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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by Roqwell

  1. Just moved back into my college dorm, term is starting Wednesday. Normally college shouldn't conflict with my raid attendence but Tuesday it a slight exception. I can be there at the start of the raid and for the end of it, but at about 9 PM I have to leave for a manditory dorm meeting. Just talking about stupid things like if we want to allow boys to visit us and who our "cheerful resident advisor" is... They're going to try to make it quick.. I hope I'll only be gone a half hour.. would much rather raid with you guys.. but I'll just have to be off for that short period. If college conflicts with my fun life anymore I'll post about it.
  2. On this coming Wednesday I'll be leaving at 1AM on a 15 hour long drive for a family vacation, so I will be able to make next week's raid nights. However, my vacation at the beach runs over July 22nd and 23rd so chances are I won't be able to raid. If the internet is good and my family has nothing planned on those nights, I'll see if I can hop on but it's not guarenteed. I'll be getting back the following Sunday of that week.
  3. I think a default tip/rule should just be keep your pet on passive. If you don't have control of your pet at all times, then you have a chance to screw up raid mechanics and wipe the raid. Good example is on Nazgrim; if your pet is off passive and keeps poking the boss while he's in Defensive Stance. I always have my pet on passive but macro'd to attack with my Chimera Shot command. Even if my Chimera Shot is on CD, I can still use the macro to direct my pet where I want it. I feel using Deterrence and Disengage are self-explanatory to when they should be used. Something on you that will kill raid, Disengage, but bad AoE or too many of X up, Deterrence to deal with it. Main tip is that for Deterrence, make sure you have the 'Glyph of Detterence' so that when you do use Deterrence for these purposes it decreases all damage by 50%, not just 30%.
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