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[General Discussion] the frostwrym drakes from ICC


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Q u o t e:

i thought they were only going to be there till cata (or the patch 4.0) but a friend told me blizz has said they were leaving them in after cata as well. Can anyone confirm this?

mmmm... copy+paste - Info is a month old but probably still accurate. :)


This is all tentative and could change, but we don't really have a problem with protodrake farming. What we will probably do with really unusual mounts like Mimiron's Head and Invincible is make them a rare drop. The 100% drop rate won't make sense when you can overpower the content.

If you want to overpower the content for a drake though, go for it. Players who did it "legit" had the benefit of having the achievement and mount earlier than anyone else. The most prestigious mounts will change in Cataclysm.

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