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MMO-Champion Feed - Imonar the Soul Hunter, Pantheon Trinkets Overview, Blue Posts, WoW History


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Antorus - Imonar the Soul Hunter
Today we are looking at Imonar the Soul Hunter, one of the new bosses in Antorus, the Burning Throne.


Name Points
spell_nature_shamanrage.jpg Hard to Kill Defeat Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne after triggering every trap on the bridge on Normal difficulty or higher.
achievement_boss_argus_bountyhunter.jpg Mythic: Imonar the Soulhunter Defeat Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.

AskMrRobot - Pantheon Trinkets
Our friends at AskMrRobot have a nice explanation of how the Pantheon trinkets (Path of the Titan) will work!


Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Karazhan(Old) - Chess Event Bug
The case here is that technically the chess-pieces (such as the King) are "vehicles" which we enter. When we leave, we "leave vehicle" and return to our character, and all should work well when done normally like that.

But by using custom scripts, or functionalities added by addons - it can be possible to "dismiss" the chess piece, like a hunter dismisses their pet. This causes the piece to despawn - which then means the piece can't be killed and end the encounter in some cases which can cause it to get stuck.

If you have been effected by this issue - you can solve it by doing a "soft reset" of your Karazhan run. You do this by leaving the raid, and leaving the raid totally empty of any players, for 30 minutes. This cancels and resets and boss fights or encounters (such as chess). You could then re-enter after 30 mins to try again.

To prevent the problem from happening in future - do not use any "dismiss" command, however they have managed to become available. Dismissing is not typically possible in the default game interface.
A good way to ensure this runs smoothly, is to disable all of your addons before starting chess.

I hope this sheds some light on it and helps everyone get their Tier 4 transmogs (Official Forums)

Classic Feedback
The posts on Reddit are my favorite, as they pretty much contradict everything said here, aside from a couple people being all doom and gloom. I agree with them in the fact that they noted people are over reacting.

To be clear - we are simply encouraging conversation and discussion. We are not developers, we do not make any final decisions on Live or on Classic.

I think it's more showing that you would try to shut down conversations with your big, bolded letters instead of engaging in a constructive way. If you want to try to lay out a plan to show the community why those things are things the Classic community shouldn't want, then do that. You are not the sole voice in this conversation - there are "purists" on both sides of the argument, there are people who want 1.0, those who want 1.12, those who want 1.7 so the debuff cap is 16, those who want progression. There's thousands of different opinions, and trying to shut those down in one swoop doesn't necessarily bode well for you.

Like J. Allen Brack has said, our goal is to create an experience that is as close to that original World of Warcraft experience as possible. I personally do not see that as us chasing things down and reinventing the wheel, and definitely not anything that would fundamentally change how Vanilla was, but there are conversations that do need to happen, and if your only goal is to come here and try to stop them instead of participating and adding valuable input to one side or the other, then you're most likely not welcome here.

This forum isn't a place to yell and scream that "BLIZZARD DOESNT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING - HIRE NOSTALRIUS", when all we are trying to do is be transparent and make sure we're listening from the start. (Official Forums)

This Week in WoW History
We're taking a look back at old MMO-Champion posts and World of Warcraft news that occurred during this time in previous years.

Raid Markers
Before the Cataclysm, raid Leaders and raiders used Engineering flares, campfires and various other indicators while raiding to mark spots. This changed with the introduction of raid markers. These new markers came in 5 different colors and could be placed within raids by the raid leader or players with assist.


The Shattering
Deathwing's flight over Azeroth would bring flames and destruction to many of locations. A full preview of what the Cataclysm would bring was posted on our website in 2010. Many of the classic zones (such as Thousand Needles, Tanaris, Barrens and Stranglethorn) would be divided or revamped in patch 4.0.3a after the event known as the Shattering.


Loss-of-Control Indicator
Patch 5.1 brought a very nice quality-of-life change for many PvP enthusiasts. Loss-of-control debuffs were now shown in the middle of the screen indicated by the spell's icon and duration. This addition was meant to replace the popular Lose Control add-on. A few other interface options were also added, such as being able to cast abilities on key press rather than release.


Additions to the Blizzard Store
In 2013, the Alterac Brew-Pup was added to the Pet Store. This new companion was the new charity event pet, which meant that half of the purchase price would go to the Make-a-Wish foundation. A new mount was added alongside the addition of the pet. The Enchanted Fey Dragon was, and still is, a unique model only obtainable through the store. This mount’s special feature is its ability to shift colors patterns, a technology later used with other mounts and pets.


Warlords of Draenor Goes Live
The launch of Warlords has some rough points, such as unstable servers and tremendous wait times to log in. Every expansion prior to Legion had linear questing zones, which created a huge bottleneck effect of players being stuck in a zone, adding additional stress to their servers. This hiccup was quickly remedied and servers went back to normal. In subsequent expansions we saw new tech, such as zone scaling, and server sharding added to avoid another unstable launch.


Cataclysm Timewalking
The first weekend of Cataclysm Timewalking happened in 2015. This new event brought the usual reputation tokens, Tosselwrench's Mega-Accurate Simulation Viewfinder and Gurboggle's Gleaming Bauble. The event added six Cataclysm dungeons to the game for players to enjoy.


WoW's 11th Anniversary
Every year the Anniversary event featured special items and XP boosts that were only usable during the event. 2015 stood out in particular, because of the addition of the Edwin VanCleef costume, and the Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. Did Someone Say…?


WoW Tokens to Battle.Net Balance
2016 brought one of the biggest changes to the Blizzard economy since the introduction of WoW tokens. Patch 7.1.5 gave players the choice of either adding 30 days of gametime to their account, or adding $15 currency to their Blizzard Balance. This currency could be used for any Blizzard games, thus skyrocketing the price of the WoW token across the regions. For everyone gold goblin out there, this new change meant that they could use their WoW gold to purchase other games, or in-game items such as Hearthstone packs.


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