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[General Discussion] Emblem System

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Q u o t e:

Blizzard, I really really really really really really really really really really hope you're not planning to reintroduce the emblem system of WotLK in Cataclysm. I really believe it is the worst thing you have ever done.

I understand why it was implemented but you went about it all wrong. Limiting the need for progression is one thing, but eliminating it entirely is just gross.

We've talked about this in the Twitter DevChat back in February (link: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=23425523401&sid=1 )

Q. What have you learned from this expansion’s emblem system?

A. Having that many different kind of emblems is overwhelming. In hindsight, we wish we had done maybe 2 emblems: the current tier and the previous tier (Frost and Triumph at the moment). They also felt a tad too grindy when 3.3 first came out before all of the sources of emblems were available.

So we like the emblem system and how it allows player who are months behind to get gear a bit easier but there are still improvements that can be made.

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