spec with as much proficiency as their main spec and must keep all of their gear properly prepared and come with necessary consumables for their off spec. The point of designating off spec players is to ensure that our raid has the flexibility to adjust for fights with different healing/tanking requirements or to compensate for absences in a specific role.

How an item is bidded out:

When an item comes up for bidding, the loot master will place the item into raid chat for MAIN SPEC bidding. The members will then whisper the loot master with how much DKP they wish to spend on the item. After all bids are entered (You only have about 15 seconds), the loot master will announce the winning bid and award the item. The winner will be the person who bid the most DKP and they will be charged the amount of DKP they bid. If nobody places a main spec bid, the loot master will then offer the item for eligible off spec bidders to bid on. Off spec bidders are only able to bid minimum for items and ONLY off spec eligible looters are able to bid on off spec items. If there are any ties, the tied players will be asked to roll and the highest roll will win the item and be charged for the item. If you bid for an item and are awarded for an item, you WILL be charged for the item. If the loot master is bidding for an item, he/she will whisper another officer with their bid before the item comes up for bid. This is to prevent the officer from bidding depending on what other people bid.

DKP Decay and DKP Probation:

All DKP will decay by 50% at the start of a new raid tier.

If any member has two unexcused absences or three excused absences in a rolling four week period but still claims to be active, they are put on a DKP probationary period. During this time, the member can only bid minimum bid on all drops. The DKP probationary period will last until the member has made four consecutive raids.

New members are subject to the same DKP probationary period.



Off Spec gear may also be traded for a shard, an Off Spec DKP Bid overrules any Off Spec Shard offers.


New Raiders are granted the ability to go Negative Numbers while bidding the minimum DKP, as long as no other raider also bids Minimum DKP.

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