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  1. HACKING We have ZERO tolerance for hacking. Once a hacker, always a hacker. Anyone found cheating will be banned permenantly from all of our Ranked Servers. All members will be checked against standard sites such as AntiCheat Inc and Punk Buster. Our own review of your stats will be made using our stats site ATRStats.com BAN APPEALS If you feel you've been banned unjustly, please post an appeal by looking up your player @ ATRStats.com Be civil and reasonable in your appeal. "Flames" will cause appeal to be denied and being banned from the Forums. CONDUCT IN GAME Glitching or using Macros is prohibited. Members should not "teabag" other members. If just starting the server and all players are members, if you want to go "Pistols Only" that is fine, so long as all members agree. It should NOT be pushed. If a pug joins, go weapons hot. Do not try and push special restrictions on players joining the server. More often than not it will just drive the player away. VIP Players who have donated at least $20 in a given month will be given VIP access to our servers. This access will immediately join you into a server so that you do not have to wait in line. Keep in mind that this may not work on "Official Servers", it will work on "Ranked Servers". RANKED VS OFFICIAL When first turning on a new server the server will be an Official Server. On Official servers we do not have the ability to force VIP to work, kill, kick or ban players. However it does drive "Quick Play" traffic to the server, helping get it populated and get people aware of our group and that the server exists. After a reasonable trial period of allowing people to find the server, it will be switched to a Ranked server. Anyone found hacking on an Official Server will be banned from all our Ranked servers. Ranked servers we have full control over. VIP will work and of course we can kill, kick, ban and enforce special rules such as "No Explosives" or "Pistols Only" SEEDERS To be eligible for prizes at the end of each month, you must seed at least half the month during our "Prime Time" hours. Which is 8AM to 7PM. You do not need to seed that entire window, just a reasonable amount in that window to show effort being made to help us populate servers. We have reporting ability to know whether you just happened to be playing during that time, or if you were running the seeder application. PRIME TIME POPPERS We need more people on in the mornings and afternoons to help get servers going. Seeders certainly help, but what really gets servers populated is actual players. We of course do not expect any member to sit in a server with a bunch of seeders and do nothing hoping another real person will join, but we are going to try and recognize those people that are making an effort and not just playing on a full server all day. HELPING POPULATE SERVERS Members are required to help us populate servers. We do not expect them to do so 24/7, or by themselves, but if there are at least 4 active people on TeamSpeak then you should try jumping into a server with seeders and get it going. BURN OUT is real. If there aren't enough active people on TS, then you are not expected to sit in a server by yourself, do what you can to get people into servers and keep them there. TEAMSPEAK Members are required to use TeamSpeak. We are going to be a little more selective when bringing new members into the group, and one requirement is that they join TS and stick around. We understand that many members have work or school so being on in the morning and afternoon is difficult. However please make an effort to jump on as often as possible. Even if just to check in, say hello, whatever. If you are available in the morning and afternoon, jump on and hang out for a bit. Even if you're by yourself, odds are someone else will join soon enough. We will often see members join, see no one on, and immediately quit. Only to see another member do the same thing a few minutes later. So in short, stick around! RECRUITMENT We are all recruiters! Having a great game? Try to get those players into TeamSpeak and on our forums! The more active and good players (and we aren't even talking skill, just decent human beings) we have, the better. It will make our lives easier, servers pop faster, life is good. So get out there and spread the word. Post on BL Forums, Reddit, engage people in the servers. Get them talking and interested. We may do some kind of referral program (need Council vote and discussion), give some kind of reward or incentive for those getting good people into All That Rem
    9 points
  2. To be determined. (Looking for feedback and for the directors of ATR to add to this thread. It will be closed after a period of time and finalized. Any person joining the All That Remàins gaming community will be vetted. We expect all players, regardless of game, to respect our members and leadership. LANGUAGE We DO NOT allow racist or homophobic slurs. We DO NOT allow intolerant language in regards to ones gender, race, country, sexual preference or background. It''s understood that we''re a gaming community of adults. Adult language, swearing is acceptable if not expected. However the intolerant language mentioned above can give a group a bad image. If you are found using such language in TeamSpeak or in-game you will be warned and removed if necessary. Examples of this language which will not tolerated in any variation are: fag, faggot, chink, gook, nig, nigger, spick, retard, cunt, kike, etc. CONDUCT TOWARD PLAYERS Each member of All That Remàins is a representative of the entire group. We expect all members to treat all players with respect, knowing that other players observing the conversation or interaction are also potential members. We always want to maintain a positive image so that in-turn those are the types of players that we''re attracting to the group. A certain level of trash talk is not unexpected in gaming. Just try and keep it in check. It''s up to the leaders of each game to keep players in check. If interactions are going beyond "Just in good fun" player needs to be warned and if the problem persists, removed from the group. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM If you''re having a problem with another member please bring that problem to an Admin or Officer. If the problem is with an Admin or Officer then please reach out to one of the directors of ATR and we''ll do our best to help resolve the issue.
    9 points
  3. Just want to say congratulations to our Battlefield 4 Group. For the first time since we started, all Eight of our Battlefield servers filled, and not only that, all but one had a Queue meaning people were waiting in line to play on them. Over 280 active players (no seeders) online! Thank you to everyone that helps support the servers through seeding, popping and donations. You all make this possible. We have seen over the past couple weeks that servers are filling faster, and we're getting down to the last two earlier each day. When EA isn't crashing things that is lol. Lets keep this up!
    7 points
  4. "Like the phoenix we will rise from the ashes because we are All That Rem." - Chuck_Mawhinn3y. The eagle was burned and out of the ashes arose the phoenix! I have a challenge for ANYONE at ATR, create a new Battlefield emblem showcasing a phoenix and the letters ATR. I made one last night and just copied the current ATR logo. Given our situation, I think the phoenix represents us quite accurately. I will be giving away a prize for the winner, most likely a copy of a game of your choice or a gift card! Create a PERSONAL emblem, not using the platoon so it doesn't override the current one, and take a screenshot which you will post here. We will vote on which one we like the best. We will discuss whether we want the winning emblem to become our new logo for ATR which I can convert to a SVG, PNG, etc. Feel free to discuss ideas/concepts below or even create something in Photoshop!
    7 points
  5. Thanks to everyone who showed up for the meeting and for the event! We had a blast. Skullx streamed to twitch for any who missed it. I'll drop the screenshot of the final scoreboard when I get home tonight. Skullx won, and deferred his prize to Havik who kindly donated it back to the clan!! On top of that Janz showed some ATR love and picked up BF4 for Heman one of our new members!
    6 points
  6. Just the ATR Ranks for now, WoW, BF, & GTA ones will come later. Most likley themed to match the game. Rank names, icons, and colors are also subject to change. Ranks Above this Line Require Application Approval
    6 points
  7. If all else fails follow Wil Wheaton's rules for the Internet. 1. Don't be a dick. That's it.
    6 points
  8. received the monitor thanks. time to install and give it a try
    5 points
  9. Just wanted to take a moment and give a shout out to all my friends, family and community members that are in or have been in the military. So few serve and have sacrificed so much so that so many can have the lives we enjoy today. At the very least today is a celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Take a moment and give thanks to someone today. Many Mouth Hugs, Happy
    5 points
  10. ATR Gamers is the FIRST and so far (as of 4:30 AM EST) the ONLY group to have the new high tickrate servers up and running! ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE CONQUEST #1 |60 HZ| VANILLA MAPS | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE CONQUEST #2 |60 HZ| ALL MAPS | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE MIXED MODE |60 HZ| VOTE MAP | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE TDM #1 |60 HZ| VANILLA MAPS | ATRGamers.com |HIGH TICKRATE TDM #2 |60 HZ| ALL MAPS | Now we may not be able to run all servers at a higher tickrate, and we may be pushing it starting out with 5. But we're going to test this out and see how the server handles it. Get the seeders fired up! Hope we can get these filled fast today! Love, Happy
    5 points
  11. Howdy all! As the duly appointed planner in the council, I'd like to announce our next meeting...and provide plenty of time to plan for those that can make it. It will be held Sunday, 6/28 in Teamspeak. Council will meet prior to the main meeting @ 6PM EST. The main meeting will be held at 7PM EST. At 8PM EST we'll hold another ATR Member event! Your council would love to see as many people as possible at the meeting so everyone's up to date on what's going on with the BF side of the community. We also want to hear feedback from you the members on BF (and to share anything else that's going on!). I've already fielded two suggestions for an event...but if you have one you'd like to have considered, let me know. I'll give it a few days before I post the details on the Event. There will, as always, be a prize of some sort! ((BUMP))
    5 points
  12. Wow big changes since I've been gone. Waaazzzzzzz up everyone
    5 points
  13. Ok so here's my first experiment. Only took an hour for Adobe to fix it so that I can actually use the Photoshop subscription that I pay for lol! I used a font roughly similar to that used in BF4 cause someone in the ATR group chat suggested it. I can Easily change it to be the same as everything else. Let me know what you think!
    5 points
  14. installed Sent from my SM-G930W8 using ATR Gamers mobile app
    4 points
  15. ATR Gamers has purchased 5 BF1 servers to start. We can adjust this as necessary. 4 of them are East Coast. One (the hardcore) is West Coast. Right now, 2 Conquest, 1 Rush, 1 Domination and 1 Hardcore Conquest. Looking for admin and member feedback. These are subject to change, I just ordered to get them up. Each server is limited to 6 maps. So far only Conquest is allowing 64 players. Rush & Domination are being limited to 24 and we do not have an option to change that. On your server browser, search for ATR
    4 points
  16. How did you get a hold of my schedule?
    4 points
  17. Raid Times Raid start at 7:30 PM EST/Server time every Wednesday and Thursday This does not mean log on at 7:30, or still in Dalaran at 7:30. It means in raid group, in the raid instance, ready to pull trash by 7:30. Roster The first week players from previous expansion guaranteed a spot in the group, if those players stayed to the end of the last expansion. While we will not be sitting based purely on group comp, we will be trying to keep and eye on it to allow the best possible chance for boss kills. Will try to keep a good rotation of players on and off the bench, everyone who wants to play should be able to. Minimum item level for raid will be 840, if you believe you will not be able to make this by raid, please let an officer know and we will work with you. You should have also completed your class hall campaign and unlocked your third relic slot, again if you feel you will have not completed this, please speak with an officer and we will work with you. We expected everyone to be able to do mechanics, we understand that mistakes happen but recurring issues and failed mechanics will be penalized. Penalties If you are late to raid you will start the night on the bench and your spot will be filled by another raid member. Your rank in the guild, your top level dps, or your role will never guarantee you a raid spot. At no time, without permission, are you able to afk during raid. This includes "downtime" between bosses, trash, during loot, etc. The penalties for being afk; during trash, being back late from break, or other infractions are as follows. First offense: Warning Second offense: 5% EP deduction Third offense: 5% EP deduction and moved to bench As a note: You are able to be benched when the raid is not full, flex allows us to run 10-30 players. While we do not want to have to sit people we will in order to maintain a healthy and productive raid environment. Loot ATR uses an EPGP loot system for our main raid team. All players will start with an EP value of 2000 and a GP value of 100. You will need the EPGPLootmaster addon to be able to bid and receive gear. Addons ATR requires the following addons for raid, installed and at latest version; Deadly Boss Mods https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods EPGPLootmaster https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp_lootmaster EPGP https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/epgp-dkp-reloaded Logs Players will be expected to perform to a minimum standard in the logs. This will not be enacted for the first few weeks. Once reliable logs have been established we will be looking at the percentile in which players are currently ranking. For your class, spec, and item level you will be expected to be in the 40th percentile. This allows raiders to be below average for the spec and item level combined, this is a reasonable expectation and we do not foresee anyone failing to meet this standard. In Raid Behavior We will be monitoring the level on conversation in raid this expansion. We are not trying to stop the fun, or keep from people enjoying themselves. Still, any bullying or overly negative attitudes will not be tolerated. Feedback is welcome, and we fully support constructive criticism, but telling someone they suck and need to "git gud" is not acceptable. Speaking of speaking in raid, we all enjoy the chatter during trash, to an extent, and everyone likes to have a great time. During boss attempts however, talking should be left to raid leaders and those designated for call outs. When we have too many cooks in the kitchen it can cause chaos and ultimately lead to more wipes and more disgruntled players. Repeated infractions can and will lead to the previous listed penalties. Rules are subject to change. Notice will be given when they are. CHANGE LOG September 19th 2016: Added "In Raid Behavior" Section.
    4 points
  18. This is what i get when i Google it in 'Merica
    4 points
  19. With the closure of =U= Rock earlier this week members of the Battlefield clan have joined forces with All That Remàins
    4 points
  20. Hello Gamers! Wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Happy New Years and to say thank you for being apart of ATR Gamers. We've seen our membership grow greatly this year with the addition of our Battlefield 4 group to our ranks. Faster servers, more games being offered, more events and prizes. Big thank you to those that have donated their time and/or money to help make this group a success. As some of you know we make great effort at trying to be as transparent as possible with what money is coming in and going out, from who and where to. As part of that we wanted to take the extra step of actually becoming a registered organization and becoming exempt from federal income tax. I'm proud to announce that I received notice from the Internal Revenue Service today that our application and paperwork was accepted and we are now a registered 501 (c) (7) organization, technically a "Social Club" https://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Other-Non-Profits/Social-Clubs. No, your donations are not tax deductible lol. But it is a big step for our group, makes us more legitimate and will help us with our future endeavors. For example it will make us stand out a lot more while seeking sponsors for our upcoming LAN event. It should also make all of you more comfortable, knowing we are putting the work in, we are here to stay and any donation is for ATR Gamers only, and not going to pay for a family vacation. Anyway, just wanted to share as I thought this was some exciting news. Thank you again everyone and I'm sure this year will be even bigger for us! Love, Happy
    4 points
  21. CaliberKing won the drawing for December, and asked me instead to donate the $$ that would have been spent on the game to the server support costs.
    4 points
  22. 4 points
  23. Set your calendars boys and girls! 8/1 at 8PM EST we'll be having our monthly BF4 meeting. We'll be following that up at 9PM with our event! Bring your body and any topics you would like to discuss. The event is going to be Jetski races around Lumphini Garden! Grab a friend and leave the other guys in your wake! The river around the central part of the map will serve as your ticket to fame and glory as you take two laps. Each jetski will be allowed a driver and a rider. The first lap will be for position with no combat, the second lap is for all the marbles. The rider may use the 93R (with any attachments you like and may deploy ammo packs). I suggest you both equip both in your kit, so that if one is shot out, the other may continue the race until the dead player redeploys. First team to finish both laps, or to eliminate both players on the other ski (leaving it empty) will win. Again, no shooting on the first lap, free fire with 93R only on the second lap. We will hold rounds with winners advancing until one team is crowned king. Please be on time and ready to ride as these bracketed events can take a little longer than a standard round of Domination or TDM. Be sure to join us for the shenanigans, wakes, splashing and crashing!
    4 points
  24. Make it good people, I will get the winners logo tattooed on me.
    4 points
  25. Greetings everyone, With the release of patch 8.2 last Tuesday, the new raid is approaching quickly and will open on July 9th. This means that it is now time to plan the roster for the tier. Please post here or let an officer know if you plan to be raiding with us for this tier. As always with new tiers, rerolls are allowed, but priority on roles will be given to people who want to maintain the role they had in the previous tier. Looking forward to seeing you in the raid group! Raid Leader Mort
    3 points
  26. Greetings everyone! With the Battle of Dazar'alor raid releasing tomorrow, I thought I'd make a post so you guys know what to expect. As always with a new raid tier, we are likely to have returning players or some people who might want to switch to another character. There is no absolutely no problem with that, but keep in mind the following : Priority will be given to people who want to maintain the role they had in the last tier. The character you pick should be geared enough that it won't hinder progression for the rest of the group. With normal dropping 385 gear, returning players or new characters should aim to be at least 365 in order to be allowed in the group for progression. This should be easily achievable with the catchup mechanics in place. Keep in mind the Darkshore warfront gear will go up when the raid unlocks, as well as M+ ilvl rewards, which makes it even easier. As usual, we will be starting with normal difficulty, and move onto heroic once we've cleared it. We'll keep clearing normal until we're far enough into heroic that there is no gear someone needs in normal that they couldn't get from our heroic kills. If you would like to watch the fights on video beforehand, Wowhead has a great guide with video for every bosses based on PTR footage. Keep in mind it is not required for you to watch those, as I will have strategies prepared for every boss, but you are encouraged to get familiar with the fights if you want to. If you have any questions, leave them below and I'll answer them as soon as possible. See you in raid! Raid leader Mort
    3 points
  27. With the closure of our BF4 servers, this has led to a huge resource lost to bring in new members and a way to grow the ATR community. Part of the reason is that BF4 has lost its vigor due to its age. BF1 which we thought would’ve been the next chapter in our BF lineage failed to capture where the BF4 game and community left off. Because of this and the rise of PUBG, BF will not be the way we will be able to grow our community. What we need help with is some input from our current community members. What are some games you would like to see a bigger interest in from the community? What are the current games that you are playing? Mainly we want to see where the interest is and where we can focus on bringing in more members who enjoy the same games as what we like to play or future games that we could be looking forward to playing.
    3 points
  28. Im looking to play OverWatch, GTA5, and CSGO. These games have a big following/community. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks! -OONicc
    3 points
  29. We are implementing some changes due to the past months performance on server population and donations. Up through January both have been steady and within our operating costs. This month has shown a massive drop of people on TeamSpeak, helping populate, seeding and in donations. Present costs are roughly $600/month, for February we are standing at just $255 in donations which is our worse month ever. We did have some surplus last month and enough in the bank to get us by an additional month as a last resort. So looking at reasons as to why this may be, many indications are people are tired of popping, too many servers. Will have a great night, and then the next night if we're off to a slow start, people disappear fast. As a result we've decided to go from 8 servers to 5 servers, cutting 140+ slots. (We had 5 conquest, we cut 3 and now have 2 conquest plus 3 other modes) This doesn't do much to our operating costs (saves $50), but it does reduce the work our players have to do. The intention here is to allow us to get the servers popped more quickly, and allow us to get back to having fun. The additional benefit of this is we have increased the tickrate on all the servers, so that they are at least 40hz, and two of them are 60hz improving game play. Last but not least the hope is with the servers getting popped sooner, more people will want to chip in for VIP or sponsor servers to get us back up and over the minimum operating costs, which those overages come back to you all in the form of prizes. We are exploring other areas where we can reduce costs, primarily with our admin system but the bottom line is we need to see improvement on support in March if we're to continue offering the Battlefield, ARK, Minecraft, CS:GO and other servers/services we provide. So to those who contribute, thank you for your support. To those who don't, we can use your help. To be clear we aren't threatening to shut everything down over one poor month. This group has been going strong for over 6 years, and the Battlefield group has been amazing since becoming part of ATR in May. Regardless of donations there will always be a place for us to gather and be silly. Lets come together and end this month strong, make March awesome and be sure to be on for the meeting and C4 event on Sunday the 28th! Love, Happy
    3 points
  30. Every time one of you dickheads decides they want to run around doing nonsense when a wipe is called... Every fucking time I feign... assholes... (You should just die fast anyway so we can pull again sooner.)
    3 points
  31. LEGENDARIES~! We all get them. Or not. Or we have three. Or we got two in one night. At the very least, we see people get them. How should we act when legendaries come into play? What should I do if I get one? Be happy, be grateful, equip it and have fun but don't gloat. Rubbing it in the faces of other people who don't have one is rude and sparks fights. But I don't like the one I got... It's rare (and so far I haven't seen an example in our group) that a legendary is so poorly itemized that it would be better to keep what you have. Equip them and use them because even if it only benefits your survivabiliy, that means there is a higher chance you won't die. Thus, it does improve your DPS/Heals/Tanking because you can't do shit when you're dead. I want to get a second one! If you already have one but you want a second one, that's okay to want it but don't endlessly talk about wanting one. Some people don't even have one yet despite playing countless hours in raids and Mythic + dungeons. Frankly, constantly complaining about your legendary being "terrible" or wanting a second one that's actually "good" is excessively rude, obnoxious, and the raiding environment is not the appropriate place to whine that your shiny golden legendary isn't that shiny. Everyone keeps getting them and I don't have any! How come they got two in one night?! It's okay to be jealous you don't have one yet, that's normal to want something you don't have, but don't let it consume you and turn you into an asshole. Don't yell at people to getting legendaries because it helps the raid team and therefore helps you advance further in the raids. Don't yell in teamspeak, period. Don't make people feel bad for getting a legendary and don't endlessly harp about how pathetic your item level is because it doesn't have a legendary boosting it. But I don't have one. Eventually you will. Quit whining or the officers will have to punish you for causing a disturbance during raid. If you want to make a post on the forums to openly bitch about your bad luck and how great others are, go ahead, just don't attack anyone and keep the whining out of raid. I can only imagine how incredibly frustrating this would be to endure it for the full raid night. I'm only present for the last hour of most raids and even I am beginning to tire of this behavior... Maybe the officers won't agree with every point I made, but at the very least there needs to be some guidelines with legendaries because they are becoming a source of argument when they should just be a source of happiness that the raid team and people are getting such sweet loot. I'm not talking about specific people here, I'm actually talking about a fair portion of the raid team. Most people are being civil about them and a little idle chatter regarding them is fine, but others complain and keep complaining, which causes disturbances in the raid environment, and that is just plain unacceptable.
    3 points
  32. As part of an ongoing project to reduce total server cost we moved TeamSpeak to a new server last night. As long as you connect to TeamSpeak with 'atrgamers.com', 'atremains.com', or any of our domain names you'll notice no difference. If you connect via the IP address, use one of the domain names. Let me know if you have any issues.
    3 points
  33. looks like the raid day changes will actually work better for most people. I'm thinking we are gonna change them. Myself and the other officers will start talking more about an actual concrete plan for the rest of Warlords and Moving into Legion in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.
    3 points
  34. I would like to thank you for the great server you have. The ESF competitive community really likes it because it is a good server to practice on always to get ready for upcomming CCS matches and scrims. I would like to say on my behalf that it is very very good you did the over 150+ ping kicker now as that was very agitating as I and now my platoon plays there all the time now. Just wanted to say keep up the awesome work and good game god bless.
    3 points
  35. Greetings Gamers of ATR and Friends, This month we will be doing something special. Anyone who donates $20 (VIP donation amount) or more this month will be entered into a drawing to win either a copy of Fallout 4 or StarWars: Battlefront, the choice of game is yours, with the added benefit of knowing that it will be paid for by your favorite Tyrant, me. Drawing will be done at the end of the month and the winner will get to pick which game they want. Donations will be tracked and prizes will be had. If enough people participate this will become a monthly event. So join it, support our servers and be entered to win some cool prizes. Just think out it, you could win a $60 game for the low cost of $20! pretty sweet if I do say so myself. Please pm me with any questions or concerns. Game On!
    3 points
  36. In my understanding it was made clear back in Highmaul and Foundry that ATR isn't focused on mythic progression. Honestly, I could care less what content we raid, heck I'd still show up if it was normal Highmaul just because I enjoy raiding with other people. With that said, I get that the fact that we're done with heroic with so long to go until Legion has brought up the issue of "What now?" that we seem to have. I'm fully aware that I'm below the skill level of a mythic raider, and a lot of people in the raid group are in the same position. Simply put, you cannot ask that we change the mentality of the guild in order to satisfy your need to down new content easily. I'm sure it would be possible, with enough recruiting effort, to find new raiders with mythic skill level and push for server rank/ epeen / special rainbow unicorn ilvl, but that would mean telling half the current group to fuck off. I would never be fine with this, even if was to somehow still have a spot in the group. I'm going to go with Bash on this one (note it on the calendar someone!), we've been down this road in SoO and it clearly didn't work out well. If you need time to reconsider wether or not you want to keep raiding, then the most logical thing to do is take it. Raiding should never be a chore, and if you keep raiding in these conditions you will only burn out yourself and other raiders further.
    3 points
  37. Now that the ATR Summer Event is over it's time to start planning the ATRLAN Spring Gaming Tournament. ATR will be taking over the Exodus LAN Event in Troy, NY. I've run the Exodus LAN Event for the last two years as a fork of Exile LAN. The events pull in 70 gamers and over $6000 in prizes for the 3 day event. More details on the 2016 ATRLAN Event will be released as we build a team, pick a date, & start to roll out the event. Currently I'm in need of "Admins" for the event. An ATRLAN Admin would help plan the event, in either an IT or Marketing role, & be expected to assist in the LAN for all 3 days. Volunteers will be able to Volunteer at a later date, this role would allow a paid attendee of the event special privileged in exchange for 4/8 hours of task duty. While we build the team, forums, and communication methods please post any ideas & suggestions in this topic. Additionally if you would like to apply to be a LAN Admin post in this topic with relative experience in IT or Event Organization.
    3 points
  38. Somthing tells me cute is a dead man >_<
    3 points
  39. I'll get some scope bite in your honor.
    3 points
  40. Our event will be "Cowboys and Indians" ...Bows and Mare's Leg only! Be prepared to run wild and rain down death on the enemy! REMEMBER, the event is at 8PM EST on Sunday 6/28 following the 7PM Meeting.
    3 points
  41. Not really concerned about it. Can't seem to find them, clearly not any kind of competition to us. Besides, we paid for licensing for this image so now ATR Gamers (a registered Not For Profit Business) has legal rights to use the image. Think we're fine.
    3 points
  42. Just want to say give a big shout out to every one who was able to donate last month! You got us off to a tremendous start here raising over $1,800 in less than a month! That puts us on good solid ground this month, and should allow us to have some pretty decent prizes for both the Member event and larger Community event in the coming week(s). We'll have the financial sheets updated in the ATR Gamer Financials section in the next day or so outlining what we brought in, and where it is going! To those that didn't donate, but still found ways to help us, you are no less appreciated. Without seeders and people to help us populate servers, build our tools and moderate our forums and servers we wouldn't need donations because there would be nothing to support! Each day we grow stronger thanks to all of our members. Lets work together to make June even better! Love, HappyUnholy
    3 points
  43. Hello everyone... Many if not most of you don't know me, but have likely seen my ugly mug next to a post or three in the last week. I'm one of the council members for the Battlefield group, and we'd like to make sure than any of the WoW guild members who are interested know what's going on in that side of the world. As such...if you are interested and have the time free, 5/30/15 will be our meeting night for May. Meeting (5PM EST): We'll likely discuss the state of affairs on the servers, talk about potential changes, or issues that have come up (...insert humor here...), a few reminders for members and reminders for the event Event (9PM EST): I haven't come up with the actual event yet, but I want to make sure you all have time to plan. And, because we learned that many of the WoW players are Game of Thrones fans and have Sunday evening plans, I thought we'd try to shoot for Saturday instead. If you're coming, please show up a few minutes early, so we can review/clarify any rules and answer questions. Timing will continue to be old school for the near future. But may be tweaked to allow for better attendance. I know y'all are going to party it up for Memorial Day weekend, so let's rally back for this meeting and event.
    3 points
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