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Posts posted by Budlyght

  1. Anyone interested in running a 10m this week to not have just a blank week. I can dps or tank if need be. I know Rhenyn is trying to go as well.


    Also depending on the turnout we can do some heroics....fk normal mode

  2. I'll be going out of town on vacation and wont be online. I leave on saturday the 21st and come back the 28th. I'll still try and check in on here regularly to see when you guys down H Seigecrafter (since we're killing thok this week)

  3. My roommates wanted to replace a light switch and hit the circuit breaker to my room...now my computer won't turn on at all. Hopefully it's just my power supply and can be replaced quickly but if not I'll be out of commission until my IT buddy comes back in town. If you guys have any advice it would he much appreciated

  4. Another thought that I've had guilds use in the past is to set up groups for defensive CD's. 


    For Example:

    Grp1- Bud Tranq, Mastah Devo Aura, Manny Rallying Cry/Demo Banner

    Grp2- Vorty Tranq, Red HTT/AG, Ward RC/demo

    Grp3- blah blah blah


    That way you can just call out grps for CD's and people SHOULD be smart enough to pop their shit when you call it (theres enough shit going on in most of these heroic fights that having to call people out individually is just a pain in the ass. I know this doesnt exactly apply to thok because we would have 12342134 groups lol, but its just some food for thought.


    Also, WeakAuras2 is an amazing addon for tracking everything. Vorty and I made some real quick during raid for when someone get's HoP'd or Devo Aura is active. It's more of an individual raider option to the big CD trackers because as Joe Raider I dont normally care when someone pops their Tranq but if Im receiving a buff then thats a whole nother ball game.

  5. Hey Team...So apparently I'm the only person at work capable of fixing a busted chiller pipe. I guess Antifreeze leaking in the building is bad...or so they tell me.


    Hopefully I'll have this patched up by 5pm SVT then be able to wrap it up and get home on time...we shall see.

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