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Posts posted by Tychondris

  1. I will be running a little late today. My boss called this morning & I have to go in at 3:00 PM (PST) for a couple of hours this afternoon to watch the store while he is out. I should be back home by 5:30 PM (or sooner I hope) and be online & available for the raid.  :thumbsup:

  2. Sucks to hear that Lumi & from personal experience I can relate to what you're going through. I had my car totaled out the week before July 4th & am recovering from orthopedic surgery on my left leg.


    Just remember that property and possessions can be replaced eventually but lives can not. Glad to see you're still in one piece & best wishes for a speedy recovery.  

  3. Boss just called me. I have to watch the shop from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM while he is at a doctor's appointment so I will be running a little bit late. I should be home by 5:30 PM / 8:30 server time.




  4. Am going into the hospital today for reconstructive surgery on my left knee & wont be able to make it this week. I'll read up on the current heroic fights were on to make use of my downtime (LOL) & will try and get on towards the end of the week (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) to let you all know whats happening.




  5. My boss is out of town this week so I will be a little busier than usual & will be running late (about an hour). Will send a text to raid@atremains.com later this afternoon to let you know what's going on & / or if anything changes.

  6. I will be running late tonight because I have to work the front counter at the dry cleaner this afternoon while both my bosses are out of the shop. I should be home around 8:15 to 8:30 server time (5:15 to 5:30 PST). If anything changes I will send a text to raid@atremains.com

  7. Due to the Memorial Day holiday I have to go into work today around 1:00 PM (PST) / 4:00 (EST-server time). Because of that there's a possibility I will be running 1/2 an hour to an hour late. If anything changes for whatever the reason I will send a text to raid@atremains.com to let you all know.

  8. My boss had to leave town & won't be back till later this afternoon. As a result I have to watch the store till he comes back which means I will be running late tonight. I should be out of there between 7:00 PM-8:00 PM server time. If anything changes (leaving earlier / later, etc) I will send a text to raid@atremains.com & let you know.

  9. odd-while I can send texts to it I thought it wouldnt post anything to the forums because I dont have a web enabled phone. Oh well; if thats all I got to let you all know about sudden schedule changes guess that's all I can do.

  10. Sorry about about not making the raid last night everyone. Without a phone that's web enabled I'm not able to make posts to raids@atremains.com about any sudden schedule changes


    I thought I was only going to be there for an hour or so but turns out I was there till after closing (6 PM PST / 9 PM EST).  By the time I got done would have got home there would have been like an hour or less left to the raid.

  11. My boss called this morning & I have to go in for an hour to an hour & 1/2 around 2:30 PM this afternoon watch the place while he is gone. Don't think he will be out for long so I should be able to make the raid tonight. The worst that can happen is I will be running late if he doesn't get back till 4:00.

  12. My boss is out of town for a few days so there's a pretty good chance I will be working till closing tonight & won't be able to make the raid.


    Hopefully I won't be there till closing & will be running a little late or at least get out of there on time but if I don't make it you all know why.

  13. Sorry about last night everyone. I wasn't aware that my employer was wanting me to stay till closing otherwise I would have made a forum post that morning saying I wasn't available. When I did find out what was going (later that afternoon) on I did manage to send a couple of texts to raid@atremains.com the last one saying I probably wasn't going to make it.


    I didn't get off of work til 6:30 PM my time / 9:30 server and by the time I would have got home the raid would have been over with or pretty close to it. I was so exhausted I just went out for a few drinks & then came home & crashed. Didn't mean to waste anyone's time & in the future if this happens again hopefully I can find out ahead of time make a forum post about my availability.



  14. Due to equipment issues at work I am going in late today (2 PM PST / 5 PM EST) and having to work till closing (6 PM PST / 9 PM EST) and won't be able to make it tonight.


    Best I can hope for is having my equipment fixed sooner and being able to go in earlier & if that's the case I am going to be a bit late. If anything changes about tonight I will make a post here or in the shoutbox.


    Hopefully I can get everything done tonight & be able to make it tomorrow on 12-11. If I can't I'll let you all know.

    Looks like I have to go in today as well. The good news is I don't have much to do and will be able to make the raid on 12-11.

  15. Because of the holiday & everything (I.E. hazards of working retail-LOL) I have to work today & tomorrow to get a 4 day weekend. Hopefully I won't be running late but just in case I'd thought I'd let you all know.

  16. Seeing as how I work retail Tuesdays are one of our busiest days at the dry cleaner. Am going in early and should be able to make it out on time for the raid tonight. Worst thing that can happen is I get backed up at work in which case I might be 30 minutes late.

  17. Just got a call from my boss 30 minutes ago. Apparently the boiler went down at work & what it amounts to is I am going in an hour or 2 later than usual. From the sounds of it there isn't much to do & I should be out in time to make the raid tonight. Worst that could happen is I'm running a little bit late bec we got backed up on deliveries due to having Monday off for the memorial day holiday.

  18. Starting over again on a new server w/o BoA gear to level, much less lack of access to toons with maxed lvl trade skills is too slow & painful. I might be willing to transfer at some point but atm money is an issue.

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