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Capital LAN Corp. - Website Committee
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Posts posted by Mastric

  1. If you would like to help keep the Dim worlds tidy submit a screenshot of your Dim, proving ownership, and I'll purge the world files. As long as you have the Dim you'll be able to re-spin it up or dismantle it.


    While typing this up I found the below and need someone to try it, first to see if it's enabled.



    /rftdim safedel <dimension>: safer way to delete a dimension. This combines /rftdim deldim and /rftdim safedel and also cleans up the teleportation receiver from the list. If enabled in the config players can delete their own dimensions.


  2. All looks in order, just spend some time on our Teamspeak servers and get to know the other members. As both World of Warcraft and Battlefield are awaiting new content a few members have ventured in to Minecraft and Rainbow Six as well.

  3. 1 hour ago, masterchiefgr1 said:

    Hey not wanting to be a bother but i applied a couple weeks ago and I have been playing battlefield regularly with the gang. Just curious what the status of my application is. Thanks! (sorry got confused for a moment and realized I posted in the wrong place)


    Doesn't look like we have an app for you. This can happen if any of the * fields are missed, or if the referral field isn't completed with the popup menu. Go ahead and give it a whirl again


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