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ATR Associate
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phxman last won the day on April 18 2017

phxman had the most liked content!

About phxman

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cave Creek, Arizona
  • Interests
    Dirt bikes

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ahhhh, now I can see
  2. How do I change the forum text color? I can't read squat with this new template.
  3. Awesome, sounds like a good start. Now if I could just find time to play more............
  4. phxman


    I have no problem with Discord but I had no problems with TS either. The chat in Discord is kinda cool although I have not used it much.
  5. Hey Mastric,


    Seems like it's been while since I've seen notification about donating to to keep my VIP status.  Are we still sending those out?  Will be donating today anyway but just wondered.




    1. Mastric


      Invoice from June 4th is still pending, did you have the auto pay thingy?

  6. phxman


    Flash is still alive ??
  7. Great job and Congrats to everyone who worked on the non-profit status. Been there, done that, and it can be a frustrating process. Glad ATR's went smoothly
  8. Just want to say THANK YOU to ATR for the picking my name out of the hat this time, and for the great prize
  9. Just replied to you Phobia. Sorry for the delay.
  10. until

    I am good for either Sat the 28th or Sun the 29th. Just need to lock it down and let Mom know not to schedule dinner Love the idea of quad races!
  11. In! Sounds like fun.
  12. Good news! I think this will be a good thing for ATR.
  13. Very nice, congrats everybody.
  14. Awesome. Happy Birthday ATR!
  15. lol.....kinda like herding chickens. That was fun, I had a great time. Thanks for running the show Spaniard. Oh yeah.....Congrats to QQ on winning the MOM (Member of the Month) award.....well deserved.
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