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[Damage Dealing] When will hybrid tax apply to fury warriors?


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Can only be fixed by normalizing rage. Warriors are balanced around NOT being able to spam cleave/heroic strike every auto attack yet rage generation scaling with gear allows it to happen. If chain lightning had no cooldown and its mana cost decreased to near 0 at top level gear elemental shamans would do pretty crazy DPS on fights with adds too.

Yeah, pretty much this.

Heroic Strike is supposed to be a rage dump and in an environment where you are converting every swing into a Heroic Strike, it's a safe assumption that rage isn't really a resource anymore. The decision is supposed to be "Do I have enough rage to Heroic Strike?" vs. "If I don't Heroic Strike now, am I wasting rage?" Warriors need to be balanced around doing some Heroic Striking -- not converting every white swing to a HS and not so rage starved that they can never hit it either.

I've been hinting that we're likely to change rage in Cataclysm, and I'll do so again in the hopes that some smart players will come out and defend that decision when we get a lot of "You can't change rage!" posts. :o

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