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Janzstone last won the day on January 6 2016

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About Janzstone

  • Birthday 11/26/1980

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  • Location
    South Western Ontario, Canada


  • Minecraft

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  1. Just think if these idiots gave us what we HAD they'd make more money... Dummies.
  2. As if the game isn't buggy enough they have to screw us with servers too. I hope everyone cancels the rentals, send them a message. This is BS.
  3. Janzstone


    Well everyone is back in TS, so...
  4. Janzstone


    I vastly prefer discord. I like the banter we can have in the chat channels too. I use it a lot to play other games as well.
  5. I find that I'm having a worse time with my totally crap connection when something uses the network while I'm gaming, however, when I'm just in BF4 & TS, it seems like the hit detection has gotten better. I've noticed slightly different gunplay and turrets, but nothing that I didn't get used to in 15 minutes last night. Way to go boys!
  6. I'm subscribing right now! ... And I'm going to try and be more diligent with seeding!
  7. Just out of curiosity what happened to the pull over two-tone hoodie? I know it's done, but just wondering.
  8. No worries, I'm probably going to see him at the end of August or early September, so as soon as I have them, hit me up in a PM and I'll get your info and send them to you. I'll probably message you as soon as I have my hands on it so as soon as I get back to Canadia I can send xD
  9. He will not be attending the event due to some personal events going on. Happy will be picking up my order. I usually go down to Columbus at least once a month to visit, so if you'd like something picked up and are willing to wait a month or so, send it for pickup at the party, and when I see Happy I'll collect and get it to you when I'm back in Canada!!! No way! Janztone you are the Best!!!!! I'd be willing to wait whatever, i just really want to put a beer in that beautiful glass mug! EDIT: You sure man? I really don't want to put you out of your way. Confirmed with Happy, it's cool. I'll mail it to you as soon as I pick it up.
  10. He will not be attending the event due to some personal events going on. Happy will be picking up my order. I usually go down to Columbus at least once a month to visit, so if you'd like something picked up and are willing to wait a month or so, send it for pickup at the party, and when I see Happy I'll collect and get it to you when I'm back in Canada!!!
  11. Is there any chance of switching to a Cotton T-shirt or hoodie? I'm usually ok with cotton/poly blends, but 100% polyester is a no go for me.
  12. Shoot, just realized these are all polyester and I'm allergic =(
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